OOFEM.org - Object Oriented Finite Element Solver
Coofem::AList< T > | Class implementing generic list (or more precisely array) |
Coofem::CemhydMatStatus::ants | |
Coofem::ArcPosSortFunction | |
Coofem::ArcPosSortFunction3< T > | |
Coofem::ArcPosSortFunction4 | |
Coofem::EngngModel::ArrayWithNumbering | Helper struct to pass array and numbering scheme as a single argument |
►Coofem::BasicGeometry | Abstract representation of Geometry |
Coofem::Circle | |
Coofem::Line | |
Coofem::PointSwarm | |
Coofem::PolygonLine | |
Coofem::Triangle | |
Coofem::BCTracker | This class keeps track of applied boundary conditions on individual entities |
Coofem::BoundingBox | Squared bounding box for templated octree localizer |
Coofem::c_fun | |
Coofem::UnstructuredGridField::Cell | |
Coofem::ClassFactory | Class Factory allows to register terminal oofem classes, based on their membership (classes representing elements, dof managers, material models, etc) and create them on demand according to their name or id |
Coofem::CemhydMatStatus::cluster | |
Coofem::CohesiveBranchFunction | Class representing a branch function for cohesive cracks |
Coofem::CommunicationPacketPool | |
►Coofem::Communicator | Class representing communicator |
Coofem::FETICommunicator | Class representing communicator for FETI solver |
►Coofem::ProblemCommunicator | Class representing communicator for engng model |
Coofem::ElementCommunicator | |
Coofem::NodeCommunicator | |
Coofem::CommunicatorBuff | The Communicator and corresponding buffers (represented by this class) are separated in order to allow share the same buffer by several communicators |
Coofem::LEPlic::computeLEPLICVolumeFractionWrapper | |
Coofem::ConnectivityTable | Class representing connectivity table |
►Coofem::ContactDefinition | This class manages a particular contact definition |
►Coofem::ContactDefinitionNode2Node | This class manages a particular contact definition |
Coofem::ContactDefinitionNode2NodeL | This class manages a none to node contact definition with enforcement using Lagrange multipliers |
►Coofem::ContactElement | |
►Coofem::Node2NodeContact | |
Coofem::Node2NodeContactL | |
Coofem::ContactManager | This class manages all the contacts in a domain |
Coofem::ContextIOERR | Context IO exception class |
►Coofem::DataReader | Class representing the abstraction for input data source |
Coofem::DynamicDataReader | Class representing the implementation of a dynamic data reader for in-code use |
Coofem::OOFEMTXTDataReader | Class representing the implementation of plain text date reader |
►Coofem::DataStream | The purpose of DataStream abstract class is to allow to store/restore context to different streams, including file, communication buffers, etc., using the same routine |
►Coofem::CommunicationBuffer | Class CommunicationBuffer provides abstraction for communication buffer |
Coofem::DynamicCommunicationBuffer | |
Coofem::StaticCommunicationBuffer | |
Coofem::FileDataStream | Implementation of FileDataStream representing DataStream interface to file i/o |
Coofem::ProcessCommunicatorBuff | The ProcessCommunicator and corresponding buffers (represented by this class) are separated in order to allow share the same buffer by several communicators |
Coofem::Delaunay | O(n4) algorithm, only for testing purposes |
Coofem::DelaunayTriangle | Delaunay triangle for the triangulation of a set of nodes |
Coofem::DelaunayTriangulator | Mesh generator for the PFEM problem, using Bowyer-Watson algorithm of the Delaunay triangulation of a set of nodes (PFEMParticle) creating TR1_2D_PFEM elements |
Coofem::Dictionary | This class implements a linked list whose entries are Pairs (see below) |
►Coofem::Dof | Abstract class Dof represents Degree Of Freedom in finite element mesh |
Coofem::ActiveDof | Class representing "slave" degree of freedom with an active boundary condition |
Coofem::MasterDof | Class representing "master" degree of freedom |
Coofem::SimpleSlaveDof | Class representing "slave" degree of freedom |
Coofem::SlaveDof | Class representing "slave" degree of freedom |
Coofem::DofGrouping | Support struct to handle all the split up variables used during the solving step |
Coofem::Domain | Class and object Domain |
Coofem::DomainTransactionManager | Class representing domain transaction manager |
Coofem::edge | |
►Coofem::Edge2D | Edge class for Delaunay triangulation |
Coofem::AlphaEdge2D | Class for the boundary recognition method - alpha shape |
Coofem::EfInput | |
►Coofem::EngngModel | Abstract base class representing the "problem" under consideration |
Coofem::DarcyFlow | Class describing an extended Darcy flow |
Coofem::EigenValueDynamic | This class implements way for examining eigenvalues and eigenvectors in dynamic problems |
Coofem::FluidMaterialEvaluator | For testing material behavior, particularly useful for multiscale modeling where one can test a single RVE |
►Coofem::FluidModel | Base class for fluid problems |
Coofem::CBS | This class represents CBS algorithm for solving incompressible Navier-Stokes equations |
►Coofem::StokesFlow | Implements the engineering model to solve incompressible Stokes flow |
Coofem::StokesFlowVelocityHomogenization | Class for using the stokes flow class as an rve/constitutive model |
Coofem::SUPG | This class represents transient incompressible flow problem |
Coofem::PFEM | This class represents PFEM method for solving incompressible Navier-Stokes equations |
Coofem::ProblemSequence | Meta-engineering problem used to solve a sequence off different problems, all using the same domain |
►Coofem::StaggeredProblem | Implementation of general sequence (staggered) problem |
Coofem::FluidStructureProblem | Implementation of fluid-structure interaction ) problem based on Dirichlet-Neumann approach |
►Coofem::StationaryTransportProblem | This class represents stationary transport problem |
►Coofem::NonStationaryTransportProblem | This class represents linear nonstationary transport problem |
Coofem::NLTransientTransportProblem | This class represents nonlinear transient transport problem |
►Coofem::StructuralEngngModel | This class implements extension of EngngModel for structural models |
Coofem::DEIDynamic | This class implements Linear (- may be changed) solution of dynamic problems using Direct Explicit Integration scheme - Central Difference Method |
Coofem::DIIDynamic | This class implements Direct Implicit Integration of Dynamic problem |
Coofem::FreeWarping | This class implements the free warping engineering problem (evaluation of the warping function and torsional stiffness for a given cross section) |
Coofem::IncrementalLinearStatic | This class implements Incremental LinearStatic Engineering problem |
Coofem::LinearStability | This class implements way for examining critical load of structure |
►Coofem::LinearStatic | This class implements linear static engineering problem |
Coofem::AdaptiveLinearStatic | This class implements an adaptive linear static engineering problem |
►Coofem::NonLinearStatic | This class implements nonlinear static engineering problem |
Coofem::AdaptiveNonLinearStatic | This class implements Adaptive Non-LinearStatic Engineering problem |
Coofem::QClinearStatic | This class implements linear static engineering problem |
Coofem::NlDEIDynamic | This class implements NonLinear (- may be changed) solution of dynamic problems using Direct Explicit Integration scheme - Central Difference Method |
Coofem::NonLinearDynamic | This class implements nonlinear dynamic engineering problem |
Coofem::StaticStructural | Solves a static structural problem |
Coofem::StructuralMaterialEvaluator | For testing material behavior, particularly useful for multiscale modeling where one can test a single RVE |
Coofem::TransientTransportProblem | Solves general nonlinear transient transport problems |
Coofem::EngngModelContext | Class EngngModelContext represents a context, which is shared by all problem engng sub-models |
Coofem::EngngModelTimer | Timer class, assumed to be an attribute of engineering model, serving stop-watch facility for engineering model |
►Coofem::EnrichmentFront | Class EnrichmentFront: describes the edge or tip of an XFEM enrichment |
Coofem::EnrFrontCohesiveBranchFuncOneEl | EnrFrontCohesiveBranchFuncOneEl |
Coofem::EnrFrontDoNothing | EnrFrontDoNothing |
Coofem::EnrFrontExtend | EnrFrontExtend |
Coofem::EnrFrontIntersection | EnrFrontIntersection |
Coofem::EnrFrontLinearBranchFuncOneEl | EnrFrontLinearBranchFuncOneEl |
Coofem::EnrFrontLinearBranchFuncRadius | EnrFrontLinearBranchFuncRadius |
Coofem::EnrFrontReduceFront | EnrFrontReduceFront |
►Coofem::EntityRenumberingFunctor | |
Coofem::MapBasedEntityRenumberingFunctor | Renumbering functor based on provided maps |
Coofem::SpecificEntityRenumberingFunctor< TClass > | Derived template class |
Coofem::BCTracker::Entry | Helper class storing a sigle record for component (element, node, etc) |
►Coofem::ErrorCheckingRule | Error checking rule used for regressions tests |
Coofem::BeamElementErrorCheckingRule | Checks a beam element value (in terms of end forces and and-displacements) |
Coofem::EigenValueErrorCheckingRule | Checks eigen value |
Coofem::ElementErrorCheckingRule | Checks an element value |
Coofem::LoadLevelErrorCheckingRule | Checks a reaction force value |
Coofem::NodeErrorCheckingRule | Checks a node value |
Coofem::ReactionErrorCheckingRule | Checks a reaction force value |
►Coofem::ExportModule | Represents export output module - a base class for all output modules |
Coofem::CrackExportModule | This one-purpose export module serves for estimation of the total water loss |
Coofem::DofManExportModule | Represents DofManager export module |
Coofem::ErrorCheckingExportModule | Checks error in analysis (for automatic regression tests) |
Coofem::GnuplotExportModule | (Under development) The Gnuplot export module enables OOFEM to export some data in a format that can be directly plotted with Gnuplot |
Coofem::GPExportModule | Represents GP (Gauss point) export module |
Coofem::HOMExportModule | Represents HOM (Homogenization) export module |
Coofem::MatlabExportModule | (Under development) The Matlab export module enables oofem to export the results to a textfile containing the description of the mesh used along with the pertinent results |
Coofem::OutputExportModule | Standard output for OOFEM |
Coofem::POIExportModule | Represents POI (Point Of Interest) export module |
Coofem::VTKExportModule | Represents VTK (Visualization Toolkit) export module |
►Coofem::VTKXMLExportModule | Represents VTK (Visualization Toolkit) export module |
Coofem::QuasicontinuumVTKXMLExportModule | |
►Coofem::FailureCriteria | |
Coofem::DamagedNeighborLayered | |
►Coofem::FailureCriteriaStatus | |
Coofem::DamagedNeighborLayeredStatus | |
Coofem::FastMarchingMethod | Fast Marching Method for unstructured grids |
Coofem::FCOMPLEX | |
Coofem::RefinedMesh::fe_edge_rec | |
Coofem::RefinedMesh::fe_face_rec | |
Coofem::RefinedMesh::fe_hexa_rec | |
Coofem::RefinedMesh::fe_node_rec | |
Coofem::RefinedMesh::fe_quad_rec | |
Coofem::RefinedMesh::fe_tetra_rec | |
►Coofem::FEICellGeometry | Class representing a general abstraction for cell geometry |
Coofem::FEIElementGeometryWrapper | Wrapper around element definition to provide FEICellGeometry interface |
Coofem::FEIIGAElementGeometryWrapper | Geometry wrapper for IGA elements |
Coofem::FEIVertexListGeometryWrapper | Wrapper around cell with vertex coordinates stored in FloatArray** |
Coofem::FEIVoidCellGeometry | Void cell geometry wrapper |
Coofem::UnstructuredGridField::Cell::FEICellGeometryWrapper | Wrapper around element definition to provide FEICellGeometry interface |
►Coofem::FEInterpolation | Class representing a general abstraction for finite element interpolation class |
►Coofem::BSplineInterpolation | Interpolation for B-splines |
Coofem::NURBSInterpolation | Interpolation class for NURBS |
Coofem::TSplineInterpolation | Interpolation for T-splines |
►Coofem::FEInterpolation1d | Class representing a general abstraction for finite element interpolation class |
Coofem::FEI1dHermite | Class representing a 1d Hermitian cubic isoparametric interpolation |
Coofem::FEI1dLin | Class representing a 1d linear isoparametric interpolation |
Coofem::FEI1dQuad | Class representing a 1d linear isoparametric interpolation |
►Coofem::FEInterpolation2d | Class representing a general abstraction for surface finite element interpolation class |
Coofem::FEI2dLineHermite | Class representing a 2d line with Hermitian interpolation |
Coofem::FEI2dLineLin | Class representing a 2d line with linear interpolation |
Coofem::FEI2dLineQuad | Class representing a 2d line quadratic interpolation |
Coofem::FEI2dQuadConst | Class representing a 2d quadrilateral with constant interpolation |
►Coofem::FEI2dQuadLin | Class representing a 2d isoparametric linear interpolation based on natural coordinates for quadrilateral elements |
Coofem::FEI2dQuadLinAxi | Class representing a 2d isoparametric linear interpolation based on natural coordinates for quadrilateral elements in axisymmetric setting |
►Coofem::FEI2dQuadQuad | Class representing a 2d quadrilateral with quadratic interpolation based on isoparametric coordinates |
Coofem::FEI2dQuadBiQuad | Class representing a 2d quadrilateral with bi-quadratic interpolation based on isoparametric coordinates |
Coofem::FEI2dQuadQuadAxi | Class representing a 2d isoparametric quadratic interpolation based on natural coordinates for quadrilateral elements in axisymmetric setting |
Coofem::FEI2dTrConst | Class representing a 2d triangular linear interpolation based on area coordinates |
►Coofem::FEI2dTrLin | Class representing a 2d triangular linear interpolation based on area coordinates |
Coofem::FEI2dTrLinAxi | Class representing a 2d isoparametric linear interpolation based on natural coordinates for triangular elements in axisymmetric setting |
Coofem::FEI2dTrQuad | Second order triangular interpolation in 2D (6 nodes) |
►Coofem::FEInterpolation3d | Class representing a general abstraction for surface finite element interpolation class |
Coofem::FEI3dHexaLin | Class representing implementation of linear hexahedra interpolation class |
►Coofem::FEI3dHexaQuad | Class representing implementation of quadratic hexahedra interpolation class |
Coofem::FEI3dHexaTriQuad | Class representing implementation of tri-quadratic hexahedra interpolation class |
Coofem::FEI3dLineLin | Class representing a linear line interpolation in 3D |
Coofem::FEI3dTetLin | Class representing implementation of linear tetrahedra interpolation class |
Coofem::FEI3dTetQuad | Class representing implementation of quadratic tetrahedra interpolation class |
Coofem::FEI3dTrLin | First order triangular interpolation in 3D space (3 nodes) |
Coofem::FEI3dTrQuad | Second order triangular interpolation in 3D space (6 nodes) |
Coofem::FEI3dWedgeLin | Class representing implementation of linear wedge interpolation class |
Coofem::FEI3dWedgeQuad | Class representing implementation of quadratic wedge interpolation class |
►Coofem::FEMComponent | The top abstract class of all classes constituting the finite element mesh |
►Coofem::CrossSection | Base abstract class representing cross section in finite element mesh |
Coofem::EmptyCS | Empty cross section model which doesn't have any material models |
Coofem::FluidCrossSection | Fluid cross-section |
►Coofem::StructuralCrossSection | Abstract base class for all structural cross section models |
Coofem::FiberedCrossSection | This class implements a fibered cross section in a finite element problem |
Coofem::LayeredCrossSection | This class implements a layered cross section in a finite element problem |
►Coofem::SimpleCrossSection | Class implementing "simple" cross section model in finite element problem |
Coofem::VariableCrossSection | Class implementing cross section model in finite element problem |
Coofem::WarpingCrossSection | Description of warping cross section.. |
Coofem::StructuralInterfaceCrossSection | Base class for all structural interface cross section models |
►Coofem::TransportCrossSection | Transort cross-section |
Coofem::SimpleTransportCrossSection | Transort cross-section |
►Coofem::DofManager | Base class for dof managers |
Coofem::ElementDofManager | Class implementing internal element dof manager having some DOFs |
Coofem::ElementSide | Class implementing element side having some DOFs in finite element mesh |
►Coofem::Node | Class implementing node in finite element mesh |
Coofem::HangingNode | Class implementing hanging node connected to other nodes (masters) using interpolation |
Coofem::Particle | Class implementing spherical particles as special nodes having a certain radius |
►Coofem::PFEMParticle | Particle class being used in PFEM computations |
Coofem::InteractionPFEMParticle | This class represents a fluid particle attached to a node on the structural part of the interface |
Coofem::qcNode | Class implementing hanging node connected to other nodes (masters) using interpolation |
Coofem::RigidArmNode | Class implementing node connected to other node (master) using rigid arm in finite element mesh |
Coofem::SlaveNode | Class implementing slave node connected to other nodes (masters) using predetermined weights |
►Coofem::Element | Abstract base class for all finite elements |
►Coofem::FMElement | This abstract class represent a general base element class for fluid dynamic problems |
►Coofem::CBSElement | This abstract class represent a general base element class for fluid dynamic problems solved using CBS algorithm |
Coofem::TR1_2D_CBS | This class is the implementation of triangular CFD element with linear (and equal order) interpolation of velocity and pressure fields |
Coofem::Hexa21Stokes | Hexahedral Taylor-Hood element for Stokes flow |
Coofem::Line2BoundaryElement | Boundary element used for tracking solutions on arbitrary sections |
►Coofem::PFEMElement | This abstract class represent a general base element class for fluid dynamic problems solved using PFEM algorithm |
►Coofem::PFEMElement2d | This class is the implementation of general 2d element with arbitrary interpolation of velocity and pressure fields |
Coofem::TR1_2D_PFEM | This class is the implementation of triangular PFEM element with linear (and equal order) interpolation of velocity and pressure fields |
►Coofem::SUPGElement | General stabilized SUPG/PSPG element for CFD analysis |
►Coofem::SUPGElement2 | This abstract class represent a general base element class for fluid dynamic problems |
Coofem::Quad10_2D_SUPG | Class representing 2d quadrilateral element with linear velocity and constant pressure approximations for solving incompressible fluid problems with SUPG solver |
Coofem::Tet1_3D_SUPG | Class representing 3d linear tetrahedral element for solving incompressible fluid with SUPG solver |
Coofem::TR21_2D_SUPG | Class representing 2d triangular element with quadratic velocity and linear pressure approximation for solving incompressible fluid problems with SUPG solver |
►Coofem::TR1_2D_SUPG | Class representing 2d linear triangular element for solving incompressible fluid with SUPG solver |
Coofem::TR1_2D_SUPG2 | Class representing 2d linear triangular element for solving incompressible fluid with SUPG solver |
Coofem::TR1_2D_SUPG2_AXI | Class representing 2d linear axisymmetric triangular element for solving incompressible fluid with SUPG solver |
Coofem::TR1_2D_SUPG_AXI | Class representing 2d linear axisymmetric triangular element for solving incompressible fluid with SUPG solver |
Coofem::Tet1BubbleStokes | Tetrahedral element for Stokes flow using Bubble basis function for stabilization |
Coofem::Tet21Stokes | Tetrahedral Taylor-Hood element for Stokes flow |
Coofem::Tr1BubbleStokes | Triangular element for Stokes flow using Bubble basis function |
Coofem::Tr21Stokes | Triangular Taylor-Hood element for Stokes flow |
►Coofem::IGAElement | Implements base IGAElement, supposed to be a parent class of all elements with B-spline or NURBS based interpolation |
Coofem::BsplinePlaneStressElement | |
►Coofem::IGATSplineElement | IGATSplineElement setups integration rules differently from IGAElement |
Coofem::TSplinePlaneStressElement | |
Coofem::NURBSPlaneStressElement | |
Coofem::NURBSSpace3dElement | |
►Coofem::StructuralElement | Abstract base class for all "structural" finite elements |
►Coofem::BeamBaseElement | This class implements a base beam intented to be a base class for beams based on lagrangian interpolation, where exact end forces can be recovered |
Coofem::Beam2d | This class implements a 2-dimensional beam element with cubic lateral displacement, quadratic rotations, and linear longitudinal displacements and geometry |
Coofem::Beam3d | This class implements a 2-dimensional beam element with cubic lateral displacement interpolation (rotations are quadratic) and longitudial displacements are linear |
Coofem::CohesiveSurface3d | This class implements a cohesive surface element used by the cohesive particle model |
Coofem::HTSelement | Implements a Hybrid-Trefftz element See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trefftz_method for description |
Coofem::InterfaceElem1d | This class implements a one-dimensional interface element connecting two nodes (with the same position) In order to compute normal and tangential direction of the slip plane, a reference node or specific direction is needed |
Coofem::InterfaceElem2dLin | This class implements a two dimensional interface element |
Coofem::InterfaceElem2dQuad | This class implements a two dimensional interface element |
Coofem::InterfaceElement3dTrLin | This class implements 3d triangular surface interface element with linear interpolation |
►Coofem::LatticeStructuralElement | This class implements the base of a special lattice element following the concepts orginally developed by John Bolander |
Coofem::Lattice2d | This class implements a 2-dimensional lattice element |
Coofem::LIBeam2d | A 2-dimensional Linear Isoparametric Mindlin theory beam element, with reduced integration |
Coofem::LIBeam3d | This class implements a 3-dimensional mindlin theory Linear Isoparametric beam element, with reduced integration |
Coofem::LineDistributedSpring | This class implements two-node subsoil element with linear interpolation |
Coofem::LumpedMassElement | This class implements a simple lumped mass element |
►Coofem::NLStructuralElement | Abstract base class for "structural" finite elements with geometrical nonlinearities |
Coofem::AbaqusUserElement | UEL interface from Abaqus user elements |
►Coofem::CCTPlate | This class implements an triangular three-node plate CCT finite element |
►Coofem::CCTPlate3d | This class represent CCT plate element that can be arbitrary oriented in space, in contrast to base CCT element that is defined in xy plane |
Coofem::RerShell | This class implements an triangular three-node shell (CCT+linear plan stress) curved finite element |
Coofem::CoupledFieldsElement | Abstract class for gradient formulation of coupled damage-plasticity model(GradDp) |
►Coofem::DKTPlate | This class implements an triangular Discrete Kirchhoff Theory (DKT) element |
Coofem::DKTPlate3d | This class represent DKT plate element that can be arbitrary oriented in space, in contrast to base DKT element that is defined in xy plane |
Coofem::LIBeam2dNL | This class implements a 2-dimensional Linear Isoparametric Mindlin theory beam element, with reduced integration |
Coofem::LIBeam3d2 | This class implements a 3-dimensional Linear Isoparametric Mindlin theory beam element, with reduced integration |
Coofem::LIBeam3dNL | This class implements a 3-dimensional Linear Isoparametric Mindlin theory beam element, with reduced integration |
Coofem::LIBeam3dNL2 | This class implements a 3-dimensional Linear Isoparametric Mindlin theory beam element, with reduced integration |
Coofem::MITC4Shell | This class implements an quad element based on Mixed Interpolation of Tensorial Components (MITC) |
Coofem::QDKTPlate | This class implements an quad Discrete Kirchhoff Theory (DKT) element |
►Coofem::QTruss1d | This class implements a three-node truss bar element for one-dimensional analysis |
Coofem::QTruss1dGrad | This class implements a three-node gradient truss bar element for one-dimensional analysis |
Coofem::Quad1Mindlin | This class implements an quadrilateral four-node Mindlin plate |
Coofem::Quad1MindlinShell3D | This class implements an quadrilateral four-node shell element, using Mindlin plate theory |
►Coofem::Shell7Base | This class represent a 7 parameter shell element |
►Coofem::Shell7BaseXFEM | |
Coofem::Tr2Shell7XFEM | This class represent a 7 parameter shell element |
Coofem::Tr2Shell7 | This class represent a 7 parameter shell element |
►Coofem::Structural2DElement | Base class for planar 2D elements |
►Coofem::AxisymElement | |
Coofem::Axisymm3d | This class implements an triangular three-node finite element for axisymmetric continuum |
Coofem::L4Axisymm | This class implements an isoparametric four-node quadrilateral axisymmetric finite element |
Coofem::Q4Axisymm | This class implements an Quadratic isoparametric eight-node quadrilateral - elasticity finite element for axisymmetric 3d continuum |
►Coofem::PlaneStrainElement | |
►Coofem::QPlaneStrain | This class implements an Quadratic isoparametric eight-node quadrilateral plane- stress elasticity finite element |
Coofem::QPlaneStrainGrad | |
►Coofem::QTrPlaneStrain | This class implements an triangular three-node plane- stress elasticity finite element |
Coofem::QTrPlaneStrainGrad | |
Coofem::Quad1PlaneStrain | Comment or uncomment the following line to force full or reduced integration |
Coofem::TrPlaneStrain | This class implements an triangular three-node plane- strain elasticity finite element |
►Coofem::PlaneStressElement | |
Coofem::BasicElement | This class implements a 'basic' triangular three-node plane-stress finite element in the xy-plane |
Coofem::BasicElementQuad | This class implements a 'basic' quadratic four node plane-stress finite element in the xy-plane |
►Coofem::PlaneStress2d | This class implements an isoparametric four-node quadrilateral plane- stress elasticity finite element |
Coofem::LinQuad3DPlaneStress | This class implements an isoparametric four-node quadrilateral plane- stress elasticity finite element |
Coofem::PlaneStress2dXfem | Temporary class for testing in the usual case instead of PlaneStress2dXfem there will be the standard PlaneStress2d |
Coofem::PlaneStressPhF2d | This class implements an isoparametric four-node quadrilateral plane- stress phase field finite element |
Coofem::Q9PlaneStress2d | 9-node plane stress element |
►Coofem::QPlaneStress2d | This class implements an Quadratic isoparametric eight-node quadrilateral plane- stress elasticity finite element |
Coofem::QPlaneStressGrad | |
Coofem::QPlaneStressPhF2d | This class implements an Quadratic isoparametric eight-node quadrilateral plane- stress phase field finite element |
►Coofem::QTrPlaneStress2d | This class implements a quadratic triangular 6-node plane- stress elasticity finite element |
Coofem::QTrPlaneStress2dXFEM | 6-node triangle with XFEM kinematics |
Coofem::QTrPlaneStressGrad | |
►Coofem::TrPlaneStress2d | This class implements an triangular three-node plane-stress elasticity finite element |
Coofem::TrPlaneStress2dXFEM | 3-node triangle with XFEM kinematics |
►Coofem::TrPlanestressRotAllman | Class implements an triangular three-node plane- stress elasticity finite element with independentvertex rotations |
Coofem::TrPlanestressRotAllman3d | This class represent triangular plane stress element with rotational degree of freedom around normal that can be arbitrary oriented in space, in contrast to base TrPlanestressRotAllman element that is defined in xy-plane |
►Coofem::TrPlaneStrRot | Class implements an triangular three-node plane- stress elasticity finite element with independent rotation field |
Coofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d | This class represent triangular plane stress element with rotational degree of freedom around normal that can be arbitrary oriented in space, in contrast to base TrPlaneStrRot element that is defined in xy-plane |
►Coofem::Structural3DElement | Base class 3D elements |
►Coofem::LSpace | This class implements a Linear 3d 8-node finite element for stress analysis |
Coofem::LSpaceBB | Three dimensional brick with linear approximation, suitable for incompressible settings This is achieved by selective integration of deviatoric (full integration) and volumetric (one point) strain contributions |
Coofem::MacroLSpace | This class implements a macroelement |
Coofem::SolidShell | This class implements a Linear 8-noded shell like solid with ANS and EAS to remove and reduce certain locking aspects Each node has 3 degrees of freedom |
Coofem::LTRSpace | This class implements a linear tetrahedral four-node finite element for stress analysis |
Coofem::LWedge | This class implements a Linear 3d 6 - node elasticity finite element |
Coofem::Q27Space | A 27 node tri-quadratic element for structural analysis |
►Coofem::QSpace | This class implements an Quadratic 3d 20 - node element |
Coofem::QSpaceGrad | Quadratic 3d 20 - node element with quadratic approximation of displacements and linear approximation of gradient |
►Coofem::QTRSpace | This class implements an Quadratic 3d 10 - node elasticity finite element |
Coofem::QTRSpaceGrad | Quadratic 3D element |
►Coofem::QWedge | This class implements an Quadratic 3d 15 - node structural finite element |
Coofem::QWedgeGrad | Quadratic 3D element |
Coofem::tet21ghostsolid | |
Coofem::Truss2d | This class implements a two-node truss bar element for two-dimensional analysis |
Coofem::Truss3d | This class implements a two-node truss bar element for three-dimensional analysis |
Coofem::NodalSpringElement | This class implements a simple linear spring element connecting the given node and the ground |
►Coofem::Quad1PlateSubSoil | This class implements an quadrilateral four-node plate subsoil element in xy plane |
Coofem::Quad2PlateSubSoil | This class implements a quadrilateral eight-node plate subsoil element in xy plane |
Coofem::SpringElement | This class implements a simple spring element |
Coofem::TR_SHELL01 | This class implements an triangular three-node shell finite element, composed of cct3d and trplanrot3d elements |
Coofem::TR_SHELL02 | This class implements an triangular three-node shell finite element, composed of dkt3d and trplanestressrotallman3d elements |
Coofem::Tr_Warp | Triangle (2d) element with linear approximation for free warping analysis |
Coofem::Tria1PlateSubSoil | This class implements an triangular four-node plate subsoil element with linear interpolation in xy plane |
Coofem::Truss1d | This class implements a two-node truss bar element for one-dimensional analysis |
►Coofem::StructuralInterfaceElement | Abstract base class for all structural interface elements |
►Coofem::IntElLine1 | This class implements a two dimensional interface element |
Coofem::IntElLine1IntPen | This class implements a two dimensional interface element with interior penalty formulation |
►Coofem::IntElLine2 | This class implements a two dimensional interface element and is simply an extension of IntElLine1 to a quadratic approximation |
Coofem::IntElLine2IntPen | This class implements a two dimensional interface element with interior penalty formulation |
Coofem::IntElLine1PF | This class implements a two dimensional interface element |
Coofem::IntElPoint | This class implements an interface element that connects two nodes |
Coofem::IntElSurfTr1 | This class implements 3d triangular surface interface element with linear interpolation |
►Coofem::StructuralInterfaceElementPhF | Interface element class with phase field (PhF) modeling of damage |
Coofem::IntElLine1PhF | |
►Coofem::TransportElement | This abstract class represent a general base element class for transport problems |
►Coofem::Brick1_ht | Brick (3d) elements with linear approximation for heat and mass transfer |
Coofem::Brick1_hmt | Class for heat and mass transfer |
Coofem::Brick1_mt | Class for mass transfer |
►Coofem::LatticeTransportElement | |
Coofem::Lattice2d_mt | This class implements a 2-dimensional lattice mass transport element |
►Coofem::QBrick1_ht | Brick (3d) elements with quadratic approximation for heat and mass transfer |
Coofem::QBrick1_hmt | |
►Coofem::Quad1_ht | Quadratic (2d) element with linear approximation for heat transfer |
Coofem::Quad1_hmt | Class for heat and mass transfer |
Coofem::Quad1_mt | Class for mass transfer |
►Coofem::QuadAxisym1_ht | Quadratic axisymmetric element with linear approximation for heat transfer |
Coofem::QuadAxisym1_hmt | Same as QuadAxisym1_ht but for heat+mass transfer |
Coofem::QuadAxisym1_mt | Class for mass transfer |
►Coofem::QWedge_ht | This class implements a Linear 3d 6 - node thermal finite element |
Coofem::QWedge_hmt | Class for heat and mass transfer |
Coofem::QWedge_mt | Class for mass transfer |
►Coofem::Tetrah1_ht | Tetrahedral (3d) element with linear approximation for heat and mass transfer |
Coofem::Tetrah1_hmt | |
►Coofem::Tr1_ht | Triangle (2d) element with linear approximation for heat transfer |
Coofem::Tr1_hmt | Class for heat and mass transfer |
Coofem::Tr1_mt | Class for mass transfer |
Coofem::TrAxisym1_ht | Triangular axisymmetric element with linear approximation for moisture/heat transfer |
Coofem::Tr1Darcy | Element class for the DarcyFlow engineering model |
►Coofem::Wedge_ht | This class implements a Linear 3d 6 - node thermal finite element |
Coofem::Wedge_hmt | Class for heat and mass transfer |
Coofem::Wedge_mt | Class for mass transfer |
►Coofem::EnrichmentFunction | Abstract class representing global shape function Base class declares abstract interface common to all enrichment functions |
Coofem::DiscontinuousFunction | Class representing Sign EnrichmentFunction |
Coofem::HeavisideFunction | Class representing Heaviside EnrichmentFunction |
Coofem::RampFunction | Class representing bimaterial interface |
►Coofem::EnrichmentItem | Abstract class representing entity, which is included in the FE model using one (or more) global functions |
►Coofem::GeometryBasedEI | EnrichmentItem with geometry described by BasicGeometry |
Coofem::DirectEI | EnrichmentItem with direct geometry description in the following sense: We have a BasicGeometry to describe the underlying geometry, and we use this BasicGeometry directly to compute level set fields |
►Coofem::HybridEI | EnrichmentItem with hybrid geometry description in the following sense: We have a BasicGeometry to describe the underlying geometry, and we use this BasicGeometry to compute nodal level set fields |
►Coofem::Crack | Crack |
Coofem::ShellCrack | |
Coofem::Inclusion | EnrichmentItem describing an inclusion |
►Coofem::ListBasedEI | EnrichmentItem with geometry defined by a set of nodes to be enriched |
Coofem::Delamination | Delamination |
►Coofem::ErrorEstimator | The base class for all error estimation or error indicator algorithms |
Coofem::CombinedZZSIErrorEstimator | The implementation of combined criteria: Zienkiewicz Zhu Error Estimator for elastic regime and scalar error indicator in non-linear regime |
Coofem::HuertaErrorEstimator | The implementation of Zienkiewicz Zhu Error Estimator |
Coofem::MeshQualityErrorEstimator | This error estimator measures the quality of the elements |
Coofem::ScalarErrorIndicator | The class representing scalar error indicator |
Coofem::ZZErrorEstimator | The implementation of Zienkiewicz Zhu Error Estimator (Zienkiewicz and Zhu: A simple error estimator and adaptive procedure for practical engineering analysis, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol |
►Coofem::Function | Abstract base class representing a function with vector input and output |
Coofem::CalculatorFunction | Class representing user defined load time function |
Coofem::ConstantFunction | Class implementing time function that is constant in time; ![]() |
Coofem::HeavisideTimeFunction | This class implements a Heaviside step load time function |
Coofem::InterpolatingFuction | This class implements a function which reads an externally generated field interpolates |
Coofem::LocalGaussianRandomFunction | This class implements a local (no spatial correlation) random function using Gaussian distribution |
Coofem::PeakFunction | This class implements a function that is 0 everywhere, except in a single point |
►Coofem::PiecewiseLinFunction | This class implements a piecewise linear function |
Coofem::PeriodicPiecewiseLinFunction | This class implements an enhanced piecewise linear function with periodicity |
Coofem::PythonExpression | Class representing user defined functions as Python expressions |
►Coofem::GeneralBoundaryCondition | Abstract base class for all boundary conditions of problem |
►Coofem::ActiveBoundaryCondition | Abstract base class for all active boundary conditions |
Coofem::LinearConstraintBC | Class implementing linear constraint on selected DOFs in the form ![]() ![]() ![]() |
►Coofem::MixedGradientPressureBC | General class for boundary condition that prolongates macroscopic fields to incompressible flow |
Coofem::MixedGradientPressureDirichlet | Prescribes ![]() ![]() |
Coofem::MixedGradientPressureNeumann | Applies a mean deviatoric shear rate and pressure (Neumann boundary condition) |
Coofem::MixedGradientPressureWeakPeriodic | Applies a mean deviatoric shear rate and pressure (Neumann boundary condition) in a weakly periodic way |
Coofem::PrescribedGradientBCNeumann | Imposes a prescribed gradient weakly on the boundary with a Neumann boundary condition |
Coofem::PrescribedGradientBCPeriodic | Prescribes an average displacement gradient based on microperiodicity |
►Coofem::PrescribedGradientBCWeak | Imposes a prescribed gradient weakly on the boundary with an independent traction discretization |
Coofem::PrescribedGradientBCWeakDirichlet | |
Coofem::PrescribedGradientBCWeakPeriodic | |
Coofem::PrescribedMean | |
Coofem::SolutionbasedShapeFunction | |
Coofem::SurfaceTensionBoundaryCondition | Computes the load (and possibly tangent) for surface tension |
Coofem::TransportGradientNeumann | Homogenization boundary condition that imposes a gradient weakly on the boundary with scaled Neumann boundary condition |
Coofem::TransportGradientPeriodic | Prescribes an average displacement gradient based on microperiodicity |
Coofem::WeakPeriodicBoundaryCondition | Imposes weak periodicity on the doftype of choice |
►Coofem::BoundaryCondition | Class implementing Dirichlet boundary condition on DOF (primary boundary condition) |
Coofem::InteractionBoundaryCondition | This class represent a b.c |
Coofem::PrescribedGenStrainShell7 | Prescribes ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Coofem::PrescribedGenStrainShell7 | Prescribes ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Coofem::PrescribedGradient | Prescribes ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Coofem::RotatingBoundary | Class implementing rotating boundary surface |
Coofem::TractionPressureBC | Class implementing prescribed pressure bc due to prescribed tractions (Dirichlet boundary condition on DOF) |
Coofem::TransportGradientDirichlet | Prescribes ![]() ![]() |
Coofem::UserDefDirichletBC | |
►Coofem::Load | Load is base abstract class for all loads |
►Coofem::BodyLoad | Class implementing element body load, acting over whole element volume (e.g., the dead weight) |
Coofem::DeadWeight | This class implements a gravity-like load, or internal source (heat etc.) for transport problems |
Coofem::GravityPressure | This class implements a gravity-like load |
Coofem::PointLoad | Abstract base class representing a point load (force, momentum, ...) that acts directly on or inside of some finite element |
Coofem::Reinforcement | This class implements an influence of reinforcement into flow problems, especially concrete (binhamfluid) |
►Coofem::BoundaryLoad | Abstract base class representing a boundary load (force, momentum, ...) that acts directly on a boundary of some finite element (on element side, face, ...) |
►Coofem::EdgeLoad | Abstract base class representing an edge load (force, momentum, ...) that acts directly on a edge boundary of some finite element (on element side, face, ...) |
Coofem::ConstantEdgeLoad | This class implements a boundary load (force, moment,...) that acts directly on a boundary of some finite element (on side, face, ..) |
►Coofem::LinearEdgeLoad | This class implements a linear boundary load (force, moment,...) that acts on straight segment |
Coofem::InteractionLoad | This class implements a fluid-to-solid interface in the FluidStructureProblem |
►Coofem::SurfaceLoad | Abstract base class representing a surface load (force, momentum, ...) that acts directly on a surface boundary of some finite element (on element side, face, ...) |
Coofem::ConstantPressureLoad | This class implements a boundary load (force, moment,...) that acts directly on a boundary of some finite element (on side, face, ..) |
Coofem::ConstantSurfaceLoad | This class implements a boundary load (force, moment,...) that acts directly on a boundary of some finite element (on side, face, ..) |
Coofem::NeumannMomentLoad | |
Coofem::NodalLoad | Class implementing a concentrated load (force, moment,...) that acts directly on a dof manager (node or element side, if it has associated DOFs) |
Coofem::StructuralEigenstrainLoad | This class implements prescribed eigenstrain (stress-free strain) |
►Coofem::StructuralTemperatureLoad | This class implements temperature (constant) load over the element component array contains one or two numbers; componentArray->at(1) contains increment of temperature in mid-surface componentArray->at(2) contains increment of gradient of temperature over the thickness of element (optional) |
Coofem::ForeignTemperatureFieldLoad | Class representing foreign temperature field, which asks a field object to return temperature at given point |
Coofem::TF1 | Class representing user defined temperature field |
Coofem::UserDefinedTemperatureField | Class representing user defined temperature field |
Coofem::InitialCondition | Class implementing general initial condition |
►Coofem::IntegrationPointStatus | Abstract base class representing a integration status |
►Coofem::MaterialStatus | Abstract base class representing a material status information |
►Coofem::FluidDynamicMaterialStatus | This class implements a transport material status information |
Coofem::BinghamFluidMaterial2Status | Class representing material status for Bingham material |
Coofem::FE2FluidMaterialStatus | Class representing material status for the subscale fluid, i.e an Representative Volume Element (RVE) |
Coofem::NonlinearFluidMaterialStatus | Material status class for NonlinearFluidMaterial |
Coofem::TwoFluidMaterialStatus | |
Coofem::HydrationModelStatus | This class implements associated Status to HydrationModel |
►Coofem::StructuralInterfaceMaterialStatus | This class implements a structural interface material status information |
Coofem::BondCEBMaterialStatus | This class implements associated status to BondCEBInterfaceMaterial |
Coofem::CebFipSlip90MaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to IsoInterfaceDamageMaterial |
Coofem::ExpCZMaterialStatus | This class implements associated status to ExpCZMaterial |
Coofem::IntMatBilinearCZElasticStatus | This class implements associated Material Status for .. |
Coofem::IntMatBilinearCZFagerstromStatus | This class implements associated Material Status for IntMatBilinearCZFagerstrom |
Coofem::IntMatBilinearCZJanssonStatus | This class implements associated Material Status for IntMatBilinearCZJansson |
Coofem::IntMatBilinearCZStatus | This class implements associated Material Status for IntMatBilinearCZFagerstrom |
Coofem::IntMatCoulombContactStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to IntMatCoulombContact |
Coofem::IntMatIsoDamageStatus | This class implements the InterfaceMaterialStatus associated with IntMatIsoDamage |
Coofem::IntMatPhaseFieldStatus | Development cz-model using phase field |
Coofem::IsoInterfaceDamageMaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to IsoInterfaceDamageMaterial |
Coofem::IsoInterfaceDamageMaterialStatus_2 | This class implements associated Material Status to IsoInterfaceDamageMaterial_2 |
Coofem::SimpleInterfaceMaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to SimpleInterfaceMaterial |
►Coofem::StructuralMaterialStatus | This class implements a structural material status information |
Coofem::AbaqusUserMaterialStatus | |
Coofem::AnisotropicDamageMaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to AnisotropicDamageMaterial |
Coofem::CompoDamageMatStatus | Class for maintaining Gauss point values for CompoDamageMat model |
Coofem::Concrete2MaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to Concrete2Material |
Coofem::ConcreteDPM2Status | This class implements the material status associated to ConcreteDPM2 |
Coofem::ConcreteDPMStatus | |
Coofem::DruckerPragerPlasticitySMStatus | This class implements the material status associated to DruckerPragerPlasticitySM |
Coofem::DustMaterialStatus | This class implements material status for dust material model |
►Coofem::FCMMaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to FCMMaterial (fixed crack material) |
►Coofem::ConcreteFCMStatus | This class manages the status of ConcreteFCM |
►Coofem::FRCFCMStatus | This class manages the status of FRCFCM |
Coofem::FRCFCMNLStatus | This class implements a FRCFCMNL material in a finite element problem |
►Coofem::IsotropicDamageMaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to IsotropicDamageMaterial |
►Coofem::IsotropicDamageMaterial1Status | This class implements associated Material Status to IsotropicDamageMaterial1 |
Coofem::IDGMaterialStatus | Material status for gradient-enhanced isotropic damage model for concrete in tension |
Coofem::IDNLMaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to IDNLMaterial (Nonlocal isotropic damage) |
►Coofem::MazarsMaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to MazarsMaterial |
Coofem::MazarsNLMaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to MazarsNLModel |
Coofem::LargeStrainMasterMaterialStatus | |
►Coofem::LatticeMaterialStatus | This class implements a base lattice material status |
Coofem::LatticeDamage2dStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to LatticeDamage2d |
Coofem::M1MaterialStatus | |
Coofem::M4MaterialStatus | Related material model status to M4Material class for storing history variables in particular integration point (microplane) |
Coofem::MDMStatus | Material status class MDMStatus associated to MDM matarial |
Coofem::MicroMaterialStatus | |
►Coofem::MisesMatStatus | |
Coofem::MisesMatGradStatus | Gradient Mises maaterial status |
Coofem::MisesMatNlStatus | Mises Nonlocal material status |
Coofem::MPlasticMaterial2Status | This class implements associated Material Status to MPlasticMaterial |
Coofem::MPlasticMaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to MPlasticMaterial |
Coofem::PerfectlyPlasticMaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to PerfectlyPlasticMaterial |
Coofem::PlasticMaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to PlasticMaterial |
►Coofem::RankineMatStatus | |
Coofem::RankineMatGradStatus | Gradient rankine material status |
Coofem::RankineMatNlStatus | Rankine nonlocal material status |
►Coofem::RCM2MaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to SmearedCrackingMaterail |
►Coofem::RCSDEMaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to RCSDEMaterial |
Coofem::RCSDNLMaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to RCSDNLMaterial |
Coofem::RCSDMaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to RCSDMaterial |
►Coofem::RheoChainMaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to RheoChainMaterial |
►Coofem::KelvinChainMaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to KelvinChainMaterial |
Coofem::B3SolidMaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to B3SolidMaterial |
Coofem::Eurocode2CreepMaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to Eurocode2CreepMaterial |
►Coofem::KelvinChainSolidMaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to KelvinChainSolidMaterial, which corresponds to a solidifying Kelvin chain model (framework for creep with aging) |
►Coofem::MPSMaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to MPSMaterial, which corresponds to a model for humidity- and temperature-dependent creep of concrete according to the microprestress-solidification theory |
Coofem::MPSDamMaterialStatus | |
Coofem::MaxwellChainMaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to MaxwellChainMaterial |
Coofem::SteelRelaxMatStatus | |
Coofem::StructuralFE2MaterialStatus | |
Coofem::StructuralPythonMaterialStatus | |
►Coofem::TrabBone3DStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to TrabBone3D (trabecular bone material) |
Coofem::TrabBoneGrad3DStatus | Gradient bone damage-plastic material status |
Coofem::TrabBoneNL3DStatus | Trabecular bone nonlocal material status |
►Coofem::TrabBoneEmbedStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to TrabBoneEmbed |
Coofem::TrabBoneNLEmbedStatus | Trabecular bone nonlocal material status |
►Coofem::TrabBoneMaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to TrabBoneMaterial |
Coofem::TrabBoneNLStatus | Trabecular bone nonlocal material status |
Coofem::TutorialMaterialStatus | |
►Coofem::TransportMaterialStatus | This class implements a transport material status information |
Coofem::CemhydMatStatus | |
Coofem::HydratingConcreteMatStatus | HydratingConcreteMatStatus stores degree of hydration in each integration point |
Coofem::HydratingTransportMaterialStatus | Isotropic material for heat with hydration |
Coofem::IsotropicHeatTransferMaterialStatus | |
Coofem::LatticeTransportMaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to LatticeTransportMaterial |
Coofem::RVEStokesFlowMaterialStatus | Material status class for the RVEStokesFlow class |
►Coofem::Material | Abstract base class for all material models |
Coofem::DummyMaterial | Dummy material model, no functionality |
►Coofem::FluidDynamicMaterial | Abstract base class for all fluid materials |
Coofem::BinghamFluidMaterial2 | Constitutive model of Bingham fluid for concentrated suspensions and pastes |
Coofem::FE2FluidMaterial | Multiscale constitutive model for subscale flow problems, typically sintering |
Coofem::NewtonianFluidMaterial | Constitutive model of Newtonian fluid |
Coofem::NonlinearFluidMaterial | Constitutive model of a nonlinear fluid material where the deviatoric stress is defined as
where |
Coofem::TwoFluidMaterial | Material coupling the behavior of two particular materials based on rule of mixture |
Coofem::HydrationModel | |
►Coofem::StructuralInterfaceMaterial | Abstract base class for all "structural" interface models |
Coofem::BondCEBMaterial | Simple isotropic damage based model for 2d interface elements |
Coofem::CebFipSlip90Material | Base class representing general isotropic damage model |
Coofem::CohesiveInterfaceMaterial | Class representing cohesive interface material model |
Coofem::ExpCZMaterial | Simple isotropic damage based model for 2d interface elements |
Coofem::IntMatBilinearCZ | Bilinear cohesive zone model |
Coofem::IntMatBilinearCZElastic | Simple isotropic damage based model for 2d interface elements |
►Coofem::IntMatBilinearCZFagerstrom | Simple isotropic damage based model for 2d interface elements |
Coofem::IntMatBilinearCZFagerstromRate | Simple isotropic damage based model for 2d interface elements with rate dependence |
Coofem::IntMatBilinearCZJansson | Simple isotropic damage based model for 2d interface elements |
Coofem::IntMatCoulombContact | This class represents a "simple" interface material which is linear elastic in the normal direction |
Coofem::IntMatDummyCZ | Dummy cohesive zone model |
Coofem::IntMatElastic | Linear elastic cohesive zone |
►Coofem::IntMatIsoDamage | Simple isotropic damage based model for interface elements |
Coofem::IntMatIsoDamageTable | Simple isotropic damage based model for 2d and 3d interface elements |
Coofem::IsoInterfaceDamageMaterial | Simple isotropic damage based model for 2d interface elements |
Coofem::IsoInterfaceDamageMaterial_2 | Simple isotropic damage based model for 2d and 3d interface elements |
Coofem::SimpleInterfaceMaterial | Base class representing general isotropic damage model |
►Coofem::StructuralInterfaceMaterialPhF | |
Coofem::IntMatPhaseField | |
►Coofem::StructuralMaterial | Abstract base class for all "structural" constitutive models |
Coofem::AbaqusUserMaterial | This class allows for custom user materials from Abaqus (UMAT) |
Coofem::AnisotropicDamageMaterial | Class representing anisotropic damage model |
Coofem::CompoDamageMat | Material damage model for transversely orthotropic material |
Coofem::ConcreteDPM | This class contains the combination of a local plasticity model for concrete with a local isotropic damage model |
Coofem::ConcreteDPM2 | This class contains the combination of a local plasticity model for concrete with a local isotropic damage model |
►Coofem::DeformationTheoryMaterial | This class implements an abstract base material, which behaves according to deformation theory |
Coofem::Concrete2 | NonLinear elasto-plastic material model with hardening |
Coofem::DruckerPragerPlasticitySM | This class implements a (local) nonassociated plasticity model based on the Drucker-Prager yield criterion with hardening and softening |
Coofem::DustMaterial | This class implements nonassociated multisurface plasticity model |
►Coofem::FCMMaterial | This class implements a Fixed Crack Model for fracture (after initiation the crack directions cannot rotate) |
►Coofem::ConcreteFCM | This class implements a ConcreteFCM material in a finite element problem |
►Coofem::FRCFCM | This class implements a FRCFCM material (Fiber Reinforced Concrete base on Fixed Crack Model) in a finite element problem |
Coofem::FRCFCMNL | |
Coofem::HyperElasticMaterial | Saint Venant–Kirchhoff model defined by shear and bulk modulus |
►Coofem::IsotropicDamageMaterial | Base class representing general isotropic damage model |
►Coofem::IsotropicDamageMaterial1 | This class implements a simple local isotropic damage model for concrete in tension |
Coofem::IDGMaterial | Gradient-enhanced Isotropic Damage model for concrete in tension, |
Coofem::IDNLMaterial | This class implements a Nonlocal Isotropic Damage Model for Concrete in Tension Model based on nonlocal averaging of equivalent strain |
►Coofem::MazarsMaterial | This class implements a Mazars damage model form concrete |
Coofem::MazarsNLMaterial | This class implements a Nonlocal Mazars Damage Model for Concrete Model based on nonlocal averaging of equivalent strain |
►Coofem::LargeStrainMasterMaterial | Large strain master material |
Coofem::LargeStrainMasterMaterialGrad | This class implements an gradient version of LargeStrainMasterMaterial |
Coofem::LatticeDamage2d | This class implements a local random isotropic damage model for concrete in tension for 2D lattice elements |
►Coofem::LinearElasticMaterial | This class is a abstract base class for all linear elastic material models in a finite element problem |
Coofem::AnisotropicLinearElasticMaterial | This class implements a general anisotropic linear elastic material in a finite element problem |
Coofem::IsotropicLinearElasticMaterial | This class implements an isotropic linear elastic material in a finite element problem |
Coofem::OrthotropicLinearElasticMaterial | This class implements a orthotropic linear elastic material in a finite element problem |
Coofem::MicroMaterial | This class is a base class for microproblem |
►Coofem::MicroplaneMaterial | Abstract base class for all microplane models |
Coofem::M1Material | Simple microplane model - version M1, just with normal microplane strains |
Coofem::MDM | Implementation of microplane damage material (According to M.Jirasek) |
►Coofem::MicroplaneMaterial_Bazant | Abstract base class for all microplane models according to Bazant's approach |
Coofem::M4Material | Implementation of microplane material model according to Bazant's boundary curve approach |
►Coofem::MisesMat | This class implements an isotropic elastoplastic material with Mises yield condition, associated flow rule and linear isotropic hardening |
Coofem::MisesMatGrad | Gradient Mises material |
Coofem::MisesMatNl | Mises nonlocal material |
Coofem::MooneyRivlinMaterial | This class implements Compressible Mooney - Rivlin material |
►Coofem::MPlasticMaterial | This class implements a general plastic material |
Coofem::J2MPlasticMaterial | This class implements a isotropic plastic linear material (J2 plasticity condition is used) in a finite element problem |
Coofem::RankinePlasticMaterial | This class implements a isotropic plastic linear material (J2 plasticity condition is used) in a finite element problem |
►Coofem::MPlasticMaterial2 | This class represents a base class for non-associated multisurface plasticity |
Coofem::DruckerPragerCutMat | This class implements an isotropic elasto-plasto-damage material with Drucker-Prager yield condition, tension cut-off, non-associated flow rule, linear isotropic hardening and isotropic damage |
Coofem::J2Mat | This class implements a isotropic plastic linear material (J2 plasticity condition is used) |
Coofem::Masonry02 | This class implements an interface masonry model based on non associated multisurface plasticity |
►Coofem::PerfectlyPlasticMaterial | This class implements a perfectly plastic material in a finite element problem |
Coofem::Steel1 | This class implements a isotropic perfectly plastic linear material in a finite element problem |
►Coofem::PlasticMaterial | This class implements a general plastic material |
Coofem::J2plasticMaterial | This class implements a isotropic plastic linear material (J2 plasticity condition is used) in a finite element problem |
►Coofem::RankineMat | This class implements an isotropic elastoplastic material with Rankine yield condition, associated flow rule and linear isotropic softening, and with isotropic damage that leads to softening |
Coofem::RankineMatGrad | Gradient Rankine material |
Coofem::RankineMatNl | Rankine nonlocal material |
►Coofem::RCM2Material | This class implements a Rotating Crack Model for fracture in smeared fashion ( only material stiffness modification is required, no changes in mesh topology) coupled with plastic behaviour |
Coofem::Concrete3 | This class implements a Concrete3 material in a finite element problem |
►Coofem::RCSDEMaterial | This class implements a Rotating Crack Model with transition to scalar damage for fracture in smeared fashion ( only material stiffness modification is required, no changes in mesh topology) |
Coofem::RCSDNLMaterial | This class implements a Nonlocal Rotating Crack Model with transition to scalar damage for fracture in smeared fashion Only material stiffness modification is required, no changes in mesh topology |
Coofem::RCSDMaterial | This class implements a Rotating Crack Model with transition to scalar damage for fracture in smeared fashion ( only material stiffness modification is required, no changes in mesh topology) |
►Coofem::RheoChainMaterial | This class implements a rheologic chain model describing a viscoelastic material |
►Coofem::KelvinChainMaterial | This class implements a solidifying Kelvin chain model describing a viscoelastic material |
Coofem::B3SolidMaterial | This class implements the B3 model for concrete creep and shrinkage based on the solidification theory |
Coofem::Eurocode2CreepMaterial | This class implements a model for concrete creep and shrinkage according to EuroCode 2 The creep is assumed to be linear (formula from section 3.7 is not considered here) with aging |
►Coofem::KelvinChainSolidMaterial | This class implements a solidifying Kelvin chain model describing a viscoelastic material |
►Coofem::MPSMaterial | This class implements the extended B3 model for concrete creep and shrinkage based on the microprestress-solidification theory |
Coofem::MPSDamMaterial | This class extends the material model based on MPS theory (microprestress-solidification) for concrete creep and shrinkage by a simple isotropic damage model to take into account cracking in tension |
►Coofem::MaxwellChainMaterial | This class implements an aging Maxwell chain model describing a viscoelastic material |
Coofem::B3Material | This class implements the B3 model for concrete creep and shrinkage |
Coofem::CebFip78Material | This class implements a CEB-FIP 78 rheologic Maxwell chain model in a finite element problem |
Coofem::DoublePowerLawMaterial | This class implements a rheologic double power law material model |
Coofem::SimpleVitrificationMaterial | Model describing the vitrification process of a glass like material |
Coofem::SteelRelaxMat | Implementation of the material model for steel relaxation given in Eurocode 2 (the same as in Model Code 2010) and in Ba{z}ant and Yu (J |
Coofem::StructuralFE2Material | Multiscale constitutive model for subscale structural problems |
Coofem::StructuralMaterialSettable | This class implements TODO |
Coofem::StructuralPythonMaterial | Custom user supplied python scripts for material models |
►Coofem::TrabBone3D | |
Coofem::TrabBoneGrad3D | Gradient bone damage-plastic material model |
Coofem::TrabBoneNL3D | Trabecular bone nonlocal material model |
►Coofem::TrabBoneEmbed | Trabecular bone embedding material model |
Coofem::TrabBoneNLEmbed | Trabecular bone nonlocal material |
►Coofem::TrabBoneMaterial | Trabecular bone material model |
Coofem::TrabBoneNL | Trabecular bone nonlocal material |
Coofem::TutorialMaterial | This class implements a isotropic plastic linear material (J2 plasticity condition is used) |
Coofem::WinklerMaterial | Implementation of 1D/2D winkler model for plate (and potentiaonnaly beam) subsoil model |
Coofem::WinklerPasternakMaterial | Implementation of 2D winkler-pasternak model for plate (and potentiaonnaly beam) subsoil model |
►Coofem::TransportMaterial | Abstract base class for all constitutive models for transport problems |
Coofem::AnisotropicMassTransferMaterial | Class for an anisotropic linear transport material |
Coofem::HeMoBazNajMaterial | |
Coofem::HeMoKunzelMaterial | |
►Coofem::HeMoTKMaterial | This class implements a coupled heat and mass transfer material model |
Coofem::HydratingHeMoMaterial | Heat and moisture transport material with hydration |
►Coofem::IsotropicHeatTransferMaterial | This class implements an isotropic linear heat material |
Coofem::CemhydMat | |
Coofem::HydratingConcreteMat | This class implements various phenomenological and affinity hydration models |
Coofem::HydratingIsoHeatMaterial | This class implements a isotropic linear heat material in a finite element problem |
►Coofem::IsotropicMoistureTransferMaterial | This class implements a isotropic moisture transport material |
Coofem::BazantNajjarMoistureTransferMaterial | This class implements a isotropic moisture tranport material |
Coofem::IsotropicLinMoistureTransferMaterial | This class implements a isotropic moisture tranport material |
Coofem::NlIsoMoistureMaterial | This class implements various functions for concrete moisture permeability and moisture capacity |
Coofem::LatticeTransportMaterial | This class implements a transport constitutive model for saturated and unsaturated porous materials for lattice elements |
Coofem::NonlinearMassTransferMaterial | Class for a nonlinear fictitious transport material |
Coofem::RVEStokesFlow | Material class using an external .in file as a description of the substructure of a transport problem (in this case seepage) |
►Coofem::MaterialInterface | Abstract base class representing (moving) material interfaces |
Coofem::LEPlic | Abstract base class representing Lagrangian-Eulerian (moving) material interfaces |
Coofem::LevelSetPCS | Abstract base class representing Level Set representation of material interfaces |
►Coofem::NonlocalBarrier | Abstract base class for all nonlocal barriers |
Coofem::PolylineNonlocalBarrier | Implementation of polyline nonlocal barrier |
Coofem::SymmetryBarrier | Implementation of symmetry nonlocal barrier |
►Coofem::RemeshingCriteria | The base class for all remeshing criteria |
Coofem::CombinedZZSIRemeshingCriteria | The class represent the corresponding remeshing criteria to CombinedZZSIErrorEstimator |
Coofem::DirectErrorIndicatorRC | The class is an implementation of "direct" remeshing criteria, which maps the error indication, which is usually the value of observed internal variable to the corresponding required element size |
Coofem::HuertaRemeshingCriteria | The class representing Huerta remeshing criteria |
Coofem::ZZRemeshingCriteria | The class representing Zienkiewicz-Zhu remeshing criteria |
Coofem::Set | Set of elements, boundaries, edges and/or nodes |
Coofem::FETIBoundaryDofManager | Represent the abstraction for DOF manager |
►Coofem::Field | Abstract class representing field |
Coofem::DofManValueField | Class representing field defined by nodal values associated to given domain |
Coofem::InternalVariableField | Abstract class representing a field of an internal variable |
Coofem::MaskedPrimaryField | Abstract class representing subset of DOFs (identified by DofId mask) of primary field |
►Coofem::PrimaryField | Abstract class representing field of primary variables (those, which are unknown and are typically associated to nodes) |
Coofem::DofDistributedPrimaryField | Class representing field of primary variables, which are typically allocated on nodes |
Coofem::SmoothedNodalInternalVariableField | Class representing a field of an internal variable smoothed from integration points into nodes |
Coofem::UniformGridField | Field defined by values in uniform grid nodes, with linear interpolation for points inside the grid, or interpolation for the closest point within the grid for points outside |
Coofem::UnstructuredGridField | Field defined by values fefined on unstructured grid |
Coofem::FieldManager | |
Coofem::RefinedMesh::fine_edge_rec | |
Coofem::RefinedMesh::fine_hexa_rec | |
Coofem::RefinedMesh::fine_quad_rec | |
►Coofem::FloatArray | Class representing vector of real numbers |
►Coofem::StressStrainBaseVector | Base class for stress/strain vector representations |
Coofem::StrainVector | Specialization of a floating point array for representing a strain state |
Coofem::StressVector | Specialization of a floating point array for representing a stress state |
Coofem::FloatMatrix | Implementation of matrix containing floating point numbers |
Coofem::FastMarchingMethod::FMM_DofmanRecord | DofManager Fast Marching data record |
Coofem::FastMarchingMethod::FMM_DofmanRecordDelegate_greater | |
Coofem::FractureManager | This class manages the fracture mechanics part |
Coofem::FunctionArgument | Wrapper for values of varying types |
►Coofem::GaussPoint | Class representing integration point in finite element program |
Coofem::Microplane | Class representing microplane integration point in finite element program |
Coofem::GeometryGenerator | Generate random geometry of particles and links for CQ simulation |
►Coofem::GradDpElement | Abstract class for gradient formulation of coupled damage-plasticity model(GradDp) |
Coofem::QPlaneStrainGrad | |
Coofem::QPlaneStressGrad | |
Coofem::QSpaceGrad | Quadratic 3d 20 - node element with quadratic approximation of displacements and linear approximation of gradient |
Coofem::QTrPlaneStrainGrad | |
Coofem::QTrPlaneStressGrad | |
Coofem::QTRSpaceGrad | Quadratic 3D element |
Coofem::QTruss1dGrad | This class implements a three-node gradient truss bar element for one-dimensional analysis |
Coofem::QWedgeGrad | Quadratic 3D element |
Coofem::Graph | Class representing the special graph constructed from two polygons that is used to perform boolean operation on polygons (polygon clipping in current implementation) |
Coofem::Grid | Class that solves certain problems on a regular 2D grid, consisting of n x m nodes |
Coofem::GT_Exception | |
Coofem::Heap | Class implementing a heap, which is an auxiliary data structure used for efficient sorting and exploited e.g |
Coofem::Homogenize | Class for elastic homogenization |
►Coofem::InitModule | Represents init module - a base class for all init modules |
Coofem::GPInitModule | Represents GP (Gauss point) initialization module |
►Coofem::InputRecord | Class representing the general Input Record |
Coofem::DynamicInputRecord | Class representing the a dynamic Input Record |
Coofem::OOFEMTXTInputRecord | Class representing the Input Record for OOFEM txt input file format |
Coofem::IntArray | Class implementing an array of integers |
►Coofem::IntegrationRule | Abstract base class representing integration rule |
►Coofem::GaussIntegrationRule | Class representing Gaussian-quadrature integration rule |
Coofem::DiscontinuousSegmentIntegrationRule | DiscontinuousSegmentIntegrationRule provides integration over a discontinuous boundary segment |
Coofem::IGAIntegrationElement | IntegrationElement represent nonzero knot span, derived from Integration Rule |
Coofem::PatchIntegrationRule | PatchIntegrationRule provides integration over a triangle patch |
Coofem::LayeredIntegrationRule | |
Coofem::LobattoIntegrationRule | Class representing Lobatto-quadrature integration rule |
►Coofem::Interface | Class Interface |
►Coofem::Beam3dSubsoilMaterialInterface | Interface defining required functionality from associated element |
Coofem::Beam3d | This class implements a 2-dimensional beam element with cubic lateral displacement interpolation (rotations are quadratic) and longitudial displacements are linear |
►Coofem::EIPrimaryFieldInterface | Element interface class |
Coofem::TR1_2D_CBS | This class is the implementation of triangular CFD element with linear (and equal order) interpolation of velocity and pressure fields |
Coofem::TR1_2D_SUPG | Class representing 2d linear triangular element for solving incompressible fluid with SUPG solver |
Coofem::TransportElement | This abstract class represent a general base element class for transport problems |
►Coofem::EIPrimaryUnknownMapperInterface | The element interface class related to Element Interpolation Mappers |
Coofem::tet21ghostsolid | |
Coofem::Tet21Stokes | Tetrahedral Taylor-Hood element for Stokes flow |
►Coofem::FailureModuleElementInterface | |
Coofem::Shell7Base | This class represent a 7 parameter shell element |
►Coofem::FiberedCrossSectionInterface | The element interface required by FiberedCrossSection |
Coofem::Beam3d | This class implements a 2-dimensional beam element with cubic lateral displacement interpolation (rotations are quadratic) and longitudial displacements are linear |
Coofem::LIBeam3d | This class implements a 3-dimensional mindlin theory Linear Isoparametric beam element, with reduced integration |
Coofem::LIBeam3d2 | This class implements a 3-dimensional Linear Isoparametric Mindlin theory beam element, with reduced integration |
►Coofem::GradDpMaterialExtensionInterface | Material interface for gradient material models |
Coofem::IDGMaterial | Gradient-enhanced Isotropic Damage model for concrete in tension, |
Coofem::LargeStrainMasterMaterialGrad | This class implements an gradient version of LargeStrainMasterMaterial |
Coofem::MisesMatGrad | Gradient Mises material |
Coofem::RankineMatGrad | Gradient Rankine material |
Coofem::TrabBoneGrad3D | Gradient bone damage-plastic material model |
►Coofem::GradDpMaterialStatusExtensionInterface | |
Coofem::IDGMaterialStatus | Material status for gradient-enhanced isotropic damage model for concrete in tension |
Coofem::MisesMatGradStatus | Gradient Mises maaterial status |
Coofem::RankineMatGradStatus | Gradient rankine material status |
Coofem::TrabBoneGrad3DStatus | Gradient bone damage-plastic material status |
►Coofem::HuertaErrorEstimatorInterface | The element interface corresponding to HuertaErrorEstimator |
Coofem::LSpace | This class implements a Linear 3d 8-node finite element for stress analysis |
Coofem::LTRSpace | This class implements a linear tetrahedral four-node finite element for stress analysis |
Coofem::PlaneStress2d | This class implements an isoparametric four-node quadrilateral plane- stress elasticity finite element |
Coofem::Quad1PlaneStrain | Comment or uncomment the following line to force full or reduced integration |
Coofem::TrPlaneStrain | This class implements an triangular three-node plane- strain elasticity finite element |
Coofem::TrPlaneStress2d | This class implements an triangular three-node plane-stress elasticity finite element |
Coofem::Truss1d | This class implements a two-node truss bar element for one-dimensional analysis |
►Coofem::HydrationModelInterface | |
Coofem::HydratingHeMoMaterial | Heat and moisture transport material with hydration |
Coofem::HydratingIsoHeatMaterial | This class implements a isotropic linear heat material in a finite element problem |
►Coofem::HydrationModelStatusInterface | |
Coofem::HydratingTransportMaterialStatus | Isotropic material for heat with hydration |
►Coofem::LayeredCrossSectionInterface | The element interface required by LayeredCrossSection |
Coofem::Beam2d | This class implements a 2-dimensional beam element with cubic lateral displacement, quadratic rotations, and linear longitudinal displacements and geometry |
Coofem::CCTPlate | This class implements an triangular three-node plate CCT finite element |
Coofem::DKTPlate | This class implements an triangular Discrete Kirchhoff Theory (DKT) element |
Coofem::LIBeam2d | A 2-dimensional Linear Isoparametric Mindlin theory beam element, with reduced integration |
Coofem::LIBeam2dNL | This class implements a 2-dimensional Linear Isoparametric Mindlin theory beam element, with reduced integration |
Coofem::QDKTPlate | This class implements an quad Discrete Kirchhoff Theory (DKT) element |
Coofem::Shell7Base | This class represent a 7 parameter shell element |
Coofem::TrPlanestressRotAllman | Class implements an triangular three-node plane- stress elasticity finite element with independentvertex rotations |
►Coofem::LEPlicElementInterface | Element interface for LEPlic class representing Lagrangian-Eulerian (moving) material interface |
Coofem::TR1_2D_CBS | This class is the implementation of triangular CFD element with linear (and equal order) interpolation of velocity and pressure fields |
Coofem::TR1_2D_SUPG | Class representing 2d linear triangular element for solving incompressible fluid with SUPG solver |
►Coofem::LevelSetPCSElementInterface | Element interface for LevelSetPCS class representing level-set like material interface |
Coofem::Quad10_2D_SUPG | Class representing 2d quadrilateral element with linear velocity and constant pressure approximations for solving incompressible fluid problems with SUPG solver |
Coofem::Tet1_3D_SUPG | Class representing 3d linear tetrahedral element for solving incompressible fluid with SUPG solver |
Coofem::TR1_2D_SUPG | Class representing 2d linear triangular element for solving incompressible fluid with SUPG solver |
Coofem::TR21_2D_SUPG | Class representing 2d triangular element with quadratic velocity and linear pressure approximation for solving incompressible fluid problems with SUPG solver |
►Coofem::MaterialModelMapperInterface | The class representing the general material model adaptive mapping interface |
Coofem::IsotropicDamageMaterial1 | This class implements a simple local isotropic damage model for concrete in tension |
Coofem::MDM | Implementation of microplane damage material (According to M.Jirasek) |
►Coofem::NodalAveragingRecoveryModelInterface | The element interface required by NodalAvergagingRecoveryModel |
Coofem::Axisymm3d | This class implements an triangular three-node finite element for axisymmetric continuum |
Coofem::CCTPlate | This class implements an triangular three-node plate CCT finite element |
Coofem::DKTPlate | This class implements an triangular Discrete Kirchhoff Theory (DKT) element |
Coofem::Hexa21Stokes | Hexahedral Taylor-Hood element for Stokes flow |
Coofem::LSpace | This class implements a Linear 3d 8-node finite element for stress analysis |
Coofem::LTRSpace | This class implements a linear tetrahedral four-node finite element for stress analysis |
Coofem::LWedge | This class implements a Linear 3d 6 - node elasticity finite element |
Coofem::MITC4Shell | This class implements an quad element based on Mixed Interpolation of Tensorial Components (MITC) |
Coofem::Q27Space | A 27 node tri-quadratic element for structural analysis |
Coofem::Q9PlaneStress2d | 9-node plane stress element |
Coofem::QPlaneStress2d | This class implements an Quadratic isoparametric eight-node quadrilateral plane- stress elasticity finite element |
Coofem::QSpace | This class implements an Quadratic 3d 20 - node element |
Coofem::QTRSpace | This class implements an Quadratic 3d 10 - node elasticity finite element |
Coofem::Quad10_2D_SUPG | Class representing 2d quadrilateral element with linear velocity and constant pressure approximations for solving incompressible fluid problems with SUPG solver |
Coofem::QWedge | This class implements an Quadratic 3d 15 - node structural finite element |
Coofem::QWedge_ht | This class implements a Linear 3d 6 - node thermal finite element |
Coofem::Shell7Base | This class represent a 7 parameter shell element |
Coofem::tet21ghostsolid | |
Coofem::Tet21Stokes | Tetrahedral Taylor-Hood element for Stokes flow |
Coofem::TR1_2D_CBS | This class is the implementation of triangular CFD element with linear (and equal order) interpolation of velocity and pressure fields |
Coofem::TR1_2D_SUPG | Class representing 2d linear triangular element for solving incompressible fluid with SUPG solver |
Coofem::Tr1Darcy | Element class for the DarcyFlow engineering model |
Coofem::TR21_2D_SUPG | Class representing 2d triangular element with quadratic velocity and linear pressure approximation for solving incompressible fluid problems with SUPG solver |
Coofem::Tr21Stokes | Triangular Taylor-Hood element for Stokes flow |
Coofem::TR_SHELL01 | This class implements an triangular three-node shell finite element, composed of cct3d and trplanrot3d elements |
Coofem::TR_SHELL02 | This class implements an triangular three-node shell finite element, composed of dkt3d and trplanestressrotallman3d elements |
Coofem::TrPlaneStrain | This class implements an triangular three-node plane- strain elasticity finite element |
Coofem::TrPlaneStress2d | This class implements an triangular three-node plane-stress elasticity finite element |
Coofem::Truss1d | This class implements a two-node truss bar element for one-dimensional analysis |
Coofem::Truss3d | This class implements a two-node truss bar element for three-dimensional analysis |
Coofem::Wedge_ht | This class implements a Linear 3d 6 - node thermal finite element |
►Coofem::NonlocalMaterialExtensionInterface | Abstract base class for all nonlocal materials |
►Coofem::StructuralNonlocalMaterialExtensionInterface | Abstract base class for all nonlocal structural materials |
Coofem::FRCFCMNL | |
Coofem::IDNLMaterial | This class implements a Nonlocal Isotropic Damage Model for Concrete in Tension Model based on nonlocal averaging of equivalent strain |
Coofem::MazarsNLMaterial | This class implements a Nonlocal Mazars Damage Model for Concrete Model based on nonlocal averaging of equivalent strain |
Coofem::MDM | Implementation of microplane damage material (According to M.Jirasek) |
Coofem::MisesMatNl | Mises nonlocal material |
Coofem::RankineMatNl | Rankine nonlocal material |
Coofem::RCSDNLMaterial | This class implements a Nonlocal Rotating Crack Model with transition to scalar damage for fracture in smeared fashion Only material stiffness modification is required, no changes in mesh topology |
Coofem::TrabBoneNL | Trabecular bone nonlocal material |
Coofem::TrabBoneNL3D | Trabecular bone nonlocal material model |
Coofem::TrabBoneNLEmbed | Trabecular bone nonlocal material |
►Coofem::NonlocalMaterialStatusExtensionInterface | Abstract base class for all nonlocal constitutive model statuses |
►Coofem::StructuralNonlocalMaterialStatusExtensionInterface | Base class for all nonlocal structural material statuses |
Coofem::FRCFCMNLStatus | This class implements a FRCFCMNL material in a finite element problem |
Coofem::IDNLMaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to IDNLMaterial (Nonlocal isotropic damage) |
Coofem::MazarsNLMaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to MazarsNLModel |
Coofem::MDMStatus | Material status class MDMStatus associated to MDM matarial |
Coofem::MisesMatNlStatus | Mises Nonlocal material status |
Coofem::RankineMatNlStatus | Rankine nonlocal material status |
Coofem::RCSDNLMaterialStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to RCSDNLMaterial |
Coofem::TrabBoneNL3DStatus | Trabecular bone nonlocal material status |
Coofem::TrabBoneNLEmbedStatus | Trabecular bone nonlocal material status |
Coofem::TrabBoneNLStatus | Trabecular bone nonlocal material status |
►Coofem::NonlocalMaterialStiffnessInterface | Class Nonlocal Material Stiffness Interface |
Coofem::IDNLMaterial | This class implements a Nonlocal Isotropic Damage Model for Concrete in Tension Model based on nonlocal averaging of equivalent strain |
Coofem::MisesMatNl | Mises nonlocal material |
Coofem::RankineMatNl | Rankine nonlocal material |
Coofem::TrabBoneNL3D | Trabecular bone nonlocal material model |
►Coofem::QCMaterialExtensionInterface | Material interface for gradient material models |
Coofem::IsotropicLinearElasticMaterial | This class implements an isotropic linear elastic material in a finite element problem |
►Coofem::RandomMaterialExtensionInterface | Abstract base class for all random materials |
Coofem::ConcreteFCM | This class implements a ConcreteFCM material in a finite element problem |
Coofem::IsotropicDamageMaterial1 | This class implements a simple local isotropic damage model for concrete in tension |
Coofem::LatticeDamage2d | This class implements a local random isotropic damage model for concrete in tension for 2D lattice elements |
►Coofem::RandomMaterialStatusExtensionInterface | Abstract base class for all random constitutive model statuses |
Coofem::ConcreteFCMStatus | This class manages the status of ConcreteFCM |
Coofem::IsotropicDamageMaterial1Status | This class implements associated Material Status to IsotropicDamageMaterial1 |
Coofem::LatticeDamage2dStatus | This class implements associated Material Status to LatticeDamage2d |
►Coofem::SpatialLocalizerInterface | The spatial localizer element interface associated to spatial localizer |
Coofem::Axisymm3d | This class implements an triangular three-node finite element for axisymmetric continuum |
Coofem::Brick1_ht | Brick (3d) elements with linear approximation for heat and mass transfer |
Coofem::Hexa21Stokes | Hexahedral Taylor-Hood element for Stokes flow |
Coofem::L4Axisymm | This class implements an isoparametric four-node quadrilateral axisymmetric finite element |
Coofem::Line2BoundaryElement | Boundary element used for tracking solutions on arbitrary sections |
Coofem::LSpace | This class implements a Linear 3d 8-node finite element for stress analysis |
Coofem::LTRSpace | This class implements a linear tetrahedral four-node finite element for stress analysis |
Coofem::LWedge | This class implements a Linear 3d 6 - node elasticity finite element |
Coofem::MITC4Shell | This class implements an quad element based on Mixed Interpolation of Tensorial Components (MITC) |
Coofem::PlaneStress2d | This class implements an isoparametric four-node quadrilateral plane- stress elasticity finite element |
Coofem::QBrick1_ht | Brick (3d) elements with quadratic approximation for heat and mass transfer |
Coofem::QTrPlaneStrain | This class implements an triangular three-node plane- stress elasticity finite element |
Coofem::QTrPlaneStress2d | This class implements a quadratic triangular 6-node plane- stress elasticity finite element |
Coofem::Quad1_ht | Quadratic (2d) element with linear approximation for heat transfer |
Coofem::Quad1PlaneStrain | Comment or uncomment the following line to force full or reduced integration |
Coofem::QWedge_ht | This class implements a Linear 3d 6 - node thermal finite element |
Coofem::Tet1BubbleStokes | Tetrahedral element for Stokes flow using Bubble basis function for stabilization |
Coofem::tet21ghostsolid | |
Coofem::Tet21Stokes | Tetrahedral Taylor-Hood element for Stokes flow |
Coofem::Tetrah1_ht | Tetrahedral (3d) element with linear approximation for heat and mass transfer |
Coofem::TR1_2D_CBS | This class is the implementation of triangular CFD element with linear (and equal order) interpolation of velocity and pressure fields |
Coofem::TR1_2D_SUPG | Class representing 2d linear triangular element for solving incompressible fluid with SUPG solver |
Coofem::Tr1_ht | Triangle (2d) element with linear approximation for heat transfer |
Coofem::Tr1BubbleStokes | Triangular element for Stokes flow using Bubble basis function |
Coofem::Tr21Stokes | Triangular Taylor-Hood element for Stokes flow |
Coofem::TR_SHELL01 | This class implements an triangular three-node shell finite element, composed of cct3d and trplanrot3d elements |
Coofem::TR_SHELL02 | This class implements an triangular three-node shell finite element, composed of dkt3d and trplanestressrotallman3d elements |
Coofem::Tr_Warp | Triangle (2d) element with linear approximation for free warping analysis |
Coofem::TrPlaneStrain | This class implements an triangular three-node plane- strain elasticity finite element |
Coofem::TrPlaneStress2d | This class implements an triangular three-node plane-stress elasticity finite element |
Coofem::Truss1d | This class implements a two-node truss bar element for one-dimensional analysis |
Coofem::Wedge_ht | This class implements a Linear 3d 6 - node thermal finite element |
►Coofem::SPRNodalRecoveryModelInterface | The element interface required by ZZNodalRecoveryModel |
Coofem::Axisymm3d | This class implements an triangular three-node finite element for axisymmetric continuum |
Coofem::Brick1_ht | Brick (3d) elements with linear approximation for heat and mass transfer |
Coofem::CCTPlate | This class implements an triangular three-node plate CCT finite element |
Coofem::DKTPlate | This class implements an triangular Discrete Kirchhoff Theory (DKT) element |
Coofem::L4Axisymm | This class implements an isoparametric four-node quadrilateral axisymmetric finite element |
Coofem::LineDistributedSpring | This class implements two-node subsoil element with linear interpolation |
Coofem::LSpace | This class implements a Linear 3d 8-node finite element for stress analysis |
Coofem::LTRSpace | This class implements a linear tetrahedral four-node finite element for stress analysis |
Coofem::LWedge | This class implements a Linear 3d 6 - node elasticity finite element |
Coofem::MITC4Shell | This class implements an quad element based on Mixed Interpolation of Tensorial Components (MITC) |
Coofem::PlaneStress2d | This class implements an isoparametric four-node quadrilateral plane- stress elasticity finite element |
Coofem::Q27Space | A 27 node tri-quadratic element for structural analysis |
Coofem::QBrick1_ht | Brick (3d) elements with quadratic approximation for heat and mass transfer |
Coofem::QDKTPlate | This class implements an quad Discrete Kirchhoff Theory (DKT) element |
Coofem::QSpace | This class implements an Quadratic 3d 20 - node element |
Coofem::QTrPlaneStrain | This class implements an triangular three-node plane- stress elasticity finite element |
Coofem::QTrPlaneStress2d | This class implements a quadratic triangular 6-node plane- stress elasticity finite element |
Coofem::QTRSpace | This class implements an Quadratic 3d 10 - node elasticity finite element |
Coofem::Quad1Mindlin | This class implements an quadrilateral four-node Mindlin plate |
Coofem::Quad1MindlinShell3D | This class implements an quadrilateral four-node shell element, using Mindlin plate theory |
Coofem::Quad1PlaneStrain | Comment or uncomment the following line to force full or reduced integration |
Coofem::Quad1PlateSubSoil | This class implements an quadrilateral four-node plate subsoil element in xy plane |
Coofem::QWedge | This class implements an Quadratic 3d 15 - node structural finite element |
Coofem::QWedge_ht | This class implements a Linear 3d 6 - node thermal finite element |
Coofem::TR1_2D_CBS | This class is the implementation of triangular CFD element with linear (and equal order) interpolation of velocity and pressure fields |
Coofem::TR1_2D_SUPG | Class representing 2d linear triangular element for solving incompressible fluid with SUPG solver |
Coofem::Tria1PlateSubSoil | This class implements an triangular four-node plate subsoil element with linear interpolation in xy plane |
Coofem::TrPlaneStrain | This class implements an triangular three-node plane- strain elasticity finite element |
Coofem::TrPlaneStress2d | This class implements an triangular three-node plane-stress elasticity finite element |
Coofem::Wedge_ht | This class implements a Linear 3d 6 - node thermal finite element |
►Coofem::VTKXMLExportModuleElementInterface | Elements with geometry defined as EGT_Composite are exported using individual pieces |
Coofem::Beam3d | This class implements a 2-dimensional beam element with cubic lateral displacement interpolation (rotations are quadratic) and longitudial displacements are linear |
Coofem::PlaneStress2dXfem | Temporary class for testing in the usual case instead of PlaneStress2dXfem there will be the standard PlaneStress2d |
Coofem::QTrPlaneStress2dXFEM | 6-node triangle with XFEM kinematics |
Coofem::Shell7Base | This class represent a 7 parameter shell element |
Coofem::TrPlaneStress2dXFEM | 3-node triangle with XFEM kinematics |
►Coofem::XfemElementInterface | Provides Xfem interface for an element |
Coofem::Shell7BaseXFEM | |
►Coofem::XfemStructuralElementInterface | Provides Xfem interface for a structural element |
Coofem::PlaneStress2dXfem | Temporary class for testing in the usual case instead of PlaneStress2dXfem there will be the standard PlaneStress2d |
Coofem::QTrPlaneStress2dXFEM | 6-node triangle with XFEM kinematics |
Coofem::TrPlaneStress2dXFEM | 3-node triangle with XFEM kinematics |
►Coofem::ZZErrorEstimatorInterface | The element interface corresponding to ZZErrorEstimator |
Coofem::CCTPlate | This class implements an triangular three-node plate CCT finite element |
Coofem::DKTPlate | This class implements an triangular Discrete Kirchhoff Theory (DKT) element |
Coofem::LTRSpace | This class implements a linear tetrahedral four-node finite element for stress analysis |
Coofem::QDKTPlate | This class implements an quad Discrete Kirchhoff Theory (DKT) element |
Coofem::TR_SHELL01 | This class implements an triangular three-node shell finite element, composed of cct3d and trplanrot3d elements |
Coofem::TR_SHELL02 | This class implements an triangular three-node shell finite element, composed of dkt3d and trplanestressrotallman3d elements |
Coofem::TrPlaneStrain | This class implements an triangular three-node plane- strain elasticity finite element |
Coofem::TrPlaneStress2d | This class implements an triangular three-node plane-stress elasticity finite element |
Coofem::Truss1d | This class implements a two-node truss bar element for one-dimensional analysis |
►Coofem::ZZNodalRecoveryModelInterface | The element interface required by ZZNodalRecoveryModel |
Coofem::Axisymm3d | This class implements an triangular three-node finite element for axisymmetric continuum |
Coofem::Brick1_ht | Brick (3d) elements with linear approximation for heat and mass transfer |
Coofem::CCTPlate | This class implements an triangular three-node plate CCT finite element |
Coofem::DKTPlate | This class implements an triangular Discrete Kirchhoff Theory (DKT) element |
Coofem::L4Axisymm | This class implements an isoparametric four-node quadrilateral axisymmetric finite element |
Coofem::LineDistributedSpring | This class implements two-node subsoil element with linear interpolation |
Coofem::LSpace | This class implements a Linear 3d 8-node finite element for stress analysis |
Coofem::LTRSpace | This class implements a linear tetrahedral four-node finite element for stress analysis |
Coofem::LWedge | This class implements a Linear 3d 6 - node elasticity finite element |
Coofem::MITC4Shell | This class implements an quad element based on Mixed Interpolation of Tensorial Components (MITC) |
Coofem::PlaneStress2d | This class implements an isoparametric four-node quadrilateral plane- stress elasticity finite element |
Coofem::Q27Space | A 27 node tri-quadratic element for structural analysis |
Coofem::Q4Axisymm | This class implements an Quadratic isoparametric eight-node quadrilateral - elasticity finite element for axisymmetric 3d continuum |
Coofem::Q9PlaneStress2d | 9-node plane stress element |
Coofem::QBrick1_ht | Brick (3d) elements with quadratic approximation for heat and mass transfer |
Coofem::QDKTPlate | This class implements an quad Discrete Kirchhoff Theory (DKT) element |
Coofem::QPlaneStrain | This class implements an Quadratic isoparametric eight-node quadrilateral plane- stress elasticity finite element |
Coofem::QPlaneStress2d | This class implements an Quadratic isoparametric eight-node quadrilateral plane- stress elasticity finite element |
Coofem::QSpace | This class implements an Quadratic 3d 20 - node element |
Coofem::QTrPlaneStrain | This class implements an triangular three-node plane- stress elasticity finite element |
Coofem::QTRSpace | This class implements an Quadratic 3d 10 - node elasticity finite element |
Coofem::Quad10_2D_SUPG | Class representing 2d quadrilateral element with linear velocity and constant pressure approximations for solving incompressible fluid problems with SUPG solver |
Coofem::Quad1_ht | Quadratic (2d) element with linear approximation for heat transfer |
Coofem::Quad1Mindlin | This class implements an quadrilateral four-node Mindlin plate |
Coofem::Quad1MindlinShell3D | This class implements an quadrilateral four-node shell element, using Mindlin plate theory |
Coofem::Quad1PlaneStrain | Comment or uncomment the following line to force full or reduced integration |
Coofem::Quad1PlateSubSoil | This class implements an quadrilateral four-node plate subsoil element in xy plane |
Coofem::QWedge | This class implements an Quadratic 3d 15 - node structural finite element |
Coofem::QWedge_ht | This class implements a Linear 3d 6 - node thermal finite element |
Coofem::Shell7Base | This class represent a 7 parameter shell element |
Coofem::Tet1BubbleStokes | Tetrahedral element for Stokes flow using Bubble basis function for stabilization |
Coofem::Tetrah1_ht | Tetrahedral (3d) element with linear approximation for heat and mass transfer |
Coofem::TR1_2D_CBS | This class is the implementation of triangular CFD element with linear (and equal order) interpolation of velocity and pressure fields |
Coofem::TR1_2D_SUPG | Class representing 2d linear triangular element for solving incompressible fluid with SUPG solver |
Coofem::Tr1_ht | Triangle (2d) element with linear approximation for heat transfer |
Coofem::Tr1BubbleStokes | Triangular element for Stokes flow using Bubble basis function |
Coofem::TR21_2D_SUPG | Class representing 2d triangular element with quadratic velocity and linear pressure approximation for solving incompressible fluid problems with SUPG solver |
Coofem::Tr21Stokes | Triangular Taylor-Hood element for Stokes flow |
Coofem::TR_SHELL01 | This class implements an triangular three-node shell finite element, composed of cct3d and trplanrot3d elements |
Coofem::TR_SHELL02 | This class implements an triangular three-node shell finite element, composed of dkt3d and trplanestressrotallman3d elements |
Coofem::Tr_Warp | Triangle (2d) element with linear approximation for free warping analysis |
Coofem::Tria1PlateSubSoil | This class implements an triangular four-node plate subsoil element with linear interpolation in xy plane |
Coofem::TrPlaneStrain | This class implements an triangular three-node plane- strain elasticity finite element |
Coofem::TrPlaneStress2d | This class implements an triangular three-node plane-stress elasticity finite element |
Coofem::Truss1d | This class implements a two-node truss bar element for one-dimensional analysis |
Coofem::Truss3d | This class implements a two-node truss bar element for three-dimensional analysis |
Coofem::Wedge_ht | This class implements a Linear 3d 6 - node thermal finite element |
Coofem::LinElBranchFunction | Class representing the four classical linear elastic branch functions |
►Coofem::LoadBalancer | Abstract base class representing general load balancer |
Coofem::ParmetisLoadBalancer | ParMetis load balancer |
►Coofem::LoadBalancerMonitor | Abstract base class representing general load balancer monitor |
Coofem::WallClockLoadBalancerMonitor | Implementation of simple wall-clock based monitor |
Coofem::LocalInsertionData< T > | Help class for storing pointer to octant cell and position of the member in the data list |
Coofem::localIntegrationRecord | Structure containing reference to integration point and its corresponding nonlocal integration weight |
Coofem::Logger | Logger class used by OOFEM to print information during analysis |
Coofem::LSPrimaryVariableMapper | LSPrimaryVariableMapper: Least-squares primary variable mapper |
Coofem::MaterialForceEvaluator | Evaluates material forces |
►Coofem::MaterialMappingAlgorithm | The class representing the general material model mapping algorithm |
Coofem::MMAClosestIPTransfer | The class implements the closest integration point transfer of state variables |
Coofem::MMAContainingElementProjection | The class implements the transfer of internal variables based on containing element The element containing the receiving Gauss point is localized and its closest Gauss point is used as a source Gauss point that determines the values of receiver |
Coofem::MMALeastSquareProjection | The class implements the transfer of state variables based on Least square fit over old mesh integration points (in the neighborhood of point of interest) |
Coofem::MMAShapeFunctProjection | The class implements the transfer of state variables based on projection using shape functions |
►Coofem::MaterialStatusMapperInterface | Matstatmapperint.h |
Coofem::StructuralInterfaceMaterialStatus | This class implements a structural interface material status information |
Coofem::StructuralMaterialStatus | This class implements a structural material status information |
►Coofem::MatrixAssembler | Callback class for assembling specific types of matrices |
Coofem::EffectiveTangentAssembler | Callback class for assembling effective tangents composed of stiffness and mass matrix |
Coofem::InitialStressMatrixAssembler | Callback class for assembling initial stress matrices |
Coofem::IntSourceLHSAssembler | Callback class for assembling CBS pressure matrices |
Coofem::MassMatrixAssembler | Implementation for assembling the consistent mass matrix |
Coofem::MidpointLhsAssembler | Callback class for assembling mid point effective tangents |
Coofem::PFEMPressureLaplacianAssembler | Callback class for assembling pressure laplacian matrix |
Coofem::PressureLhsAssembler | Callback class for assembling CBS pressure matrices |
Coofem::SUPGTangentAssembler | Callback class for assembling SUPG tangent matrices |
Coofem::TangentAssembler | Implementation for assembling tangent matrices in standard monolithic FE-problems |
Coofem::mem_fun< T > | |
Coofem::RefinedMesh::mesh_edge_rec | |
Coofem::RefinedMesh::mesh_face_rec | |
Coofem::RefinedMesh::mesh_quad_rec | |
►Coofem::MesherInterface | The base class representing the interface to mesh generation package |
Coofem::FreemInterface | This class represents the interface to freem mesh generation package |
Coofem::Subdivision | This class represents the Rivara Subdivision algorithm for triangular meshes |
Coofem::T3DInterface | This class represents the interface to t3d mesh generation package |
Coofem::Targe2Interface | This class represents the interface to Targe2 mesh generation package |
Coofem::MetaStep | Class representing meta step |
Coofem::modeStruct | |
Coofem::ModuleManager< M > | Class representing and implementing ModuleManager |
►Coofem::ModuleManager< ExportModule > | |
Coofem::ExportModuleManager | Class representing and implementing ExportModuleManager |
►Coofem::ModuleManager< InitModule > | |
Coofem::InitModuleManager | Class representing and implementing InitModuleManager |
►Coofem::MPIBuffer | |
Coofem::CommunicationPacket | Class CommunicationPacket represent a data-packet, that is used to implement dynamic communicator |
Coofem::StaticCommunicationBuffer | |
Coofem::Parser::name | |
►Coofem::NodalRecoveryModel | The base class for all recovery models, which perform nodal averaging or projection processes for internal variables typically stored in integration points |
Coofem::NodalAveragingRecoveryModel | The nodal recovery model based on nodal averaging |
Coofem::SPRNodalRecoveryModel | The Superconvergent Patch Recovery (SPR) nodal recovery model is based on paper of Zienkiewicz and Zhu "The Superconvergent Patch recovery and Posteriori Error Estimates. Part 1: The Recovery Technique", Int |
Coofem::ZZNodalRecoveryModel | The nodal recovery model based on paper of Zienkiewicz and Zhu "A Simple Estimator and Adaptive Procedure for Practical Engineering Analysis" |
Coofem::Graph::node | |
Coofem::node | |
►Coofem::NucleationCriterion | |
Coofem::NCPrincipalStrain | |
Coofem::NCPrincipalStress | |
►Coofem::NumericalMethod | This base class is an abstraction for numerical algorithm |
Coofem::GJacobi | This class implements the Generalized Jacobi Eigenvalue Problem Solver |
Coofem::LineSearchNM | This base class is an abstraction/implementation for numerical method solving line search optimization problem |
►Coofem::SparseGeneralEigenValueSystemNM | This base class is an abstraction for all numerical methods solving sparse linear system of equations |
Coofem::InverseIteration | This class implements the class NumericalMethod instance Generalized Jacobi Eigen Value Problem Solver |
Coofem::SLEPcSolver | |
Coofem::SubspaceIteration | This class implements the class NumericalMethod instance Subspace Iteration Eigen Value Problem Solver |
►Coofem::SparseLinearSystemNM | This base class is an abstraction for all numerical methods solving sparse linear system of equations |
Coofem::FETISolver | This class implements the class NumericalMethod instance FETI linear algebraic equation parallel solver |
Coofem::IMLSolver | Implements the solution of linear system of equation in the form ![]() |
Coofem::LDLTFactorization | Implements the solution of linear system of equation in the form Ax=b using direct factorization method |
Coofem::MKLPardisoSolver | Implements the solution of linear system of equation in the form ![]() |
Coofem::PardisoProjectOrgSolver | Implements the solution of linear system of equation in the form ![]() |
Coofem::PetscSolver | Implements the solution of linear system of equation in the form ![]() |
Coofem::SpoolesSolver | Implements the solution of linear system of equation in the form ![]() |
Coofem::SuperLUSolver | Class implementig interface to SuperLU_MT solver |
►Coofem::SparseNonLinearSystemNM | This base class is an abstraction for all numerical methods solving sparse nonlinear system of equations |
Coofem::CylindricalALM | Implementation of sparse nonlinear solver with indirect control |
►Coofem::NRSolver | This class implements Newton-Raphson Method, derived from abstract NumericalMethod class for solving non-linear problems |
Coofem::DynamicRelaxationSolver | Solves static equilibrium by means of explicit dynamic iterations |
Coofem::StaggeredSolver | The staggered solver will perform Newton iterations on subsets of DofIDs, in a staggered manner |
Coofem::OctantRec | Class representing the octant of octree |
Coofem::OctantRecT< T > | Templated octree cell containing data of T type |
Coofem::OctantRecT< oofem::DelaunayTriangle * > | |
Coofem::OctantRecT< oofem::UnstructuredGridField::Cell > | |
Coofem::OctreeSpatialLocalizerT< T > | Templated octree spatial localizer |
Coofem::OctreeSpatialLocalizerT< oofem::DelaunayTriangle * > | |
Coofem::OctreeSpatialLocalizerT< oofem::UnstructuredGridField::Cell > | |
Coofem::oofegGraphicContext | |
Coofem::OOFEM_Terminate | OOFEM terminate exception class |
Coofem::OutputManager | Represents output manager |
Coofem::Pair | This class implements key/value associations - the key and its associated value |
Coofem::ParallelContext | This class provides an communication context for distributed memory parallelism |
►Coofem::ParallelOrdering | |
Coofem::Natural2GlobalOrdering | Ordering from oofem natural ordering (includes all local and shared eqs) to global ordering |
Coofem::Natural2LocalOrdering | Ordering from oofem natural ordering (includes all local and shared eqs) to local ordering, where only locally maintained eqs are considered |
Coofem::SPRNodalRecoveryModel::parallelStruct | Helper structure to pass required arguments to packing/unpacking functions needed in parallel mode |
Coofem::ZZNodalRecoveryModel::parallelStruct | Helper structure to pass required arguments to packing/unpacking functions needed in parallel mode |
Coofem::NodalAveragingRecoveryModel::parallelStruct | Helper structure to pass required arguments to packing/unpacking functions needed in parallel mode |
Coofem::Parser | Class for evaluating mathematical expressions in strings |
Coofem::ParticleGrid< Point > | Particle grid data structure for n-D grids |
Coofem::ParticleGridIterator< Point > | A recursive iterator for a grid with refinements |
Coofem::ParticlePoint | Default point type for describing topology |
Coofem::CemhydMatStatus::percolatedpath | |
►Coofem::PhaseFieldElement | Abstract class for phase field formulation |
Coofem::IntElLine1PF | This class implements a two dimensional interface element |
Coofem::PlaneStressPhF2d | This class implements an isoparametric four-node quadrilateral plane- stress phase field finite element |
Coofem::QPlaneStressPhF2d | This class implements an Quadratic isoparametric eight-node quadrilateral plane- stress phase field finite element |
Coofem::POIExportModule::POI_dataType | POIs data structure |
Coofem::Polygon | Class representing 2D polygon |
Coofem::Polygon::PolygonEdgeIterator | |
Coofem::Polygon::PolygonVertexIterator | |
►Coofem::Preconditioner | Abstract class for IML++ compatible preconditioner |
Coofem::CompCol_ICPreconditioner | Incomplete Cholesky IC(0) (no fill - up) preconditioner for symmetric, positive definite matrices |
Coofem::CompCol_ILUPreconditioner | Implemantation of ILU (Incomplete LU) Preconditioner |
Coofem::CompRow_ILUPreconditioner | Implemantation of ILU (Incomplete LU) Preconditioner for compressed row sparse matrices |
Coofem::DiagPreconditioner | Implementation of diagonal preconditioner |
Coofem::VoidPreconditioner | Class implementing void preconditioner |
►Coofem::PrescribedGradientHomogenization | Class for homogenization of applied gradients |
Coofem::PrescribedGradient | Prescribes ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Coofem::PrescribedGradientBCNeumann | Imposes a prescribed gradient weakly on the boundary with a Neumann boundary condition |
Coofem::PrescribedGradientBCPeriodic | Prescribes an average displacement gradient based on microperiodicity |
Coofem::PrescribedGradientBCWeak | Imposes a prescribed gradient weakly on the boundary with an independent traction discretization |
Coofem::PrescribedGradientWeakQuadTetNodalForce | |
►Coofem::PrimaryUnknownMapper | The base class for all primary unknowns mappers |
Coofem::EIPrimaryUnknownMapper | The class implementing the primary unknown mapper using element interpolation functions |
Coofem::PrimaryVariableMapper | Base class for mapping of primary variables between domains |
Coofem::ProcessCommunicator | Class representing process communicator for engineering model |
►Coofem::PropagationLaw | Updates the geometry of evolving XFEM interfaces |
Coofem::PLCrackPrescribedDir | Propagation law that propagates the crack in a predefined direction |
Coofem::PLCZdamageRadius | Propagation law that propagates the (delamination) crack in a radius distance from element nodes when the damage level in the associated cohesive zone reaces a defined value Cracks w/o interface material as treated as fully damaged, thus will lead to propagation |
Coofem::PLDoNothing | Dummy propagation law that does nothing |
Coofem::PLHoopStressCirc | Propagation law that propagates the crack in the direction that gives ![]() |
Coofem::PLMaterialForce | Propagation law that propagates the crack in the direction of the material force |
Coofem::PLnodeRadius | Propagation law that propagates a delamination in a predefined radius from an element |
Coofem::PLPrincipalStrain | |
Coofem::QCFullsolveddomain | Information about fullsolved domain in CQ simulation |
Coofem::Quasicontinuum | General simplification for Quasicontinuum simulation |
Coofem::Range | Class Range is an abstraction for interval of integer numbers |
Coofem::RefinedElement | |
Coofem::RefinedMesh | |
Coofem::ParticleGrid< Point >::RefinedParticlePoint | Recursive data structure for |
Coofem::RowColumn | This class implements a segment of a unsymmetric matrix stored in segmented form (skyline) |
Coofem::Subdivision::RS_CompareNodePositions | |
►Coofem::Subdivision::RS_Element | |
Coofem::Subdivision::RS_Tetra | |
Coofem::Subdivision::RS_Triangle | |
Coofem::Subdivision::RS_Mesh | |
►Coofem::Subdivision::RS_Node | |
Coofem::Subdivision::RS_IrregularNode | |
Coofem::Subdivision::RS_packRemoteElemsStruct | |
Coofem::Subdivision::RS_SharedEdge | |
►Cruntime_error | |
Coofem::FileDataStream::CantOpen | |
Coofem::ScalarFunction | Implementation of Scalar function |
Coofem::SL_Evaluation_Functor< T > | Functor base class for evaluating search tasks on the octree according given condition |
►Coofem::SL_Evaluation_Functor< Cell > | |
Coofem::UnstructuredGridField::CellContainingPointFunctor | |
►Coofem::SL_Evaluation_Functor< DelaunayTriangle * > | |
Coofem::ElementCircumCirclesContainingNode | Functor for finding triangles whose circumscribed circles contains given node |
►Coofem::SL_Evaluation_Functor< int > | |
Coofem::ClosestNode | Functor for closest node search |
Coofem::SL_Insertion_Functor< T > | Functor base class responsible for insertion of members into the octree cell |
►Coofem::SL_Insertion_Functor< Cell > | |
Coofem::UnstructuredGridField::CellInsertionFunctor | |
►Coofem::SL_Insertion_Functor< DelaunayTriangle * > | |
Coofem::InsertTriangleBasedOnCircumcircle | Functor for storing triangles in the octree according to theirs circumscribed circles |
►Coofem::SL_Insertion_Functor< int > | |
Coofem::InsertNode | Functor for storing nodes in the octree |
Coofem::SloanGraph | Graph representing the undirected graph used for Sloan algorithm for symmetric matrix profile reduction |
Coofem::SloanGraphNode | Class representing node in undirected graph, used by Sloan profile optimizer |
Coofem::SloanLevelStructure | Class representing level structure for Sloan profile optimizer |
Coofem::SloanNodalDegreeOrderingCrit | |
►Coofem::SparseMtrx | Base class for all matrices stored in sparse format |
►Coofem::CompCol | |
Coofem::SymCompCol | Implementation of symmetric sparse matrix stored using compressed column/row storage |
Coofem::DynCompCol | Implementation of sparse matrix stored in compressed column storage |
Coofem::DynCompRow | Implementation of sparse matrix stored in compressed column storage |
Coofem::PetscSparseMtrx | This class provides an sparse matrix interface to PETSc Matrices |
Coofem::Skyline | Class implementing sparse matrix stored in skyline form |
Coofem::SkylineUnsym | This class implements a nonsymmetric matrix stored in a compacted (skyline) form |
Coofem::SpoolesSparseMtrx | This class provides an sparse matrix interface to SPOOLES InpMtrx |
►Coofem::SpatialLocalizer | The base class for all spatial localizers |
Coofem::DummySpatialLocalizer | The dummy implementation of spatial localizer based on traversing the whole domain |
Coofem::OctreeSpatialLocalizer | The implementation of spatial localizer based on octree technique |
►Coofem::StructuralElementEvaluator | This class represent a new concept on how to define elements |
►Coofem::PlaneStressStructuralElementEvaluator | General purpose Plane stress structural element evaluator |
Coofem::BsplinePlaneStressElement | |
Coofem::NURBSPlaneStressElement | |
Coofem::TSplinePlaneStressElement | |
►Coofem::Space3dStructuralElementEvaluator | General purpose 3d structural element evaluator |
Coofem::NURBSSpace3dElement | |
Coofem::SurfaceDataStruct | |
Coofem::Timer | Class implementing single timer, providing wall clock and user time capabilities |
Coofem::TimeStep | Class representing solution step |
Coofem::TipInfo | TipInfo gathers useful information about a crack tip, like its position and tangent direction |
Coofem::TipPropagation | |
Coofem::RefinedMesh::tmp_hexa_rec | |
Coofem::RefinedMesh::tmp_tetra_rec | |
Coofem::CemhydMatStatus::togo | |
Coofem::Tokenizer | String bracket- and quotation-aware string tokenizer |
►Coofem::TopologyDescription | Abstract class for topology description |
Coofem::ParticleTopologyDescription | A grid based particle method for describing topology |
Coofem::TracSegArray | |
Coofem::Triangle_PSLG | Plane straight line graph used as input for meshing with triangle |
Coofem::TriangleMesherInterface | Interface to Triangle (Delaunay mesher) |
►Coofem::UnknownNumberingScheme | Abstract base class allowing to control the way, how equations are assigned to individual DOFs |
Coofem::AuxVelocityNumberingScheme | Numbering scheme for auxiliary velocity in PFEM problems |
Coofem::CustomEquationNumbering | |
Coofem::DofIDEquationNumbering | Specialized numbering scheme for assembling only specified DofIDs |
Coofem::EModelDefaultEquationNumbering | The representation of EngngModel default unknown numbering |
Coofem::EModelDefaultPrescribedEquationNumbering | The representation of EngngModel default prescribed unknown numbering |
Coofem::MicroMaterial | This class is a base class for microproblem |
Coofem::PressureEquationNumbering | Specialized numbering scheme for CBS algorithm, since it needs pressures separately |
Coofem::PressureNumberingScheme | Numbering scheme that takes into account only pressure DOFs in PFEM problems |
Coofem::QuasicontinuumNumberingscheme | Numbering scheme that takes into account only list of selected nodes |
Coofem::VelocityEquationNumbering | Specialized numbering scheme for CBS algorithm, since it needs velocities separately |
Coofem::VelocityNumberingScheme | Velocity numbering scheme for PFEM purposes |
►Coofem::VectorAssembler | Callback class for assembling specific types of vectors |
Coofem::CorrectionRhsAssembler | Implementation for assembling external forces vectors in standard monolithic FE-problems |
Coofem::DensityPrescribedTractionPressureAssembler | Implementation for assembling external forces vectors in standard monolithic FE-problems |
Coofem::DensityRhsAssembler | Implementation for assembling external forces vectors in standard monolithic FE-problems |
Coofem::ExternalForceAssembler | Implementation for assembling external forces vectors in standard monolithic FE-problems |
Coofem::InertiaForceAssembler | Implementation for assembling the intertia forces vector (i.e |
Coofem::IntermediateConvectionDiffusionAssembler | Implementation for assembling external forces vectors in standard monolithic FE-problems |
►Coofem::InternalForceAssembler | Implementation for assembling internal forces vectors in standard monolithic, nonlinear FE-problems |
Coofem::LastEquilibratedInternalForceAssembler | Assembles the internal forces, without updating the strain |
Coofem::LinearizedDilationForceAssembler | Callback class for assembling linearized thermal "loads", useful for computing initial guesses |
Coofem::LumpedMassVectorAssembler | Implementation for assembling lumped mass matrix (diagonal components) in vector form |
Coofem::MatrixProductAssembler | Implementation for assembling forces computed by multiplication with a matrix |
Coofem::NumberOfNodalPrescribedTractionPressureAssembler | Implementation for assembling external forces vectors in standard monolithic FE-problems |
Coofem::PFEMCorrectionRhsAssembler | Implementation of callback class for assembling right-hand side of velocity equations |
Coofem::PFEMLaplaceVelocityAssembler | Implementation of callback class for assembling right-hand side vector of laplacian multiplied by velocity |
Coofem::PFEMMassVelocityAssembler | Implementation of callback class for assembling right-hand side vector of mass matrix multiplied by velocity |
Coofem::PFEMPressureRhsAssembler | Implementation of callback class for assembling right-hand side of pressure equations |
Coofem::PrescribedVelocityRhsAssembler | Implementation for assembling external forces vectors in standard monolithic FE-problems |
Coofem::ReferenceForceAssembler | Implementation for assembling reference (external) forces vectors |
Coofem::SUPGInternalForceAssembler | Callback class for assembling SUPG internal forces |
Coofem::TransportExternalForceAssembler | Callback class for assembling element external forces: |
Coofem::Vertex | Class representing vertex |
Coofem::UnstructuredGridField::Vertex | |
Coofem::VTKPiece | |
►Coofem::LoadBalancer::WorkTransferPlugin | |
Coofem::NonlocalMaterialWTP | Class implements Work Transfer Plugin that introduces extension to efficiently handle nonlocal dependency of nonlocal materials via remote elements |
Coofem::XFEMDebugTools | |
►Coofem::XfemManager | This class manages the xfem part |
Coofem::XfemStructureManager | XfemStructureManager: XFEM manager with extra functionality specific for the sm module |
►Coofem::XfemSolverInterface | Provides extra solver functionality needed for XFEM |
Coofem::StaticStructural | Solves a static structural problem |
Coofem::XfemTolerances | Provides tolerances for the XFEM module |