OOFEM.org - Object Oriented Finite Element Solver
This class implements the material status associated to ConcreteDPM2. More...
#include <concretedpm2.h>
Public Types | |
enum | state_flag_values { ConcreteDPM2_Elastic, ConcreteDPM2_Unloading, ConcreteDPM2_Plastic, ConcreteDPM2_Damage, ConcreteDPM2_PlasticDamage, ConcreteDPM2_VertexCompression, ConcreteDPM2_VertexTension, ConcreteDPM2_VertexCompressionDamage, ConcreteDPM2_VertexTensionDamage } |
Values of history variable state_flag. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
ConcreteDPM2Status (int n, Domain *d, GaussPoint *gp) | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~ConcreteDPM2Status () |
Destructor. More... | |
virtual void | initTempStatus () |
Initializes the temporary internal variables, describing the current state according to previously reached equilibrium internal variables. More... | |
virtual void | updateYourself (TimeStep *tStep) |
Update equilibrium history variables according to temp-variables. More... | |
virtual void | printOutputAt (FILE *file, TimeStep *tStep) |
Print receiver's output to given stream. More... | |
virtual contextIOResultType | saveContext (DataStream &, ContextMode mode, void *obj=NULL) |
Stores receiver state to output stream. More... | |
virtual contextIOResultType | restoreContext (DataStream &, ContextMode mode, void *obj=NULL) |
Restores the receiver state previously written in stream. More... | |
virtual const char * | giveClassName () const |
const FloatArray & | givePlasticStrain () const |
Get the plastic strain deviator from the material status. More... | |
double | giveDeviatoricPlasticStrainNorm () |
Get the deviatoric plastic strain norm from the material status. More... | |
double | giveVolumetricPlasticStrain () const |
Get the volumetric plastic strain from the material status. More... | |
double | giveKappaP () const |
Get the hardening variable of the plasticity model. More... | |
double | giveKappaDTensionOne () const |
Get the hardening variable of the damage model from the material status. More... | |
double | giveKappaDCompressionOne () const |
Get the compression hardening variable one of the damage model from the material status. More... | |
double | giveKappaDTensionTwo () const |
Get the tension hardening variable two of the damage model from the material status. More... | |
double | giveKappaDCompressionTwo () const |
Get the compression hardening variable two of the damage model from the material status. More... | |
double | giveEquivStrain () const |
Get the equivalent strain from the material status. More... | |
double | giveEquivStrainTension () const |
Get the tension equivalent strain from the material status. More... | |
double | giveEquivStrainCompression () const |
Get the compression equivalent strain from the material status. More... | |
double | giveDamageTension () const |
Get the tension damage variable of the damage model from the material status. More... | |
double | giveDamageCompression () const |
Get the compressive damage variable of the damage model from the material status. More... | |
double | giveRateFactor () const |
Get the rate factor of the damage model from the material status. More... | |
double | giveTempRateFactor () const |
Get the temp variable of the damage model from the material status. More... | |
double | giveRateStrain () const |
void | letTempRateStrainBe (double v) |
void | letTempAlphaBe (double v) |
int | giveStateFlag () const |
Get the state flag from the material status. More... | |
const FloatArray & | giveTempPlasticStrain () const |
Get the temp value of the full plastic strain vector from the material status. More... | |
double | giveTempVolumetricPlasticStrain () const |
Get the temp value of the volumetric plastic strain in plane stress. More... | |
double | giveTempKappaP () const |
Get the temp value of the hardening variable of the plasticity model from the material status. More... | |
double | giveKappaDTension () const |
Get the temp value of the hardening variable of the damage model from the material status. More... | |
double | giveAlpha () const |
double | giveKappaDCompression () const |
Get the temp value of the hardening variable of the damage model from the material status. More... | |
double | giveTempDamageTension () const |
Get the temp value of the hardening variable of the damage model from the material status. More... | |
double | giveTempDamageCompression () const |
Get the temp value of the hardening variable of the damage model from the material status. More... | |
double | giveDeltaEquivStrain () const |
Get the temp value of the hardening variable of the damage model from the material status. More... | |
int | giveTempStateFlag () const |
Get the temp value of the state flag from the material status. More... | |
void | letTempPlasticStrainBe (const FloatArray &v) |
Assign the temp value of deviatoric plastic strain. More... | |
void | letDeltaLambdaBe (double v) |
Assign the temp value of the rate factor of the damage model. More... | |
void | letTempKappaPBe (double v) |
Assign the temp value of the hardening variable of the plasticity model. More... | |
void | letTempKappaDTensionBe (double v) |
Assign the temp value of the rate factor of the damage model. More... | |
void | letTempKappaDCompressionBe (double v) |
Assign the temp value of the rate factor of the damage model. More... | |
void | letTempKappaDTensionOneBe (double v) |
Assign the temp value of the hardening variable of the damage model. More... | |
void | letTempKappaDCompressionOneBe (double v) |
Assign the temp value of the hardening variable of the damage model. More... | |
void | letTempKappaDTensionTwoBe (double v) |
Assign the temp value of the second tension hardening variable of the damage model. More... | |
void | letTempKappaDCompressionTwoBe (double v) |
Assign the temp value of the second compression hardening variable of the damage model. More... | |
void | letTempDamageTensionBe (double v) |
Assign the temp value of the tensile damage variable of the damage model. More... | |
void | letTempDamageCompressionBe (double v) |
Assign the temp value of the compressive damage variable of the damage model. More... | |
void | letTempRateFactorBe (double v) |
Assign the temp value of the rate factor of the damage model. More... | |
void | letTempEquivStrainBe (double v) |
Assign the temp value of the rate factor of the damage model. More... | |
void | letTempEquivStrainTensionBe (double v) |
Assign the temp value of the rate factor of the damage model. More... | |
void | letTempEquivStrainCompressionBe (double v) |
Assign the temp value of the rate factor of the damage model. More... | |
double | giveLe () |
Gives the characteristic length. More... | |
void | setLe (double ls) |
Sets the characteristic length. More... | |
void | letTempStateFlagBe (const int v) |
Assign the temp value of the state flag. More... | |
void | letKappaPPeakBe (double kappa) |
double | giveStressWork () |
Returns the density of total work of stress on strain increments. More... | |
double | giveTempStressWork () |
Returns the temp density of total work of stress on strain increments. More... | |
void | setTempStressWork (double w) |
Sets the density of total work of stress on strain increments to given value. More... | |
double | giveDissWork () |
Returns the density of dissipated work. More... | |
double | giveTempDissWork () |
Returns the density of temp dissipated work. More... | |
void | setTempDissWork (double w) |
Sets the density of dissipated work to given value. More... | |
void | computeWork (GaussPoint *gp, double ft) |
Computes the increment of total stress work and of dissipated work (gf is the dissipation density per unit volume at complete failure, it is needed only to determine which extremely small dissipation can be set to zero to get clean results, but parameter gf can be set to zero if not available). More... | |
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StructuralMaterialStatus (int n, Domain *d, GaussPoint *g) | |
Constructor. Creates new StructuralMaterialStatus with number n, belonging to domain d and IntegrationPoint g. More... | |
virtual | ~StructuralMaterialStatus () |
Destructor. More... | |
const FloatArray & | giveStrainVector () const |
Returns the const pointer to receiver's strain vector. More... | |
const FloatArray & | giveStressVector () const |
Returns the const pointer to receiver's stress vector. More... | |
const FloatArray & | givePVector () const |
Returns the const pointer to receiver's first Piola-Kirchhoff stress vector. More... | |
const FloatArray & | giveCVector () const |
Returns the const pointer to receiver's Cauchy stress vector. More... | |
const FloatArray & | giveFVector () const |
Returns the const pointer to receiver's deformation gradient vector. More... | |
const FloatArray & | giveTempStrainVector () const |
Returns the const pointer to receiver's temporary strain vector. More... | |
const FloatArray & | giveTempStressVector () const |
Returns the const pointer to receiver's temporary stress vector. More... | |
const FloatArray & | giveTempPVector () const |
Returns the const pointer to receiver's temporary first Piola-Kirchhoff stress vector. More... | |
const FloatArray & | giveTempCVector () const |
Returns the const pointer to receiver's temporary Cauchy stress vector. More... | |
const FloatArray & | giveTempFVector () const |
Returns the const pointer to receiver's temporary deformation gradient vector. More... | |
void | letStrainVectorBe (const FloatArray &v) |
Assigns strain vector to given vector v. More... | |
void | letStressVectorBe (const FloatArray &v) |
Assigns stressVector to given vector v. More... | |
void | letPVectorBe (const FloatArray &v) |
Assigns PVector to given vector v. More... | |
void | letCVectorBe (const FloatArray &v) |
Assigns CVector to given vector v. More... | |
void | letFVectorBe (const FloatArray &v) |
Assigns FVector to given vector v. More... | |
void | letTempStressVectorBe (const FloatArray &v) |
Assigns tempStressVector to given vector v. More... | |
void | letTempStrainVectorBe (const FloatArray &v) |
Assigns tempStrainVector to given vector v. More... | |
void | letTempPVectorBe (const FloatArray &v) |
Assigns tempPVector to given vector v. More... | |
void | letTempCVectorBe (const FloatArray &v) |
Assigns tempPVector to given vector v. More... | |
void | letTempFVectorBe (const FloatArray &v) |
Assigns tempFVector to given vector v. More... | |
virtual void | copyStateVariables (const MaterialStatus &iStatus) |
Functions for MaterialStatusMapperInterface. More... | |
virtual void | addStateVariables (const MaterialStatus &iStatus) |
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MaterialStatus (int n, Domain *d, GaussPoint *g) | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~MaterialStatus () |
Destructor. More... | |
virtual bool | giveMaterialProperty (int propID, double &value) |
Returns the value of material model property stored in receiving status. More... | |
virtual void | setMaterialProperty (int propID, double value) |
Allows to set the value of material model property to be stored in receiving status. More... | |
virtual void | setStatusVariable (int varID, double value) |
Allows to set the value of a specific variable, identified by varID. More... | |
virtual void | restoreConsistency () |
Restores consistency of the status, i.e., computes or corrects the values of certain status variables such that the state is admissible. More... | |
virtual IRResultType | initializeFrom (InputRecord *ir) |
Initializes receiver according to object description stored in input record. More... | |
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IntegrationPointStatus (int n, Domain *d, GaussPoint *g) | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~IntegrationPointStatus () |
Destructor. More... | |
virtual const char * | giveInputRecordName () const |
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FEMComponent (int n, Domain *d) | |
Regular constructor, creates component with given number and belonging to given domain. More... | |
virtual | ~FEMComponent () |
Virtual destructor. More... | |
Domain * | giveDomain () const |
virtual void | setDomain (Domain *d) |
Sets associated Domain. More... | |
int | giveNumber () const |
void | setNumber (int num) |
Sets number of receiver. More... | |
virtual void | updateLocalNumbering (EntityRenumberingFunctor &f) |
Local renumbering support. More... | |
virtual void | giveInputRecord (DynamicInputRecord &input) |
Setups the input record string of receiver. More... | |
virtual int | checkConsistency () |
Allows programmer to test some internal data, before computation begins. More... | |
virtual void | printYourself () |
Prints receiver state on stdout. Useful for debugging. More... | |
virtual Interface * | giveInterface (InterfaceType t) |
Interface requesting service. More... | |
std::string | errorInfo (const char *func) const |
Returns string for prepending output (used by error reporting macros). More... | |
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MaterialStatusMapperInterface () | |
virtual | ~MaterialStatusMapperInterface () |
virtual int | MSMI_map (const GaussPoint &iGP, const Domain &iOldDom, Set &sourceSet, const TimeStep &iTStep, MaterialStatus &oStatus) |
Maps all internal state variables from the old domain to the given gp status. More... | |
virtual int | MSMI_map_cz (const GaussPoint &iGP, const Domain &iOldDom, Set &sourceSet, const TimeStep &iTStep, MaterialStatus &oStatus) |
virtual int | MSMI_update (const GaussPoint &iGP, const TimeStep &iTStep) |
Updates the internal state variables from previously mapped values. More... | |
virtual int | MSMI_finish (const TimeStep &iTStep) |
Finishes the mapping for given time step. More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
double | kappaPPeak |
double | le |
double | alpha |
double | tempAlpha |
double | equivStrain |
double | tempEquivStrain |
double | equivStrainTension |
double | tempEquivStrainTension |
double | equivStrainCompression |
double | tempEquivStrainCompression |
double | kappaDTension |
double | tempKappaDTension |
double | kappaDCompression |
double | tempKappaDCompression |
double | kappaDTensionOne |
double | tempKappaDTensionOne |
double | kappaDCompressionOne |
double | tempKappaDCompressionOne |
double | kappaDTensionTwo |
double | tempKappaDTensionTwo |
double | kappaDCompressionTwo |
double | tempKappaDCompressionTwo |
double | damageTension |
double | tempDamageTension |
double | damageCompression |
double | tempDamageCompression |
double | deltaEquivStrain |
double | rateFactor |
double | tempRateFactor |
double | rateStrain |
Strains that are used for calculation of strain rates. More... | |
double | tempRateStrain |
int | state_flag |
Indicates the state (i.e. elastic, unloading, plastic, damage, vertex) of the Gauss point. More... | |
int | temp_state_flag |
double | stressWork |
Density of total work done by stresses on strain increments. More... | |
double | tempStressWork |
Non-equilibrated density of total work done by stresses on strain increments. More... | |
double | dissWork |
Density of dissipated work. More... | |
double | tempDissWork |
Non-equilibrated density of dissipated work. More... | |
History variables of the plasticity model | |
FloatArray | plasticStrain |
FloatArray | tempPlasticStrain |
double | dFDKappa |
double | deltaLambda |
Hardening variable | |
double | kappaP |
double | tempKappaP |
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FloatArray | strainVector |
Equilibrated strain vector in reduced form. More... | |
FloatArray | stressVector |
Equilibrated stress vector in reduced form. More... | |
FloatArray | tempStressVector |
Temporary stress vector in reduced form (increments are used mainly in nonlinear analysis) More... | |
FloatArray | tempStrainVector |
Temporary strain vector in reduced form (to find balanced state) More... | |
FloatArray | PVector |
Equilibrated first Piola-Kirchhoff stress vector. More... | |
FloatArray | tempPVector |
Temporary first Piola-Kirchhoff stress vector (to find balanced state) More... | |
FloatArray | CVector |
Equilibrated Cauchy stress vector. More... | |
FloatArray | tempCVector |
Temporary Cauchy stress vector (to find balanced state) More... | |
FloatArray | FVector |
Equilibrated deformation gradient in reduced form. More... | |
FloatArray | tempFVector |
Temporary deformation gradient in reduced form (to find balanced state) More... | |
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GaussPoint * | gp |
Associated integration point. More... | |
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int | number |
Component number. More... | |
Domain * | domain |
Link to domain object, useful for communicating with other FEM components. More... | |
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MaterialMappingAlgorithm * | mpMaterialMapper |
This class implements the material status associated to ConcreteDPM2.
Definition at line 82 of file concretedpm2.h.
Values of history variable state_flag.
Definition at line 86 of file concretedpm2.h.
oofem::ConcreteDPM2Status::ConcreteDPM2Status | ( | int | n, |
Domain * | d, | ||
GaussPoint * | gp | ||
) |
Definition at line 54 of file concretedpm2.C.
References alpha, ConcreteDPM2_Elastic, damageCompression, damageTension, deltaLambda, dissWork, equivStrain, equivStrainCompression, equivStrainTension, kappaDCompression, kappaDCompressionOne, kappaDCompressionTwo, kappaDTension, kappaDTensionOne, kappaDTensionTwo, kappaP, rateFactor, rateStrain, oofem::FloatArray::resize(), state_flag, oofem::StructuralMaterialStatus::strainVector, oofem::StructuralMaterialStatus::stressVector, stressWork, temp_state_flag, tempAlpha, tempDamageCompression, tempDamageTension, tempDissWork, tempEquivStrain, tempEquivStrainCompression, tempEquivStrainTension, tempKappaDCompression, tempKappaDCompressionOne, tempKappaDCompressionTwo, tempKappaDTension, tempKappaDTensionOne, tempKappaDTensionTwo, tempKappaP, tempRateStrain, oofem::StructuralMaterialStatus::tempStrainVector, oofem::StructuralMaterialStatus::tempStressVector, and tempStressWork.
virtual |
Definition at line 94 of file concretedpm2.C.
void oofem::ConcreteDPM2Status::computeWork | ( | GaussPoint * | gp, |
double | ft | ||
) |
Computes the increment of total stress work and of dissipated work (gf is the dissipation density per unit volume at complete failure, it is needed only to determine which extremely small dissipation can be set to zero to get clean results, but parameter gf can be set to zero if not available).
Definition at line 457 of file concretedpm2.C.
References oofem::FloatArray::dotProduct(), oofem::FloatArray::giveSize(), giveTempStressWork(), setTempDissWork(), setTempStressWork(), oofem::StructuralMaterialStatus::strainVector, oofem::StructuralMaterialStatus::stressVector, oofem::FloatArray::subtract(), tempDissWork, tempPlasticStrain, oofem::StructuralMaterialStatus::tempStrainVector, oofem::StructuralMaterialStatus::tempStressVector, and tempStressWork.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::giveRealStressVector_1d(), oofem::ConcreteDPM2::giveRealStressVector_3d(), and setTempDissWork().
inline |
Definition at line 373 of file concretedpm2.h.
References alpha.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDamage().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from oofem::StructuralMaterialStatus.
Definition at line 188 of file concretedpm2.h.
inline |
Get the compressive damage variable of the damage model from the material status.
Definition at line 301 of file concretedpm2.h.
References damageCompression.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::assignStateFlag(), oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDamage(), oofem::ConcreteDPM2::giveIPValue(), and oofem::ConcreteDPM2::initDamaged().
inline |
Get the tension damage variable of the damage model from the material status.
Definition at line 292 of file concretedpm2.h.
References damageTension.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::assignStateFlag(), oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDamage(), oofem::ConcreteDPM2::giveIPValue(), and oofem::ConcreteDPM2::initDamaged().
inline |
Get the temp value of the hardening variable of the damage model from the material status.
Definition at line 408 of file concretedpm2.h.
References deltaEquivStrain.
inline |
Get the deviatoric plastic strain norm from the material status.
Definition at line 203 of file concretedpm2.h.
References oofem::StructuralMaterial::computeDeviatoricVolumetricSplit().
inline |
Returns the density of dissipated work.
Definition at line 559 of file concretedpm2.h.
References dissWork.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::giveIPValue().
inline |
Get the equivalent strain from the material status.
Definition at line 267 of file concretedpm2.h.
References equivStrain.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::checkForUnAndReloading(), and oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDamage().
inline |
Get the compression equivalent strain from the material status.
Definition at line 284 of file concretedpm2.h.
References equivStrainCompression.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDamage().
inline |
Get the tension equivalent strain from the material status.
Definition at line 275 of file concretedpm2.h.
References equivStrainTension.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDamage().
inline |
Get the temp value of the hardening variable of the damage model from the material status.
Definition at line 382 of file concretedpm2.h.
References kappaDCompression.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDamage().
inline |
Get the compression hardening variable one of the damage model from the material status.
Definition at line 240 of file concretedpm2.h.
References kappaDCompressionOne.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDamage().
inline |
Get the compression hardening variable two of the damage model from the material status.
Definition at line 258 of file concretedpm2.h.
References kappaDCompressionTwo.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDamage().
inline |
Get the temp value of the hardening variable of the damage model from the material status.
Definition at line 370 of file concretedpm2.h.
References kappaDTension.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDamage().
inline |
Get the hardening variable of the damage model from the material status.
Definition at line 232 of file concretedpm2.h.
References kappaDTensionOne.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDamage().
inline |
Get the tension hardening variable two of the damage model from the material status.
Definition at line 249 of file concretedpm2.h.
References kappaDTensionTwo.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDamage().
inline |
Get the hardening variable of the plasticity model.
Definition at line 224 of file concretedpm2.h.
References kappaP.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::assignStateFlag(), and oofem::ConcreteDPM2::performPlasticityReturn().
inline |
Gives the characteristic length.
Definition at line 532 of file concretedpm2.h.
References le.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDamage(), and oofem::ConcreteDPM2::initDamaged().
inline |
Get the plastic strain deviator from the material status.
Definition at line 196 of file concretedpm2.h.
References plasticStrain.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::checkForUnAndReloading(), oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDeltaPlasticStrainNormCompression(), oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDeltaPlasticStrainNormTension(), oofem::ConcreteDPM2::giveIPValue(), oofem::ConcreteDPM2::performPlasticityReturn(), and printOutputAt().
inline |
Get the rate factor of the damage model from the material status.
Definition at line 311 of file concretedpm2.h.
References rateFactor.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDamage().
inline |
Definition at line 323 of file concretedpm2.h.
References rateStrain.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeRateFactor().
inline |
Get the state flag from the material status.
Definition at line 336 of file concretedpm2.h.
References state_flag.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::assignStateFlag().
inline |
Returns the density of total work of stress on strain increments.
Definition at line 553 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::giveIPValue(), and letKappaPPeakBe().
inline |
Get the temp value of the hardening variable of the damage model from the material status.
Definition at line 400 of file concretedpm2.h.
References tempDamageCompression.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::assignStateFlag(), and oofem::ConcreteDPM2::give1dStressStiffMtrx().
inline |
Get the temp value of the hardening variable of the damage model from the material status.
Definition at line 391 of file concretedpm2.h.
References tempDamageTension.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::assignStateFlag(), oofem::ConcreteDPM2::compute3dSecantStiffness(), and oofem::ConcreteDPM2::give1dStressStiffMtrx().
inline |
Returns the density of temp dissipated work.
Definition at line 561 of file concretedpm2.h.
References tempDissWork.
inline |
Get the temp value of the hardening variable of the plasticity model from the material status.
Definition at line 361 of file concretedpm2.h.
References tempKappaP.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::assignStateFlag(), oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDeltaPlasticStrainNormCompression(), and oofem::ConcreteDPM2::performPlasticityReturn().
inline |
Get the temp value of the full plastic strain vector from the material status.
Definition at line 347 of file concretedpm2.h.
References tempPlasticStrain.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::checkForUnAndReloading(), oofem::ConcreteDPM2::compute3dSecantStiffness(), oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDeltaPlasticStrainNormCompression(), oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDeltaPlasticStrainNormTension(), oofem::ConcreteDPM2::giveRealStressVector_1d(), oofem::ConcreteDPM2::giveRealStressVector_3d(), and oofem::ConcreteDPM2::performPlasticityReturn().
inline |
Get the temp variable of the damage model from the material status.
Definition at line 319 of file concretedpm2.h.
References tempRateFactor.
inline |
Get the temp value of the state flag from the material status.
Definition at line 417 of file concretedpm2.h.
References temp_state_flag.
inline |
Returns the temp density of total work of stress on strain increments.
Definition at line 555 of file concretedpm2.h.
References tempStressWork.
Referenced by computeWork().
inline |
Get the temp value of the volumetric plastic strain in plane stress.
Definition at line 352 of file concretedpm2.h.
References tempPlasticStrain.
inline |
Get the volumetric plastic strain from the material status.
Definition at line 215 of file concretedpm2.h.
References plasticStrain.
virtual |
Initializes the temporary internal variables, describing the current state according to previously reached equilibrium internal variables.
Reimplemented from oofem::StructuralMaterialStatus.
Definition at line 98 of file concretedpm2.C.
References alpha, damageCompression, damageTension, dissWork, equivStrain, equivStrainCompression, equivStrainTension, oofem::StructuralMaterialStatus::initTempStatus(), kappaDCompression, kappaDCompressionOne, kappaDCompressionTwo, kappaDTension, kappaDTensionOne, kappaDTensionTwo, kappaP, plasticStrain, rateFactor, rateStrain, state_flag, stressWork, temp_state_flag, tempAlpha, tempDamageCompression, tempDamageTension, tempDissWork, tempEquivStrain, tempEquivStrainCompression, tempEquivStrainTension, tempKappaDCompression, tempKappaDCompressionOne, tempKappaDCompressionTwo, tempKappaDTension, tempKappaDTensionOne, tempKappaDTensionTwo, tempKappaP, tempPlasticStrain, tempRateFactor, tempRateStrain, and tempStressWork.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::giveRealStressVector_3d().
inline |
Assign the temp value of the rate factor of the damage model.
v | New temp value of the damage variable |
Definition at line 434 of file concretedpm2.h.
inline |
Definition at line 549 of file concretedpm2.h.
References giveStressWork(), and stressWork.
inline |
Definition at line 329 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::giveRealStressVector_1d(), and oofem::ConcreteDPM2::giveRealStressVector_3d().
inline |
Assign the temp value of the compressive damage variable of the damage model.
v | New temp value of the compressive damage variable |
Definition at line 497 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDamage().
inline |
Assign the temp value of the tensile damage variable of the damage model.
v | New temp value of the tensile damage variable |
Definition at line 490 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDamage().
inline |
Assign the temp value of the rate factor of the damage model.
v | New temp value of the damage variable |
Definition at line 511 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDamage().
inline |
Assign the temp value of the rate factor of the damage model.
v | New temp value of the damage variable |
Definition at line 525 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDamage().
inline |
Assign the temp value of the rate factor of the damage model.
v | New temp value of the damage variable |
Definition at line 518 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDamage().
inline |
Assign the temp value of the rate factor of the damage model.
v | New temp value of the damage variable |
Definition at line 455 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDamage().
inline |
Assign the temp value of the hardening variable of the damage model.
v | New temp value of the hardening variable |
Definition at line 469 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDamage().
inline |
Assign the temp value of the second compression hardening variable of the damage model.
v | New temp value of the second compression hardening variable |
Definition at line 483 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDamage().
inline |
Assign the temp value of the rate factor of the damage model.
v | New temp value of the damage variable |
Definition at line 448 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDamage().
inline |
Assign the temp value of the hardening variable of the damage model.
v | New temp value of the hardening variable |
Definition at line 462 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDamage().
inline |
Assign the temp value of the second tension hardening variable of the damage model.
v | New temp value of the second tension hardening variable |
Definition at line 476 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDamage().
inline |
Assign the temp value of the hardening variable of the plasticity model.
v | New temp value of the hardening variable |
Definition at line 441 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::performPlasticityReturn().
inline |
Assign the temp value of deviatoric plastic strain.
v | New temp value of deviatoric plastic strain |
Definition at line 427 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::performPlasticityReturn().
inline |
Assign the temp value of the rate factor of the damage model.
v | New temp value of the damage variable |
Definition at line 504 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeDamage().
inline |
Definition at line 326 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::computeRateFactor().
inline |
Assign the temp value of the state flag.
v | New temp value of the state flag (i.e. elastic, unloading, yielding, vertex case yielding). |
Definition at line 545 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::assignStateFlag().
virtual |
Print receiver's output to given stream.
Reimplemented from oofem::StructuralMaterialStatus.
Definition at line 178 of file concretedpm2.C.
References oofem::FloatArray::add(), alpha, ConcreteDPM2_Damage, ConcreteDPM2_Elastic, ConcreteDPM2_Plastic, ConcreteDPM2_PlasticDamage, ConcreteDPM2_Unloading, damageCompression, damageTension, dissWork, equivStrain, givePlasticStrain(), kappaDCompression, kappaDCompressionOne, kappaDCompressionTwo, kappaDTension, kappaDTensionOne, kappaDTensionTwo, kappaP, le, oofem::StructuralMaterialStatus::printOutputAt(), state_flag, oofem::StructuralMaterialStatus::strainVector, stressWork, oofem::FloatArray::subtract(), and oofem::FloatArray::times().
virtual |
Restores the receiver state previously written in stream.
stream | Input stream. |
mode | Determines amount of info available in stream (state, definition, ...). |
obj | Special parameter for sending extra information. |
throws | an ContextIOERR exception if error encountered. |
Reimplemented from oofem::StructuralMaterialStatus.
Definition at line 353 of file concretedpm2.C.
References alpha, oofem::CIO_IOERR, oofem::CIO_OK, damageCompression, damageTension, deltaEquivStrain, deltaLambda, dFDKappa, dissWork, equivStrainCompression, equivStrainTension, kappaDCompression, kappaDCompressionOne, kappaDCompressionTwo, kappaDTension, kappaDTensionTwo, kappaP, le, plasticStrain, rateFactor, rateStrain, oofem::DataStream::read(), oofem::StructuralMaterialStatus::restoreContext(), oofem::FloatArray::restoreYourself(), state_flag, stressWork, and THROW_CIOERR.
virtual |
Stores receiver state to output stream.
stream | Output stream. |
mode | Determines amount of info required in stream (state, definition, ...). |
obj | Special parameter, used only to send particular integration point to material class version of this method. |
throws | an ContextIOERR exception if error encountered. |
Reimplemented from oofem::StructuralMaterialStatus.
Definition at line 251 of file concretedpm2.C.
References alpha, oofem::CIO_IOERR, oofem::CIO_OK, damageCompression, damageTension, deltaEquivStrain, deltaLambda, dFDKappa, dissWork, equivStrainCompression, equivStrainTension, kappaDCompression, kappaDCompressionOne, kappaDCompressionTwo, kappaDTension, kappaDTensionTwo, kappaP, le, plasticStrain, rateFactor, rateStrain, oofem::StructuralMaterialStatus::saveContext(), state_flag, oofem::FloatArray::storeYourself(), stressWork, THROW_CIOERR, and oofem::DataStream::write().
inline |
Sets the characteristic length.
Definition at line 538 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by oofem::ConcreteDPM2::initDamaged().
inline |
Sets the density of dissipated work to given value.
Definition at line 563 of file concretedpm2.h.
References computeWork(), and oofem::IntegrationPointStatus::gp.
Referenced by computeWork().
inline |
Sets the density of total work of stress on strain increments to given value.
Definition at line 557 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by computeWork().
virtual |
Update equilibrium history variables according to temp-variables.
Invoked, after new equilibrium state has been reached.
Reimplemented from oofem::StructuralMaterialStatus.
Definition at line 135 of file concretedpm2.C.
References alpha, damageCompression, damageTension, dissWork, equivStrain, equivStrainCompression, equivStrainTension, kappaDCompression, kappaDCompressionOne, kappaDCompressionTwo, kappaDTension, kappaDTensionOne, kappaDTensionTwo, kappaP, plasticStrain, rateFactor, rateStrain, state_flag, stressWork, temp_state_flag, tempAlpha, tempDamageCompression, tempDamageTension, tempDissWork, tempEquivStrain, tempEquivStrainCompression, tempEquivStrainTension, tempKappaDCompression, tempKappaDCompressionOne, tempKappaDCompressionTwo, tempKappaDTension, tempKappaDTensionOne, tempKappaDTensionTwo, tempKappaP, tempPlasticStrain, tempRateFactor, tempRateStrain, tempStressWork, and oofem::StructuralMaterialStatus::updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 117 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), giveAlpha(), oofem::ConcreteDPM2::giveLinearElasticMaterial(), initTempStatus(), printOutputAt(), restoreContext(), saveContext(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 150 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), giveDamageCompression(), initTempStatus(), printOutputAt(), restoreContext(), saveContext(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 147 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), giveDamageTension(), initTempStatus(), printOutputAt(), restoreContext(), saveContext(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 153 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by giveDeltaEquivStrain(), restoreContext(), and saveContext().
protected |
Definition at line 104 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), oofem::ConcreteDPM2::giveLinearElasticMaterial(), restoreContext(), and saveContext().
protected |
Definition at line 103 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by restoreContext(), and saveContext().
protected |
Density of dissipated work.
Definition at line 171 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), giveDissWork(), initTempStatus(), printOutputAt(), restoreContext(), saveContext(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 120 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), giveEquivStrain(), oofem::ConcreteDPM2::giveLinearElasticMaterial(), initTempStatus(), printOutputAt(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 126 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), giveEquivStrainCompression(), initTempStatus(), restoreContext(), saveContext(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 123 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), giveEquivStrainTension(), initTempStatus(), restoreContext(), saveContext(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 132 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), giveKappaDCompression(), initTempStatus(), printOutputAt(), restoreContext(), saveContext(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 138 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), giveKappaDCompressionOne(), initTempStatus(), printOutputAt(), restoreContext(), saveContext(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 144 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), giveKappaDCompressionTwo(), initTempStatus(), printOutputAt(), restoreContext(), saveContext(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 129 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), giveKappaDTension(), initTempStatus(), printOutputAt(), restoreContext(), saveContext(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 135 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), giveKappaDTensionOne(), initTempStatus(), printOutputAt(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 141 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), giveKappaDTensionTwo(), initTempStatus(), printOutputAt(), restoreContext(), saveContext(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 109 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), giveKappaP(), oofem::ConcreteDPM2::giveLinearElasticMaterial(), initTempStatus(), printOutputAt(), restoreContext(), saveContext(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 113 of file concretedpm2.h.
protected |
Definition at line 115 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by giveLe(), oofem::ConcreteDPM2::giveLinearElasticMaterial(), printOutputAt(), restoreContext(), and saveContext().
protected |
Definition at line 100 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by givePlasticStrain(), giveVolumetricPlasticStrain(), initTempStatus(), restoreContext(), saveContext(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 155 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), giveRateFactor(), initTempStatus(), restoreContext(), saveContext(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Strains that are used for calculation of strain rates.
Definition at line 159 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), giveRateStrain(), initTempStatus(), restoreContext(), saveContext(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Indicates the state (i.e. elastic, unloading, plastic, damage, vertex) of the Gauss point.
Definition at line 163 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), giveStateFlag(), initTempStatus(), printOutputAt(), restoreContext(), saveContext(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Density of total work done by stresses on strain increments.
Definition at line 167 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), initTempStatus(), letKappaPPeakBe(), printOutputAt(), restoreContext(), saveContext(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 164 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), giveTempStateFlag(), initTempStatus(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 118 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), oofem::ConcreteDPM2::giveLinearElasticMaterial(), initTempStatus(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 151 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), giveTempDamageCompression(), initTempStatus(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 148 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), giveTempDamageTension(), initTempStatus(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Non-equilibrated density of dissipated work.
Definition at line 173 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by computeWork(), ConcreteDPM2Status(), giveTempDissWork(), initTempStatus(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 121 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), oofem::ConcreteDPM2::giveLinearElasticMaterial(), initTempStatus(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 127 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), initTempStatus(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 124 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), initTempStatus(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 133 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), initTempStatus(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 139 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), initTempStatus(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 145 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), initTempStatus(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 130 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), initTempStatus(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 136 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), initTempStatus(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 142 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), initTempStatus(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 110 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), oofem::ConcreteDPM2::giveLinearElasticMaterial(), giveTempKappaP(), initTempStatus(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 101 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by computeWork(), giveTempPlasticStrain(), giveTempVolumetricPlasticStrain(), initTempStatus(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 156 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by giveTempRateFactor(), initTempStatus(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Definition at line 160 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by ConcreteDPM2Status(), initTempStatus(), and updateYourself().
protected |
Non-equilibrated density of total work done by stresses on strain increments.
Definition at line 169 of file concretedpm2.h.
Referenced by computeWork(), ConcreteDPM2Status(), giveTempStressWork(), initTempStatus(), and updateYourself().