OOFEM.org - Object Oriented Finite Element Solver
#include <cemhydmat.h>
Classes | |
struct | ants |
struct | cluster |
struct | percolatedpath |
struct | togo |
Public Member Functions | |
CemhydMatStatus (int n, Domain *d, GaussPoint *gp, CemhydMatStatus *CemStat, CemhydMat *cemhydmat, bool withMicrostructure) | |
Create status in an integration point. More... | |
virtual | ~CemhydMatStatus () |
virtual const char * | giveClassName () const |
virtual void | updateYourself (TimeStep *tStep) |
Update equilibrium history variables according to temp-variables. More... | |
virtual void | printOutputAt (FILE *file, TimeStep *tStep) |
Print receiver's output to given stream. More... | |
void | initializeMicrostructure (void) |
void | read (char *inp) |
double | GivePower (double GiveTemp, double TargTime) |
double | MoveCycles (double GiveTemp, int cycles) |
int | MoveToDoH (double GiveTemp, double DesiredDoH, int maxcyc) |
int | MoveToTime (double GiveTemp, double TargTime) |
double | GiveTotCemHeat (void) |
double | GiveTotHeat (void) |
double | GiveCp (void) |
double | computeConcreteCapacityBentz (void) |
double | GiveDensity (void) |
double | GiveDoHLastCyc (void) |
double | GiveDoHActual (void) |
Return degree of hydration of the receiver. More... | |
int | GiveCycNum (void) |
double | GiveCycTime (void) |
void | CreateHDCSH (void) |
void | PercolateForOutput (void) |
double | GiveWcr (void) |
void | GetInputParams (char *my_string) |
void | constructor_init (void) |
void | AnalyticHomogenizationPaste (double &E, double &nu, int perc_unperc_flag) |
void | AnalyticHomogenizationConcrete (double E_paste_inp, double nu_paste_inp, double *E_paste, double *nu_paste, double *E_mortar, double *nu_mortar, double &E_concrete, double &nu_concrete) |
void | GetInitClinkerPhases (double &c3s, double &c2s, double &c3a, double &c4af, double &gypsum, double &hemi, double &anh) |
void | setAverageTemperatureVolume (double temperature, double volume) |
Auxiliary function for temperature averaging over GPs. More... | |
double | giveAverageTemperature (void) |
double | giveTotalVolume (void) |
int | readInputFileAndInitialize (const char *inp, bool generateMicrostructure) |
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TransportMaterialStatus (int n, Domain *d, GaussPoint *g) | |
Constructor - creates new TransportMaterialStatus with number n, belonging to domain d and IntegrationPoint g. More... | |
virtual | ~TransportMaterialStatus () |
Destructor. More... | |
virtual void | initTempStatus () |
Initializes the temporary internal variables, describing the current state according to previously reached equilibrium internal variables. More... | |
virtual contextIOResultType | saveContext (DataStream &stream, ContextMode mode, void *obj=NULL) |
Stores receiver state to output stream. More... | |
virtual contextIOResultType | restoreContext (DataStream &stream, ContextMode mode, void *obj=NULL) |
Restores the receiver state previously written in stream. More... | |
void | letTempStateVectorBe (FloatArray v) |
void | setTempGradient (FloatArray grad) |
Set gradient. More... | |
void | setTempField (FloatArray newField) |
Set field. More... | |
void | setTempFlux (FloatArray w) |
Set flux. More... | |
const FloatArray & | giveGradient () |
Return last gradient. More... | |
const FloatArray & | giveField () |
Return last field. More... | |
const FloatArray & | giveFlux () |
Returns last flux. More... | |
const FloatArray & | giveTempGradient () |
Return last gradient. More... | |
const FloatArray & | giveTempField () |
Return last field. More... | |
const FloatArray & | giveTempFlux () |
Returns last flux. More... | |
double | giveMaturity () |
Returns maturity. More... | |
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MaterialStatus (int n, Domain *d, GaussPoint *g) | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~MaterialStatus () |
Destructor. More... | |
virtual bool | giveMaterialProperty (int propID, double &value) |
Returns the value of material model property stored in receiving status. More... | |
virtual void | setMaterialProperty (int propID, double value) |
Allows to set the value of material model property to be stored in receiving status. More... | |
virtual void | setStatusVariable (int varID, double value) |
Allows to set the value of a specific variable, identified by varID. More... | |
virtual void | restoreConsistency () |
Restores consistency of the status, i.e., computes or corrects the values of certain status variables such that the state is admissible. More... | |
virtual IRResultType | initializeFrom (InputRecord *ir) |
Initializes receiver according to object description stored in input record. More... | |
![]() | |
IntegrationPointStatus (int n, Domain *d, GaussPoint *g) | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~IntegrationPointStatus () |
Destructor. More... | |
virtual const char * | giveInputRecordName () const |
![]() | |
FEMComponent (int n, Domain *d) | |
Regular constructor, creates component with given number and belonging to given domain. More... | |
virtual | ~FEMComponent () |
Virtual destructor. More... | |
Domain * | giveDomain () const |
virtual void | setDomain (Domain *d) |
Sets associated Domain. More... | |
int | giveNumber () const |
void | setNumber (int num) |
Sets number of receiver. More... | |
virtual void | updateLocalNumbering (EntityRenumberingFunctor &f) |
Local renumbering support. More... | |
virtual void | giveInputRecord (DynamicInputRecord &input) |
Setups the input record string of receiver. More... | |
virtual int | checkConsistency () |
Allows programmer to test some internal data, before computation begins. More... | |
virtual void | printYourself () |
Prints receiver state on stdout. Useful for debugging. More... | |
virtual Interface * | giveInterface (InterfaceType t) |
Interface requesting service. More... | |
std::string | errorInfo (const char *func) const |
Returns string for prepending output (used by error reporting macros). More... | |
Public Attributes | |
FILE * | in |
double | averageTemperature |
Average temperature through integration points. More... | |
double | IPVolume |
Volume associated to master IP of one CemhydMat. More... | |
double | init_material_time |
Inital material time for growing problems. More... | |
int | SYSSIZE |
int | SYSIZE |
int *** | mic_CSH |
int *** | ArrPerc |
int *** | ConnNumbers |
double * | PhaseFrac |
double | LastHydrTime |
double | LastCallTime |
double | PrevHydrTime |
double | LastCycHeat |
double | LastTotHeat |
double | PrevCycHeat |
double | PartHeat |
The last incremental heat returned from a GP. More... | |
double | ind_time |
double | temp_0 |
double | temp_cur |
double | time_step |
double | time_cur |
double | E_act |
double | beta |
double | heat_new |
double | Mass_cement_concrete |
int | icyc |
Cycle of celular automata. More... | |
double * | last_values |
Array for storing temporary values (elastic properties etc.) More... | |
int | Calculate_elastic_homogenization |
Flag to proceed percolation filtering and elastic homogenization. More... | |
Private Member Functions | |
long | cx (int x, int y, int z, int a, int b, int c) |
long | cy (int x, int y, int z, int a, int b, int c) |
long | cz (int x, int y, int z, int a, int b, int c) |
void | QueryNumAttributeExt (XMLDocument *xmlFile, const char *elementName, int position, int &val) |
void | QueryNumAttributeExt (XMLDocument *xmlFile, const char *elementName, int position, long int &val) |
void | QueryNumAttributeExt (XMLDocument *xmlFile, const char *elementName, const char *key, int &val) |
void | QueryNumAttributeExt (XMLDocument *xmlFile, const char *elementName, int position, double &val) |
void | QueryNumAttributeExt (XMLDocument *xmlFile, const char *elementName, const char *key, double &val) |
void | QueryStringAttributeExt (XMLDocument *xmlFile, const char *elementName, int position, char *chars) |
double | ran1 (int *idum) |
void | addagg (void) |
int | chksph (int xin, int yin, int zin, int radd, int wflg, int phasein, int phase2) |
int | gsphere (int numgen, long int *numeach, int *sizeeach, int *pheach) |
int | create (void) |
void | drawfloc (int xin, int yin, int zin, int radd, int phasein, int phase2) |
int | chkfloc (int xin, int yin, int zin, int radd) |
void | makefloc (void) |
void | measure (void) |
void | measagg (void) |
void | connect (void) |
void | outmic (void) |
int | genpartnew (void) |
void | alloc_char_3D (char ***(&mic), long SYSIZE) |
void | dealloc_char_3D (char ***(&mic), long SYSIZE) |
void | alloc_long_3D (long ***(&mic), long SYSIZE) |
void | dealloc_long_3D (long ***(&mic), long SYSIZE) |
void | alloc_int_3D (int ***(&mask), long SYSIZE) |
void | dealloc_int_3D (int ***(&mask), long SYSIZE) |
void | alloc_shortint_3D (short int ***(&mic), long SYSIZE) |
void | dealloc_shortint_3D (short int ***(&mic), long SYSIZE) |
void | alloc_double_3D (double ***(&mic), long SYSIZE) |
void | dealloc_double_3D (double ***(&mic), long SYSIZE) |
int | maketemp (int size) |
void | phcount (void) |
int | surfpix (int xin, int yin, int zin) |
float | rhcalc (int phin) |
int | countem (int xp, int yp, int zp, int phin) |
void | sysinit (int ph1, int ph2) |
void | sysscan (int ph1, int ph2) |
int | procsol (int nsearch) |
int | procair (int nsearch) |
int | movepix (int ntomove, int ph1, int ph2) |
void | sinter3d (int ph1id, int ph2id, float rhtarget) |
void | stat3d (void) |
void | rand3d (int phasein, int phaseout, float xpt) |
void | distrib3d (void) |
void | init (void) |
int | chckedge (int xck, int yck, int zck) |
void | passone (int low, int high, int cycid, int cshexflag) |
int | loccsh (int xcur, int ycur, int zcur, int extent) |
int | countbox (int boxsize, int qx, int qy, int qz) |
int | countboxc (int boxsize, int qx, int qy, int qz) |
void | makeinert (long int ndesire) |
void | extslagcsh (int xpres, int ypres, int zpres) |
void | dissolve (int cycle) |
void | addrand (int randid, long int nneed) |
void | measuresurf (void) |
void | resaturate (void) |
void | outputImageFileUnperc (char ***m) |
void | readhydrparam (void) |
void | disrealnew_init (void) |
void | disrealnew (double GiveTemp, double TargTime, int flag) |
int | burn3d (int npix, int d1, int d2, int d3) |
int | burnset (int d1, int d2, int d3) |
void | parthyd (void) |
int | moveone (int *xloc, int *yloc, int *zloc, int *act, int sumold) |
int | edgecnt (int xck, int yck, int zck, int ph1, int ph2, int ph3) |
void | extcsh (void) |
int | movecsh (int xcur, int ycur, int zcur, int finalstep, int cycorig) |
void | extfh3 (int xpres, int ypres, int zpres) |
int | extettr (int xpres, int ypres, int zpres, int etype) |
void | extch (void) |
void | extgyps (int xpres, int ypres, int zpres) |
int | moveanh (int xcur, int ycur, int zcur, int finalstep, float nucprgyp) |
int | movehem (int xcur, int ycur, int zcur, int finalstep, float nucprgyp) |
int | extfreidel (int xpres, int ypres, int zpres) |
int | extstrat (int xpres, int ypres, int zpres) |
int | movegyp (int xcur, int ycur, int zcur, int finalstep) |
int | movecacl2 (int xcur, int ycur, int zcur, int finalstep) |
int | movecas2 (int xcur, int ycur, int zcur, int finalstep) |
int | moveas (int xcur, int ycur, int zcur, int finalstep) |
int | movecaco3 (int xcur, int ycur, int zcur, int finalstep) |
void | extafm (int xpres, int ypres, int zpres) |
int | moveettr (int xcur, int ycur, int zcur, int finalstep) |
void | extpozz (int xpres, int ypres, int zpres) |
int | movefh3 (int xcur, int ycur, int zcur, int finalstep, float nucprob) |
int | movech (int xcur, int ycur, int zcur, int finalstep, float nucprob) |
void | extc3ah6 (int xpres, int ypres, int zpres) |
int | movec3a (int xcur, int ycur, int zcur, int finalstep, float nucprob) |
int | movec4a (int xcur, int ycur, int zcur, int finalstep, float nucprob) |
void | hydrate (int fincyc, int stepmax, float chpar1, float chpar2, float hgpar1, float hgpar2, float fhpar1, float fhpar2, float gypar1, float gypar2) |
void | laguer (fcomplex_cem a[], int m, fcomplex_cem *x, float eps, int polish) |
void | zroots (fcomplex_cem a[], int m, fcomplex_cem roots[], int polish) |
void | pHpred (void) |
int | IsSolidPhase (int phase) |
void | burn_phases (int d1, int d2, int d3) |
int | IsConnected (int cx, int cy, int cz, int dx, int dy, int dz) |
void | GenerateConnNumbers (void) |
void | outputImageFilePerc (void) |
void | WriteUnsortedList (int px, int py, int pz) |
void | CountPercolation (int &tot_perc, int &tot_unperc) |
int | AdjCoord (int coord) |
int | NumSol (int cx, int cy, int cz) |
void | CSHbox (unsigned int *CSH_vicinity) |
void | nrerror (const char *error_text) |
float * | vector (int nl, int nh) |
int * | ivector (int nl, int nh) |
double * | dvector (int nl, int nh) |
float ** | matrix_cem (int nrl, int nrh, int ncl, int nch) |
double ** | dmatrix (int nrl, int nrh, int ncl, int nch) |
int ** | imatrix (int nrl, int nrh, int ncl, int nch) |
float ** | submatrix (float **a, int oldrl, int oldrh, int oldcl, int oldch, int newrl, int newcl) |
void | free_vector (float *v, int nl) |
void | free_ivector (int *v, int nl) |
void | free_dvector (double *v, int nl) |
void | free_matrix (float **m, int nrl, int nrh, int ncl) |
void | free_dmatrix (double **m, int nrl, int nrh, int ncl) |
void | free_imatrix (int **m, int nrl, int nrh, int ncl) |
void | free_submatrix (float *b, int nrl) |
float ** | convert_matrix (float *a, int nrl, int nrh, int ncl, int nch) |
void | free_convert_matrix (float **b, int nrl) |
fcomplex_cem | Cadd (fcomplex_cem a, fcomplex_cem b) |
fcomplex_cem | Csub (fcomplex_cem a, fcomplex_cem b) |
fcomplex_cem | Cmul (fcomplex_cem a, fcomplex_cem b) |
fcomplex_cem | ComplexCemhyd (float re, float im) |
fcomplex_cem | Conjg (fcomplex_cem z) |
fcomplex_cem | Cdiv (fcomplex_cem a, fcomplex_cem b) |
float | Cabs (fcomplex_cem z) |
fcomplex_cem | Csqrt (fcomplex_cem z) |
fcomplex_cem | RCmul (float x, fcomplex_cem a) |
Private Attributes | |
GaussPoint * | gp |
Stores GP of the CemhydMatStatus. More... | |
double | LastTargTime |
int | BoxSize |
int | SolidLimit |
long | MAXTRIES |
long int | MAXCYC_SEAL |
long | SYSIZE_POW3 |
int | CEM |
int | CEMID |
int | C2SID |
int | GYPID |
int | POZZID |
int | INERTID |
int | SLAGID |
int | AGG |
int | FLYASH |
long | NPARTC |
long | BURNTG |
int | NUMSIZES |
long | MAXSPH |
double | Cp_pozz |
double | Cp_CH |
double | Cp_h2o |
double | Cp_bh2o |
double | WN |
double | WCHSH |
int | CUBEMAX |
int | CUBEMIN |
long | SYSIZEM1 |
double | DISBIAS |
double | DISMIN |
double | DISMIN2 |
double | DISMINSLAG |
double | DISMINASG |
double | DISMINCAS2 |
double | DISMIN_C3A_0 |
double | DISMIN_C4AF_0 |
double | DETTRMAX |
double | DGYPMAX |
double | DCACO3MAX |
double | DCACL2MAX |
double | DCAS2MAX |
double | CHCRIT |
double | C3AH6CRIT |
double | C3AH6GROW |
double | CHGROW |
double | CHGROWAGG |
double | ETTRGROW |
double | C3AETTR |
double | C3AGYP |
double | SOLIDC3AGYP |
double | SOLIDC4AFGYP |
double | PPOZZ |
double | PCSH2CSH |
double | A0_CHSOL |
double | A1_CHSOL |
double | CSHSCALE |
double | C3AH6_SCALE |
int | BURNT |
long | SIZE2D |
long | SIZESET |
double | AGRATE |
double | VOLFACTOR |
double | MASSFACTOR |
double | MMNa |
double | MMK |
double | MMNa2O |
double | MMK2O |
double | BNa |
double | BK |
double | BprimeNa |
double | BprimeK |
double | KspCH25C |
double | KspGypsum |
double | KspSyngenite |
double | SpecgravSyngenite |
double | KperSyn |
double | activeA0 |
double | activeB0 |
double | zCa |
double | zSO4 |
double | zOH |
double | zNa |
double | zK |
double | aK |
double | aCa |
double | aOH |
double | aNa |
double | aSO4 |
double | lambdaOH_0 |
double | lambdaNa_0 |
double | lambdaK_0 |
double | lambdaSO4_0 |
double | lambdaCa_0 |
double | GOH |
double | GK |
double | GNa |
double | GCa |
double | GSO4 |
double | cm2perL2m |
double | EPSS |
double | MAXIT |
double | EPSP |
int | MAXM |
int | xoff [27] |
int | yoff [27] |
int | zoff [27] |
long | IA |
long | IM |
long | IQ |
int | IR |
int | NTAB |
double | EPS |
double | NDIV |
double | RNMX |
double | AM |
int | iy |
int * | iv |
int | POROSITY |
int | C3S |
int | C2S |
int | C3A |
int | C4AF |
int | GYPSUM |
int | HEMIHYD |
int | POZZ |
int | INERT |
int | SLAG |
int | ASG |
int | CAS2 |
int | CH |
int | CSH |
int | C3AH6 |
int | ETTR |
int | ETTRC4AF |
int | AFM |
int | FH3 |
int | POZZCSH |
int | SLAGCSH |
int | CACL2 |
int | FREIDEL |
int | STRAT |
int | GYPSUMS |
int | CACO3 |
int | AFMC |
int | INERTAGG |
int | ABSGYP |
int | DIFFCSH |
int | DIFFCH |
int | DIFFGYP |
int | DIFFC3A |
int | DIFFC4A |
int | DIFFFH3 |
int | DIFFETTR |
int | DIFFCACO3 |
int | DIFFAS |
int | DIFFANH |
int | DIFFHEM |
int | DIFFCAS2 |
int | DIFFCACL2 |
int | EMPTYP |
int | HDCSH |
int | OFFSET |
char *** | mic |
XMLDocument * | xmlFile |
int | countKey |
char *** | micorig |
long int *** | micpart |
long int *** | cement |
long int *** | cemreal |
int | npart |
int | aggsize |
int | iseed |
int | nseed |
int * | seed |
int | dispdist |
int | clusleft |
long int | n_sulfate |
long int | target_sulfate |
long int | n_total |
long int | target_total |
long int | volpart [47] |
long int | n_anhydrite |
long int | target_anhydrite |
long int | n_hemi |
long int | target_hemi |
double | probgyp |
double | probhem |
double | probanh |
struct cluster ** | clust |
int *** | mask |
int *** | curvature |
long int | volume [50] |
long int | surface [50] |
int | nsph |
int * | xsph |
int * | ysph |
int * | zsph |
long int | nsolid [1500] |
long int | nair [1500] |
long int * | phase |
short int *** | cshage |
short int *** | faces |
unsigned int * | CSH_vicinity |
long int * | discount |
long int * | count |
long int | ncshplategrow |
long int | ncshplateinit |
long int | npr |
long int | nfill |
long int | ncsbar |
long int | netbar |
long int | porinit |
long int | nasr |
long int | nslagr |
long int | slagemptyp |
long int | c3sinit |
long int | c2sinit |
long int | c3ainit |
long int | c4afinit |
long int | anhinit |
long int | heminit |
long int | chold |
long int | chnew |
long int | nmade |
long int | ngoing |
long int | gypready |
long int | poregone |
long int | poretodo |
long int | countpore |
long int | countkeep |
long int | water_left |
long int | water_off |
long int | pore_off |
int | ncyc |
int | cyccnt |
int | cubesize |
int | sealed |
int | outfreq |
int | ImgOut |
int | burnfreq |
int | setfreq |
int | setflag |
int | sf1 |
int | sf2 |
int | sf3 |
int | porefl1 |
int | porefl2 |
int | porefl3 |
double | heat_cf |
float | w_to_c |
float | s_to_c |
float | krate |
float | totfract |
float | tfractw04 |
float | fractwithfill |
float | tfractw05 |
float | surffract |
float | pfract |
float | pfractw05 |
float | sulf_conc |
long int | scntcement |
long int | scnttotal |
float | U_coeff |
float | T_ambient |
double | alpha_cur |
double | alpha_last |
double | heat_old |
double | cemmass |
double | mass_agg |
double | mass_water |
double | mass_fill |
double | Cp_now |
double | Cp_agg |
double | Cp_cement |
double | Mass_tot_concrete |
double | Cp_SCM |
double | Cp_FA |
double | Cp_CA |
double | Cp_inert |
double | Mass_SCM_frac |
double | Mass_FA_frac |
double | Mass_CA_frac |
double | Mass_inert_frac |
double | Concrete_thermal_conductivity |
double | Concrete_bulk_density |
double | alpha |
double | CH_mass |
double | mass_CH |
double | mass_fill_pozz |
double | E_act_pozz |
double | chs_new |
double | cemmasswgyp |
float | flyashmass |
float | alpha_fa_cur |
double | E_act_slag |
double | TargDoHelas |
float * | molarvcsh |
float * | watercsh |
float | heatsum |
float | molesh2o |
float | saturation |
float * | disprob |
float * | disbase |
float | gypabsprob |
float | ppozz |
float * | specgrav |
float * | molarv |
float * | heatf |
float * | waterc |
int * | soluble |
int * | creates |
int | csh2flag |
int | adiaflag |
int | chflag |
int | nummovsl |
float | cs_acc |
float | ca_acc |
float | dismin_c3a |
float | dismin_c4af |
float | gsratio2 |
float | onepixelbias |
float | p1slag |
float | p2slag |
float | p3slag |
float | p4slag |
float | p5slag |
double | slagcasi |
double | slaghydcasi |
float | slagh2osi |
double | slagc3a |
double | siperslag |
double | slagreact |
long int | DIFFCHdeficit |
long int | slaginit |
long int | slagcum |
long int | chgone |
long int | nch_slag |
long int | sulf_cur |
long int | sulf_solid |
char | heatname [80] |
char | adianame [80] |
char | phasname [80] |
char | ppsname [80] |
char | ptsaname [80] |
char | phrname [80] |
char | chshrname [80] |
char | micname [80] |
char | cmdnew [120] |
char | pHname [80] |
char | fileroot [80] |
struct ants * | headant |
struct ants * | tailant |
FILE * | heatfile |
FILE * | chsfile |
FILE * | ptmpfile |
FILE * | movfile |
FILE * | pHfile |
FILE * | micfile |
FILE * | fileperc |
FILE * | percfile |
FILE * | disprobfile |
FILE * | phasfile |
FILE * | perc_phases |
FILE * | CSHfile |
FILE * | infoperc |
FILE * | infoUnperc |
double | pH_cur |
double | totsodium |
double | totpotassium |
double | rssodium |
double | rspotassium |
float * | pHeffect |
float | pHfactor |
int | pHactive |
int | resatcyc |
int | cshgeom |
double | conccaplus |
double | moles_syn_precip |
double | concsulfate |
int | primevalues [6] |
int | cshboxsize |
struct percolatedpath * | last |
struct percolatedpath * | current |
int | adiabatic_curing |
int | ntimes |
int | cycflag |
int | phydfreq |
double | InitTime |
double | pnucch |
double | pscalech |
double | pnuchg |
double | pscalehg |
double | pnucfh3 |
double | pscalefh3 |
double | pnucgyp |
double | pscalegyp |
float | thtimelo |
float | thtimehi |
float | thtemplo |
float | thtemphi |
double | mass_cement |
double | mass_cem_now |
double | mass_cur |
double | kpozz |
double | kslag |
FILE * | adiafile |
FILE * | thfile |
FILE * | elasfile |
long int | LastCycCnt |
double | Vol_cement_clinker_gypsum |
double | Vol_cement_SCM |
double | Vol_water |
double | Vol_FA |
double | Vol_CA |
double | Vol_inert_filler |
double | Vol_entrained_entrapped_air |
double | Grain_average_FA |
double | Grain_average_CA |
double | ITZ_thickness |
double | ITZ_Young_red |
double | Young_SCM |
double | Poisson_SCM |
double | Young_FA |
double | Poisson_FA |
double | Young_CA |
double | Poisson_CA |
double | Young_inert |
double | Poisson_inert |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
FloatArray | temp_field |
Vector containing the last used field. More... | |
FloatArray | temp_gradient |
Vector containing the last used gradient. More... | |
FloatArray | temp_flux |
Vector containing the last computed flux. More... | |
FloatArray | field |
Vector containing the last equilibrated field. The physical meaning corresponds to temperature, concentration etc. More... | |
FloatArray | gradient |
Vector containing the last equilibrated gradient. It is the spatial gradient of the field. More... | |
FloatArray | flux |
Vector containing the last equilibrated flux. The physical meaning corresponds to energy flux, mass flow, etc. More... | |
double | maturity |
A scalar containing maturity (integration of temperature over time) More... | |
![]() | |
GaussPoint * | gp |
Associated integration point. More... | |
![]() | |
int | number |
Component number. More... | |
Domain * | domain |
Link to domain object, useful for communicating with other FEM components. More... | |
Definition at line 154 of file cemhydmat.h.
oofem::CemhydMatStatus::CemhydMatStatus | ( | int | n, |
Domain * | d, | ||
GaussPoint * | gp, | ||
CemhydMatStatus * | CemStat, | ||
CemhydMat * | cemhydmat, | ||
bool | withMicrostructure | ||
) |
Create status in an integration point.
n | Number of receiver. |
d | Domain that receiver belongs to. |
gp | Integration point that receiver belongs to. |
cemhydmat | Material model which receiver belongs to. |
CemStat | A pointer to existing microstructure, from which the 3D image is copied. |
withMicrostructure | Creates also 3D microstructure representation at the integration point. |
Definition at line 459 of file cemhydmat.C.
References adiafile, ArrPerc, cement, cemreal, chsfile, clust, ConnNumbers, count, creates, CSH_vicinity, cshage, CSHfile, curvature, disbase, discount, disprob, disprobfile, elasfile, faces, fileperc, gp, headant, heatf, heatfile, infoperc, infoUnperc, initializeMicrostructure(), iv, last_values, mask, mic, mic_CSH, micfile, micorig, micpart, molarv, molarvcsh, movfile, PartHeat, perc_phases, percfile, phase, PhaseFrac, phasfile, pHeffect, pHfile, ptmpfile, readInputFileAndInitialize(), soluble, specgrav, SYSIZE, tailant, thfile, waterc, watercsh, xmlFile, oofem::CemhydMat::XMLfileName, xsph, ysph, and zsph.
Referenced by printOutputAt().
virtual |
Definition at line 865 of file cemhydmat.C.
References adiafile, ArrPerc, ConnNumbers, count, creates, CSH_vicinity, cshage, CSHfile, dealloc_char_3D(), dealloc_int_3D(), dealloc_long_3D(), dealloc_shortint_3D(), disbase, discount, disprob, disprobfile, elasfile, faces, fileperc, headant, heatf, heatfile, infoperc, infoUnperc, iv, last_values, mask, mic, mic_CSH, micorig, micpart, molarv, molarvcsh, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ants::nextant, perc_phases, phase, PhaseFrac, phasfile, pHeffect, pHfile, soluble, specgrav, SYSIZE, tailant, waterc, watercsh, xmlFile, xsph, ysph, and zsph.
private |
Definition at line 1492 of file cemhydmat.C.
References AGG, aggsize, cement, cemreal, countKey, iy, QueryNumAttributeExt(), SYSSIZE, and xmlFile.
Referenced by genpartnew().
private |
Definition at line 6216 of file cemhydmat.C.
References CACO3, countboxc(), INERT, iy, mic, micorig, POROSITY, ran1(), seed, and SYSIZE.
Referenced by readhydrparam().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 13623 of file cemhydmat.C.
References SYSIZE.
Referenced by GenerateConnNumbers(), IsConnected(), and NumSol().
private |
Definition at line 981 of file cemhydmat.C.
Referenced by burn_phases(), burnset(), and readInputFileAndInitialize().
private |
private |
Definition at line 1040 of file cemhydmat.C.
Referenced by distrib3d(), and readInputFileAndInitialize().
private |
Definition at line 1010 of file cemhydmat.C.
Referenced by genpartnew(), and readInputFileAndInitialize().
private |
Definition at line 1070 of file cemhydmat.C.
Referenced by readInputFileAndInitialize().
void oofem::CemhydMatStatus::AnalyticHomogenizationConcrete | ( | double | E_paste_inp, |
double | nu_paste_inp, | ||
double * | E_paste, | ||
double * | nu_paste, | ||
double * | E_mortar, | ||
double * | nu_mortar, | ||
double & | E_concrete, | ||
double & | nu_concrete | ||
) |
Definition at line 14284 of file cemhydmat.C.
References oofem::Homogenize::E_hmg, Grain_average_CA, Grain_average_FA, oofem::Homogenize::herveZaoui(), ITZ_thickness, ITZ_Young_red, M_PI, oofem::Homogenize::moriTanaka(), oofem::Homogenize::nu_hmg, Poisson_CA, Poisson_FA, Poisson_inert, Poisson_SCM, Vol_CA, Vol_cement_clinker_gypsum, Vol_cement_SCM, Vol_entrained_entrapped_air, Vol_FA, Vol_inert_filler, Vol_water, Young_CA, Young_FA, Young_inert, and Young_SCM.
Referenced by disrealnew().
void oofem::CemhydMatStatus::AnalyticHomogenizationPaste | ( | double & | E, |
double & | nu, | ||
int | perc_unperc_flag | ||
) |
Definition at line 14095 of file cemhydmat.C.
References count, CSH, DIFFCSH, oofem::Homogenize::E_hmg, EMPTYP, HDCSH, oofem::Homogenize::moriTanaka(), oofem::Homogenize::nu_hmg, phase, PhaseFrac, oofem::Homogenize::selfConsistent(), and SYSIZE_POW3.
Referenced by disrealnew().
private |
private |
Definition at line 12858 of file cemhydmat.C.
References ABSGYP, alloc_char_3D(), alpha_cur, ArrPerc, BURNT, C2S, C3A, C3S, C4AF, count, CSH, current, cx(), cy(), cyccnt, cz(), dealloc_char_3D(), DIFFCSH, EMPTYP, HDCSH, IsSolidPhase(), last, mic_CSH, micpart, outputImageFilePerc(), perc_phases, phase, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::percolatedpath::prev, SIZESET, SYSIZE, time_cur, WriteUnsortedList(), oofem::CemhydMatStatus::percolatedpath::x, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::percolatedpath::y, and oofem::CemhydMatStatus::percolatedpath::z.
Referenced by PercolateForOutput().
private |
private |
Definition at line 13991 of file cemhydmat.C.
References oofem::FCOMPLEX::i, and oofem::FCOMPLEX::r.
Referenced by laguer().
private |
Definition at line 13932 of file cemhydmat.C.
References oofem::FCOMPLEX::i, and oofem::FCOMPLEX::r.
private |
Definition at line 13972 of file cemhydmat.C.
References oofem::FCOMPLEX::i, and oofem::FCOMPLEX::r.
Referenced by laguer().
private |
private |
Definition at line 1959 of file cemhydmat.C.
References AGG, aggsize, cement, POROSITY, and SYSSIZE.
Referenced by makefloc().
private |
private |
Definition at line 13948 of file cemhydmat.C.
References oofem::FCOMPLEX::i, and oofem::FCOMPLEX::r.
private |
Definition at line 13956 of file cemhydmat.C.
References oofem::FCOMPLEX::i, and oofem::FCOMPLEX::r.
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::computeConcreteCapacityBentz | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 7547 of file cemhydmat.C.
References alpha_cur, Cp_CA, Cp_cement, Cp_FA, Cp_inert, Cp_SCM, Mass_CA_frac, Mass_cement_concrete, Mass_FA_frac, Mass_inert_frac, Mass_SCM_frac, Mass_tot_concrete, and Vol_water.
Referenced by oofem::CemhydMat::giveConcreteCapacity().
private |
Definition at line 13964 of file cemhydmat.C.
References oofem::FCOMPLEX::i, and oofem::FCOMPLEX::r.
private |
Definition at line 2317 of file cemhydmat.C.
References BURNTG, CEM, cement, countKey, QueryNumAttributeExt(), SYSSIZE, and xmlFile.
Referenced by genpartnew().
void oofem::CemhydMatStatus::constructor_init | ( | void | ) |
private |
Definition at line 13907 of file cemhydmat.C.
References nrerror().
private |
Definition at line 4543 of file cemhydmat.C.
References ABSGYP, C3S, iy, mic, and SYSIZE.
Referenced by dissolve(), and makeinert().
private |
private |
private |
private |
Definition at line 1728 of file cemhydmat.C.
References AGG, ANHYDRITE, ASG, C2SID, CACO3, CEMID, countKey, dispdist, FLYASH, gsphere(), GYPID, HEMIHYDRATE, INERTID, NUMSIZES, POZZID, probanh, probgyp, probhem, QueryNumAttributeExt(), SLAGID, SYSSIZE, target_anhydrite, target_hemi, target_sulfate, target_total, volpart, and xmlFile.
Referenced by genpartnew().
void oofem::CemhydMatStatus::CreateHDCSH | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 14052 of file cemhydmat.C.
References CSH_vicinity, and CSHbox().
Referenced by disrealnew().
private |
Definition at line 13684 of file cemhydmat.C.
References BoxSize, count, CSH, cx(), cy(), cz(), HDCSH, mic, mic_CSH, NumSol(), and SYSIZE.
Referenced by CreateHDCSH(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 14011 of file cemhydmat.C.
References oofem::FCOMPLEX::i, and oofem::FCOMPLEX::r.
Referenced by laguer().
private |
Definition at line 13940 of file cemhydmat.C.
References oofem::FCOMPLEX::i, and oofem::FCOMPLEX::r.
Referenced by laguer().
private |
Definition at line 14078 of file cemhydmat.C.
Referenced by burn3d(), burn_phases(), burnset(), CSHbox(), and GenerateConnNumbers().
private |
Definition at line 14084 of file cemhydmat.C.
Referenced by burn3d(), burn_phases(), burnset(), CSHbox(), and GenerateConnNumbers().
private |
Definition at line 14089 of file cemhydmat.C.
Referenced by burn3d(), burn_phases(), burnset(), CSHbox(), and GenerateConnNumbers().
private |
Definition at line 995 of file cemhydmat.C.
Referenced by burn_phases(), burnset(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
private |
Definition at line 1055 of file cemhydmat.C.
Referenced by distrib3d(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 1025 of file cemhydmat.C.
Referenced by distrib3d(), genpartnew(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 1085 of file cemhydmat.C.
Referenced by ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 7129 of file cemhydmat.C.
References ABSGYP, adiabatic_curing, adiafile, AFM, AFMC, alpha, alpha_cur, alpha_fa_cur, alpha_last, AnalyticHomogenizationConcrete(), AnalyticHomogenizationPaste(), ASG, beta, burn3d(), burnfreq, C3AH6, Calculate_elastic_homogenization, CAS2, CH, count, countkeep, Cp_agg, Cp_bh2o, Cp_cement, Cp_CH, Cp_h2o, Cp_now, Cp_pozz, CreateHDCSH(), CSH, CSHfile, cyccnt, cycflag, disbase, disprob, disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), E_act, E_act_pozz, E_act_slag, elasfile, EMPTYP, ETTR, ETTRC4AF, FH3, FREIDEL, gsratio2, HDCSH, heat_cf, heat_new, heat_old, heatfile, hydrate(), icyc, InitTime, kpozz, krate, kslag, last_values, mass_agg, mass_cem_now, mass_cement, mass_CH, mass_cur, mass_fill, mass_fill_pozz, mass_water, mic, molarv, molarvcsh, ntimes, outputImageFileUnperc(), PercolateForOutput(), phydfreq, pnucch, pnucfh3, pnucgyp, pnuchg, pore_off, porefl1, porefl2, porefl3, POROSITY, POZZCSH, PPOZZ, ppozz, PrevCycHeat, PrevHydrTime, pscalech, pscalefh3, pscalegyp, pscalehg, resatcyc, resaturate(), sealed, setflag, setfreq, SLAG, SLAGCSH, slagreact, STRAT, TargDoHelas, temp_0, temp_cur, time_cur, time_step, w_to_c, water_left, water_off, waterc, watercsh, WCHSH, and WN.
Referenced by GivePower(), and MoveCycles().
private |
Definition at line 6971 of file cemhydmat.C.
References adiafile, adianame, anhinit, ASG, c2sinit, c3ainit, c3sinit, c4afinit, ca_acc, CAS2, chgone, chnew, chold, chshrname, conccaplus, concsulfate, countpore, cs_acc, CSH, CSHfile, CUBEMAX, cubesize, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ants::cycbirth, cyccnt, cycflag, DIFFCHdeficit, disbase, dismin_c3a, DISMIN_C3A_0, dismin_c4af, DISMIN_C4AF_0, disprob, disprobfile, E_act, E_act_pozz, E_act_slag, elasfile, fileperc, fractwithfill, gsratio2, headant, heat_new, heat_old, heatfile, heatname, heminit, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ants::id, infoperc, infoUnperc, init(), iseed, kpozz, krate, kslag, LastCycCnt, LastCycHeat, LastHydrTime, LastTotHeat, measuresurf(), molarv, molarvcsh, moles_syn_precip, nasr, nch_slag, ncsbar, ncshplategrow, ncshplateinit, netbar, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ants::nextant, nfill, ngoing, npr, nseed, nslagr, onepixelbias, perc_phases, pfractw05, phasfile, phasname, pHfactor, pHfile, pHname, phrname, pore_off, porefl1, porefl2, porefl3, poregone, poretodo, porinit, PPOZZ, ppozz, ppsname, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ants::prevant, PrevCycHeat, PrevHydrTime, primevalues, saturation, scntcement, scnttotal, seed, setflag, SLAG, slagcum, slagemptyp, slaginit, slagreact, sulf_cur, surffract, tailant, temp_cur, tfractw04, tfractw05, time_step, totfract, w_to_c, water_off, waterc, watercsh, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ants::x, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ants::y, and oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ants::z.
Referenced by disrealnew().
private |
Definition at line 4874 of file cemhydmat.C.
References A0_CHSOL, A1_CHSOL, ABSGYP, AFM, alpha, alpha_cur, alpha_fa_cur, anhinit, ANHYDRITE, ASG, C2S, c2sinit, C3A, C3AH6, C3AH6CRIT, c3ainit, C3S, c3sinit, C4AF, c4afinit, ca_acc, CACL2, CACO3, CAS2, cemmass, cemmasswgyp, CH, CH_mass, CHCRIT, chgone, chnew, chold, chs_new, concsulfate, count, countbox(), countkeep, countpore, creates, cs_acc, CSH, csh2flag, CSH_vicinity, cshage, CSHbox(), cshboxsize, CSHSCALE, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ants::cycbirth, cyccnt, DCACL2MAX, DCACO3MAX, DCAS2MAX, DETTRMAX, DGYPMAX, DIFFANH, DIFFAS, DIFFC3A, DIFFC4A, DIFFCACL2, DIFFCACO3, DIFFCAS2, DIFFCH, DIFFCHdeficit, DIFFCSH, DIFFETTR, DIFFFH3, DIFFGYP, DIFFHEM, disbase, discount, DISMIN, DISMIN2, dismin_c3a, DISMIN_C3A_0, dismin_c4af, DISMIN_C4AF_0, DISMINASG, DISMINCAS2, DISMINSLAG, disprob, disprobfile, EMPTYP, ETTR, ETTRC4AF, extslagcsh(), faces, FH3, flyashmass, fractwithfill, gp, gypready, GYPSUM, GYPSUMS, HDCSH, heat_cf, heat_new, heat_old, heatf, heatfile, heatsum, HEMIHYD, heminit, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ants::id, INERT, INERTAGG, loccsh(), makeinert(), mass_agg, mass_CH, mass_fill, mass_fill_pozz, mass_water, mic, micpart, molarv, molarvcsh, molesh2o, nasr, ncsbar, NEIGHBORS, netbar, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ants::nextant, nfill, ngoing, nmade, npr, nslagr, OFFSET, onepixelbias, p1slag, p3slag, p4slag, p5slag, passone(), PCSH2CSH, perc_phases, pfract, pfractw05, pH_cur, pHactive, phasfile, pHeffect, pHfactor, pore_off, poregone, poretodo, porinit, POROSITY, POZZ, POZZCSH, PPOZZ, ppozz, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ants::prevant, ran1(), s_to_c, saturation, sealed, seed, SLAG, SLAGCSH, slagcum, slagemptyp, slagreact, soluble, specgrav, sulf_conc, sulf_cur, sulf_solid, surffract, SYSIZE, SYSIZE_POW3, SYSIZEM1, tailant, temp_cur, tfractw04, tfractw05, time_cur, totfract, w_to_c, water_left, water_off, waterc, watercsh, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ants::x, xoff, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ants::y, yoff, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ants::z, and zoff.
Referenced by disrealnew().
private |
Definition at line 3609 of file cemhydmat.C.
References alloc_int_3D(), cemreal, curvature, dealloc_int_3D(), dealloc_long_3D(), iseed, mask, mic, micorig, micpart, nseed, OOFEM_ERROR, QueryNumAttributeExt(), QueryStringAttributeExt(), rand3d(), seed, stat3d(), surface, SYSIZE, volume, and xmlFile.
Referenced by readInputFileAndInitialize().
private |
Definition at line 13793 of file cemhydmat.C.
References nrerror().
private |
Definition at line 1901 of file cemhydmat.C.
References cement, cemreal, and SYSSIZE.
Referenced by makefloc().
private |
Definition at line 13754 of file cemhydmat.C.
References nrerror().
private |
Definition at line 8308 of file cemhydmat.C.
References mic, SYSIZE, and SYSIZEM1.
Referenced by extafm(), extc3ah6(), extch(), extcsh(), extettr(), extfh3(), extfreidel(), extgyps(), extpozz(), extslagcsh(), and extstrat().
private |
private |
private |
Definition at line 8779 of file cemhydmat.C.
References CH, count, DIFFCH, edgecnt(), mic, POROSITY, ran1(), seed, and SYSIZE.
Referenced by moveanh(), movecacl2(), movecas2(), moveettr(), movegyp(), and movehem().
private |
private |
private |
Definition at line 8558 of file cemhydmat.C.
References count, DIFFFH3, edgecnt(), FH3, mic, moveone(), POROSITY, ran1(), seed, and SYSIZE.
Referenced by moveanh(), movecacl2(), movecas2(), moveettr(), movegyp(), and movehem().
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
Definition at line 13305 of file cemhydmat.C.
References AdjCoord(), ArrPerc, ConnNumbers, cx(), cy(), cz(), IsConnected(), IsSolidPhase(), and SYSIZE.
private |
Definition at line 2521 of file cemhydmat.C.
References addagg(), aggsize, alloc_long_3D(), cement, cemreal, clusleft, clust, connect(), countKey, create(), dealloc_long_3D(), iseed, makefloc(), measagg(), measure(), micpart, n_anhydrite, n_hemi, n_sulfate, n_total, npart, NPARTC, nseed, outmic(), POROSITY, QueryNumAttributeExt(), seed, SYSIZE, SYSSIZE, target_anhydrite, target_hemi, target_sulfate, target_total, volpart, and xmlFile.
Referenced by readInputFileAndInitialize().
void oofem::CemhydMatStatus::GetInitClinkerPhases | ( | double & | c3s, |
double & | c2s, | ||
double & | c3a, | ||
double & | c4af, | ||
double & | gypsum, | ||
double & | hemi, | ||
double & | anh | ||
) |
void oofem::CemhydMatStatus::GetInputParams | ( | char * | my_string | ) |
Definition at line 14073 of file cemhydmat.C.
References iseed.
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::giveAverageTemperature | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 14387 of file cemhydmat.C.
References oofem::FloatArray::at(), averageTemperature, oofem::CemhydMat::eachGP, oofem::TransportMaterialStatus::giveField(), oofem::GaussPoint::giveMaterial(), oofem::Material::giveStatus(), gp, and oofem::CemhydMat::MasterCemhydMatStatus.
Referenced by oofem::CemhydMat::averageTemperature(), oofem::CemhydMat::computeInternalSourceVector(), oofem::CemhydMat::giveIPValue(), and oofem::CemhydMat::storeWeightTemperatureProductVolume().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from oofem::TransportMaterialStatus.
Definition at line 169 of file cemhydmat.h.
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::GiveCp | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 7540 of file cemhydmat.C.
References Cp_now.
Referenced by oofem::CemhydMat::giveConcreteCapacity().
int oofem::CemhydMatStatus::GiveCycNum | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 7586 of file cemhydmat.C.
References icyc.
Referenced by oofem::CemhydMat::giveCycleNumber().
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::GiveCycTime | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 7592 of file cemhydmat.C.
References time_cur.
Referenced by oofem::CemhydMat::giveTimeOfCycle().
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::GiveDensity | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 7557 of file cemhydmat.C.
References Concrete_bulk_density.
Referenced by oofem::CemhydMat::giveConcreteDensity().
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::GiveDoHActual | ( | void | ) |
Return degree of hydration of the receiver.
Definition at line 7569 of file cemhydmat.C.
References alpha_cur, alpha_last, oofem::Material::giveCastingTime(), oofem::GaussPoint::giveMaterial(), gp, icyc, LastTargTime, PrevHydrTime, and time_cur.
Referenced by oofem::CemhydMat::giveDoHActual(), and oofem::CemhydMat::giveIsotropicConductivity().
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::GiveDoHLastCyc | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 7563 of file cemhydmat.C.
References alpha_cur.
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::GivePower | ( | double | GiveTemp, |
double | TargTime | ||
) |
Definition at line 7372 of file cemhydmat.C.
References oofem::IntArray::at(), disrealnew(), oofem::Material::giveCastingTime(), oofem::GaussPoint::giveMaterial(), gp, heat_cf, heat_new, icyc, LastCallTime, LastCycCnt, LastCycHeat, LastHydrTime, LastTargTime, LastTotHeat, Mass_cement_concrete, oofem::CemhydMat::nowarnings, PartHeat, PrevCycHeat, PrevHydrTime, and time_cur.
Referenced by oofem::CemhydMat::computeInternalSourceVector(), and MoveToTime().
inline |
Definition at line 224 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by oofem::CemhydMat::averageTemperature(), and oofem::CemhydMat::storeWeightTemperatureProductVolume().
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::GiveTotCemHeat | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 7528 of file cemhydmat.C.
References LastTotHeat.
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::GiveTotHeat | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 7534 of file cemhydmat.C.
References LastTotHeat, and Mass_cement_concrete.
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::GiveWcr | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 14064 of file cemhydmat.C.
References w_to_c.
private |
Definition at line 1616 of file cemhydmat.C.
References ANHYDRITE, CEM, CEMID, chksph(), clusleft, clust, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::cluster::clustid, count, dispdist, GYPID, HEMIHYDRATE, MAXTRIES, n_anhydrite, n_hemi, n_sulfate, n_total, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::cluster::nextpart, npart, NPARTC, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::cluster::partid, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::cluster::partphase, probanh, probgyp, probhem, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::cluster::r, ran1(), seed, SYSSIZE, target_anhydrite, target_hemi, target_sulfate, target_total, volpart, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::cluster::x, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::cluster::y, and oofem::CemhydMatStatus::cluster::z.
Referenced by create().
private |
Definition at line 12307 of file cemhydmat.C.
References count, DIFFANH, DIFFAS, DIFFC3A, DIFFC4A, DIFFCACL2, DIFFCACO3, DIFFCAS2, DIFFCH, DIFFCSH, DIFFETTR, DIFFFH3, DIFFGYP, DIFFHEM, headant, moveanh(), moveas(), movec3a(), movec4a(), movecacl2(), movecaco3(), movecas2(), movech(), movecsh(), moveettr(), movefh3(), movegyp(), movehem(), oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ants::nextant, ngoing, nmade, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ants::prevant, SYSIZE, SYSIZE_POW3, SYSIZEM1, tailant, and oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ants::x.
Referenced by disrealnew().
private |
Definition at line 13817 of file cemhydmat.C.
References nrerror().
private |
Definition at line 3885 of file cemhydmat.C.
References ABSGYP, AFM, AFMC, ANHYDRITE, ASG, C2S, C3A, C3AH6, C3S, C4AF, CACL2, CACO3, CAS2, CH, creates, CSH, DIFFAS, DIFFCACL2, DIFFCACO3, DIFFCAS2, DIFFCH, DIFFCSH, DIFFETTR, disbase, DISBIAS, disprob, EMPTYP, ETTR, ETTRC4AF, FH3, FREIDEL, gypabsprob, GYPSUM, GYPSUMS, heatf, HEMIHYD, INERT, molarv, OOFEM_ERROR, p1slag, p2slag, p3slag, p4slag, p5slag, pHactive, pHeffect, POROSITY, POZZ, POZZCSH, QueryNumAttributeExt(), rspotassium, rssodium, siperslag, SLAG, slagc3a, slagcasi, SLAGCSH, slaghydcasi, slagreact, soluble, specgrav, STRAT, totpotassium, totsodium, waterc, and xmlFile.
Referenced by disrealnew_init().
void oofem::CemhydMatStatus::initializeMicrostructure | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 563 of file cemhydmat.C.
References A0_CHSOL, A1_CHSOL, ABSGYP, aCa, activeA0, activeB0, AFM, AFMC, AGG, AGRATE, aK, alpha_cur, alpha_last, aNa, ANHYDRITE, aOH, ASG, aSO4, averageTemperature, BK, BNa, BoxSize, BprimeK, BprimeNa, BURNT, C2S, C2SID, C3A, C3AETTR, C3AGYP, C3AH6, C3AH6GROW, C3S, C4AF, CACL2, CACO3, CAS2, CEM, CEMID, CH, CHGROW, CHGROWAGG, cm2perL2m, count, Cp_bh2o, Cp_CH, Cp_h2o, Cp_now, Cp_pozz, creates, CSH, CSH_vicinity, CUBEMIN, DIFFANH, DIFFAS, DIFFC3A, DIFFC4A, DIFFCACL2, DIFFCACO3, DIFFCAS2, DIFFCH, DIFFCSH, DIFFETTR, DIFFFH3, DIFFGYP, DIFFHEM, disbase, DISBIAS, discount, DISMIN, DISMIN2, DISMIN_C3A_0, DISMIN_C4AF_0, DISMINASG, DISMINCAS2, DISMINSLAG, disprob, EMPTYP, EPS, EPSP, EPSS, ETTR, ETTRC4AF, ETTRGROW, FH3, FLYASH, FREIDEL, GCa, GK, GNa, GOH, GSO4, GYPID, GYPSUM, GYPSUMS, HDCSH, heat_cf, heat_new, heatf, HEMIHYD, HEMIHYDRATE, IA, icyc, IM, INERT, INERTAGG, INERTID, init_material_time, IPVolume, IQ, IR, iv, iy, KperSyn, KspCH25C, KspGypsum, KspSyngenite, lambdaCa_0, lambdaK_0, lambdaNa_0, lambdaOH_0, lambdaSO4_0, last_values, LastCallTime, LastTargTime, MASSFACTOR, MAXCYC_SEAL, MAXIT, MAXM, MAXSPH, MAXTRIES, MMK, MMK2O, MMNa, MMNa2O, molarv, molarvcsh, NEIGHBORS, NTAB, NUMSIZES, OFFSET, PCSH2CSH, phase, PhaseFrac, pHeffect, POROSITY, POZZ, POZZCSH, POZZID, PPOZZ, SIZE2D, SIZESET, SLAG, SLAGCSH, SLAGID, SOLIDC3AGYP, SOLIDC4AFGYP, SolidLimit, soluble, specgrav, SpecgravSyngenite, STRAT, TargDoHelas, time_cur, VOLFACTOR, waterc, watercsh, WCHSH, WN, xoff, xsph, yoff, ysph, zCa, zK, zNa, zoff, zOH, zSO4, and zsph.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), and printOutputAt().
private |
Definition at line 13213 of file cemhydmat.C.
References AdjCoord(), ArrPerc, C2S, C3A, C3S, C4AF, IsSolidPhase(), and micpart.
Referenced by GenerateConnNumbers().
private |
Definition at line 12849 of file cemhydmat.C.
References ABSGYP, C3S, and HDCSH.
Referenced by burn_phases(), GenerateConnNumbers(), and IsConnected().
private |
Definition at line 13742 of file cemhydmat.C.
References nrerror().
private |
Definition at line 12499 of file cemhydmat.C.
References Cabs(), Cadd(), Cdiv(), Cmul(), ComplexCemhyd(), Csqrt(), Csub(), EPSS, gp, oofem::FCOMPLEX::i, MAXIT, nrerror(), oofem::FCOMPLEX::r, and RCmul().
Referenced by zroots().
private |
Definition at line 4469 of file cemhydmat.C.
References oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ants::cycbirth, cyccnt, DIFFCSH, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ants::id, mic, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ants::nextant, ngoing, nmade, POROSITY, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ants::prevant, ran1(), seed, SYSIZE, tailant, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ants::x, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ants::y, and oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ants::z.
Referenced by dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 2026 of file cemhydmat.C.
References AGG, CEM, chkfloc(), clusleft, clust, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::cluster::clustid, countKey, drawfloc(), oofem::CemhydMatStatus::cluster::nextpart, npart, NPARTC, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::cluster::partid, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::cluster::partphase, QueryNumAttributeExt(), oofem::CemhydMatStatus::cluster::r, ran1(), seed, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::cluster::x, xmlFile, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::cluster::y, and oofem::CemhydMatStatus::cluster::z.
Referenced by genpartnew().
private |
Definition at line 4657 of file cemhydmat.C.
References count, countbox(), CUBEMIN, cubesize, EMPTYP, mic, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::togo::nexttogo, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::togo::npore, POROSITY, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::togo::prevtogo, SYSIZE, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::togo::x, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::togo::y, and oofem::CemhydMatStatus::togo::z.
Referenced by dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 2684 of file cemhydmat.C.
References MAXSPH, xsph, ysph, and zsph.
Referenced by sinter3d().
private |
Definition at line 13769 of file cemhydmat.C.
References nrerror().
private |
private |
private |
Definition at line 6260 of file cemhydmat.C.
References C2S, C3A, C3S, C4AF, CACO3, INERT, mic, POROSITY, scntcement, scnttotal, surffract, and SYSIZE.
Referenced by disrealnew_init().
private |
Definition at line 8905 of file cemhydmat.C.
References C3A, C3AGYP, C4AF, count, DIFFANH, DIFFC3A, DIFFC4A, DIFFGYP, ETTR, ETTRC4AF, extch(), extettr(), extfh3(), extgyps(), GYPSUM, GYPSUMS, mic, moveone(), POROSITY, ran1(), seed, SOLIDC3AGYP, SOLIDC4AFGYP, SYSIZE, and SYSIZEM1.
Referenced by hydrate().
private |
private |
Definition at line 11213 of file cemhydmat.C.
References AFM, C3AETTR, C3AGYP, C3AH6, C3AH6GROW, count, DIFFANH, DIFFC3A, DIFFCACL2, DIFFCAS2, DIFFETTR, DIFFGYP, DIFFHEM, ETTR, extafm(), extc3ah6(), extettr(), extfreidel(), extstrat(), FREIDEL, mic, moveone(), POROSITY, ran1(), seed, soluble, STRAT, SYSIZE, and SYSIZEM1.
Referenced by hydrate().
private |
Definition at line 11760 of file cemhydmat.C.
References AFM, C3AETTR, C3AGYP, C3AH6, C3AH6GROW, count, DIFFANH, DIFFC4A, DIFFCACL2, DIFFCAS2, DIFFETTR, DIFFGYP, DIFFHEM, ETTR, ETTRC4AF, extafm(), extc3ah6(), extettr(), extfreidel(), extstrat(), FREIDEL, mic, moveone(), POROSITY, ran1(), seed, soluble, STRAT, SYSIZE, and SYSIZEM1.
Referenced by hydrate().
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::MoveCycles | ( | double | GiveTemp, |
int | cycles | ||
) |
Definition at line 7460 of file cemhydmat.C.
References disrealnew(), oofem::Material::giveCastingTime(), oofem::GaussPoint::giveMaterial(), gp, heat_cf, heat_new, icyc, LastCallTime, LastCycCnt, LastCycHeat, LastHydrTime, LastTargTime, LastTotHeat, Mass_cement_concrete, PartHeat, PrevCycHeat, and time_cur.
Referenced by MoveToDoH(), and printOutputAt().
private |
private |
private |
Definition at line 9638 of file cemhydmat.C.
References ABSGYP, AGRATE, C3A, C3AGYP, C4AF, count, CSH, DIFFC3A, DIFFC4A, DIFFGYP, ETTR, ETTRC4AF, extch(), extettr(), extfh3(), gypabsprob, GYPSUM, mic, moveone(), POROSITY, ran1(), seed, SOLIDC3AGYP, SOLIDC4AFGYP, SYSIZE, and SYSIZEM1.
Referenced by hydrate().
private |
Definition at line 9191 of file cemhydmat.C.
References C3A, C3AGYP, C4AF, count, DIFFC3A, DIFFC4A, DIFFGYP, DIFFHEM, ETTR, ETTRC4AF, extch(), extettr(), extfh3(), extgyps(), GYPSUM, GYPSUMS, mic, moveone(), POROSITY, ran1(), seed, SOLIDC3AGYP, SOLIDC4AFGYP, SYSIZE, and SYSIZEM1.
Referenced by hydrate().
private |
Definition at line 8197 of file cemhydmat.C.
References ran1(), seed, SYSIZE, and SYSIZEM1.
Referenced by extafm(), extc3ah6(), extettr(), extfh3(), extfreidel(), extgyps(), extpozz(), extslagcsh(), extstrat(), moveanh(), moveas(), movec3a(), movec4a(), movecacl2(), movecaco3(), movecas2(), movech(), movecsh(), moveettr(), movefh3(), movegyp(), and movehem().
private |
int oofem::CemhydMatStatus::MoveToDoH | ( | double | GiveTemp, |
double | DesiredDoH, | ||
int | maxcyc | ||
) |
Definition at line 7498 of file cemhydmat.C.
References alpha_cur, and MoveCycles().
int oofem::CemhydMatStatus::MoveToTime | ( | double | GiveTemp, |
double | TargTime | ||
) |
Definition at line 7520 of file cemhydmat.C.
References GivePower().
private |
Definition at line 13721 of file cemhydmat.C.
Referenced by convert_matrix(), dmatrix(), dvector(), imatrix(), ivector(), laguer(), matrix_cem(), submatrix(), and vector().
private |
Definition at line 13637 of file cemhydmat.C.
References AdjCoord(), BoxSize, CSH, CSH_vicinity, EMPTYP, HDCSH, mic_CSH, POROSITY, and SolidLimit.
Referenced by CSHbox().
private |
Definition at line 2463 of file cemhydmat.C.
References cement, cemreal, countKey, iy, QueryStringAttributeExt(), SYSSIZE, and xmlFile.
Referenced by genpartnew().
private |
Definition at line 13559 of file cemhydmat.C.
References alpha_cur, ArrPerc, icyc, infoperc, SYSIZE, and time_cur.
Referenced by burn_phases().
private |
Definition at line 6374 of file cemhydmat.C.
References alpha_cur, icyc, infoUnperc, SYSIZE, and time_cur.
Referenced by burnset(), and disrealnew().
private |
private |
Definition at line 4371 of file cemhydmat.C.
References anhinit, ANHYDRITE, C2S, c2sinit, C3A, c3ainit, C3S, c3sinit, C4AF, c4afinit, chckedge(), count, CSH, cshage, ETTR, ETTRC4AF, gypready, GYPSUM, GYPSUMS, heatf, heatsum, HEMIHYD, heminit, mic, molarvcsh, molesh2o, ncsbar, netbar, nfill, OFFSET, porinit, POROSITY, POZZ, SLAG, slaginit, soluble, SYSIZE, and watercsh.
Referenced by dissolve().
void oofem::CemhydMatStatus::PercolateForOutput | ( | void | ) |
private |
private |
Definition at line 12610 of file cemhydmat.C.
References aCa, activeA0, activeB0, aK, alpha_cur, aOH, aSO4, BK, BNa, BprimeK, BprimeNa, cemmasswgyp, cm2perL2m, ComplexCemhyd(), conccaplus, concsulfate, count, CSH, cyccnt, ETTR, GCa, GK, GNa, GOH, GSO4, icyc, KperSyn, KspCH25C, KspGypsum, KspSyngenite, lambdaCa_0, lambdaK_0, lambdaNa_0, lambdaOH_0, lambdaSO4_0, MASSFACTOR, MMK2O, MMNa2O, moles_syn_precip, npr, pH_cur, pHfile, POROSITY, POZZ, POZZCSH, oofem::FCOMPLEX::r, rspotassium, rssodium, SLAGCSH, soluble, specgrav, temp_cur, time_cur, totpotassium, totsodium, VOLFACTOR, zCa, zK, zNa, zOH, zroots(), and zSO4.
virtual |
Print receiver's output to given stream.
Reimplemented from oofem::TransportMaterialStatus.
Definition at line 14404 of file cemhydmat.C.
References Calculate_elastic_homogenization, CemhydMatStatus(), oofem::CemhydMat::eachGP, oofem::CemhydMat::giveConcreteCapacity(), oofem::CemhydMat::giveConcreteDensity(), oofem::CemhydMat::giveCycleNumber(), oofem::CemhydMat::giveDoHActual(), oofem::CemhydMat::giveIsotropicConductivity(), oofem::GaussPoint::giveMaterial(), oofem::FEMComponent::giveNumber(), oofem::Material::giveStatus(), oofem::CemhydMat::giveTimeOfCycle(), gp, initializeMicrostructure(), last_values, oofem::CemhydMat::MasterCemhydMatStatus, MoveCycles(), PartHeat, oofem::TransportMaterialStatus::printOutputAt(), readInputFileAndInitialize(), and temp_cur.
private |
private |
private |
Definition at line 1132 of file cemhydmat.C.
Referenced by addagg(), connect(), create(), distrib3d(), genpartnew(), init(), makefloc(), QueryNumAttributeExt(), rand3d(), readhydrparam(), and readInputFileAndInitialize().
private |
Definition at line 1151 of file cemhydmat.C.
References QueryNumAttributeExt().
private |
Definition at line 1158 of file cemhydmat.C.
private |
Definition at line 1176 of file cemhydmat.C.
private |
Definition at line 1195 of file cemhydmat.C.
private |
Definition at line 1212 of file cemhydmat.C.
Referenced by distrib3d(), outmic(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 1452 of file cemhydmat.C.
References AM, EPS, IA, IM, IQ, IR, iv, iy, NDIV, NTAB, and RNMX.
Referenced by addrand(), dissolve(), extafm(), extc3ah6(), extch(), extcsh(), extettr(), extfh3(), extfreidel(), extgyps(), extpozz(), extslagcsh(), extstrat(), gsphere(), loccsh(), makefloc(), moveanh(), moveas(), movec3a(), movec4a(), movecacl2(), movecaco3(), movecas2(), movech(), movecsh(), moveettr(), movefh3(), movegyp(), movehem(), moveone(), movepix(), and rand3d().
private |
Definition at line 3366 of file cemhydmat.C.
References alloc_double_3D(), countKey, dealloc_double_3D(), iy, M_PI, mask, QueryNumAttributeExt(), ran1(), seed, SYSIZE, and xmlFile.
Referenced by distrib3d().
private |
Definition at line 14042 of file cemhydmat.C.
References oofem::FCOMPLEX::i, and oofem::FCOMPLEX::r.
Referenced by laguer().
void oofem::CemhydMatStatus::read | ( | char * | inp | ) |
private |
Definition at line 6418 of file cemhydmat.C.
References addrand(), adiabatic_curing, ANHYDRITE, beta, burnfreq, C2S, C3A, C3S, C4AF, CACO3, Calculate_elastic_homogenization, chflag, Concrete_bulk_density, Concrete_thermal_conductivity, Cp_agg, Cp_CA, Cp_cement, Cp_FA, Cp_inert, Cp_SCM, csh2flag, cshage, cshgeom, E_act, E_act_pozz, E_act_slag, faces, Grain_average_CA, Grain_average_FA, GYPSUM, HEMIHYD, ind_time, INERTAGG, iseed, ITZ_thickness, ITZ_Young_red, iy, mass_agg, Mass_CA_frac, Mass_cement_concrete, Mass_FA_frac, Mass_inert_frac, Mass_SCM_frac, Mass_tot_concrete, mic, micorig, micpart, nseed, ntimes, outfreq, pHactive, phydfreq, pnucch, pnucfh3, pnucgyp, pnuchg, Poisson_CA, Poisson_FA, Poisson_inert, Poisson_SCM, pscalech, pscalefh3, pscalegyp, pscalehg, QueryNumAttributeExt(), QueryStringAttributeExt(), resatcyc, sealed, seed, setfreq, SYSIZE, time_cur, U_coeff, Vol_CA, Vol_cement_clinker_gypsum, Vol_cement_SCM, Vol_entrained_entrapped_air, Vol_FA, Vol_inert_filler, Vol_water, xmlFile, Young_CA, Young_FA, Young_inert, and Young_SCM.
Referenced by readInputFileAndInitialize().
int oofem::CemhydMatStatus::readInputFileAndInitialize | ( | const char * | inp, |
bool | generateMicrostructure | ||
) |
Definition at line 1248 of file cemhydmat.C.
References alloc_char_3D(), alloc_int_3D(), alloc_long_3D(), alloc_shortint_3D(), ArrPerc, BURNTG, C3AH6_SCALE, C3AH6CRIT, CHCRIT, ConnNumbers, countKey, cshage, CSHSCALE, CUBEMAX, DCACL2MAX, DCACO3MAX, DCAS2MAX, DETTRMAX, DGYPMAX, distrib3d(), faces, genpartnew(), iseed, mask, mic, mic_CSH, micorig, micpart, NPARTC, nseed, QueryNumAttributeExt(), readhydrparam(), seed, SYSIZE, SYSIZE_POW3, SYSIZEM1, SYSSIZE, and xmlFile.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), and printOutputAt().
private |
Definition at line 6348 of file cemhydmat.C.
References EMPTYP, mic, porefl1, porefl2, porefl3, POROSITY, and SYSIZE.
Referenced by disrealnew().
private |
Definition at line 2822 of file cemhydmat.C.
References iy, mask, surfpix(), and SYSSIZE.
Referenced by sinter3d().
inline |
Auxiliary function for temperature averaging over GPs.
Definition at line 217 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by oofem::CemhydMat::averageTemperature(), oofem::CemhydMat::clearWeightTemperatureProductVolume(), and oofem::CemhydMat::storeWeightTemperatureProductVolume().
private |
Definition at line 3171 of file cemhydmat.C.
References maketemp(), MAXCYC_SEAL, movepix(), nair, nsolid, nsph, rhcalc(), sysinit(), and sysscan().
private |
Definition at line 3231 of file cemhydmat.C.
References iy, mask, surface, SYSIZE, and volume.
Referenced by distrib3d().
private |
Definition at line 13842 of file cemhydmat.C.
References nrerror().
private |
private |
private |
Definition at line 2948 of file cemhydmat.C.
References curvature, mask, nair, nsolid, and SYSSIZE.
Referenced by sinter3d().
virtual |
Update equilibrium history variables according to temp-variables.
Invoked, after new equilibrium state has been reached.
Reimplemented from oofem::TransportMaterialStatus.
Definition at line 14376 of file cemhydmat.C.
References oofem::CemhydMat::averageTemperature(), oofem::CemhydMat::clearWeightTemperatureProductVolume(), oofem::GaussPoint::giveElement(), oofem::GaussPoint::giveMaterial(), gp, oofem::TimeStep::isIcApply(), oofem::CemhydMat::storeWeightTemperatureProductVolume(), and oofem::TransportMaterialStatus::updateYourself().
private |
Definition at line 13730 of file cemhydmat.C.
References nrerror().
private |
Definition at line 13605 of file cemhydmat.C.
References current, last, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::percolatedpath::next, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::percolatedpath::prev, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::percolatedpath::x, oofem::CemhydMatStatus::percolatedpath::y, and oofem::CemhydMatStatus::percolatedpath::z.
Referenced by burn_phases().
private |
Definition at line 12558 of file cemhydmat.C.
References Cadd(), Cmul(), ComplexCemhyd(), EPSP, oofem::FCOMPLEX::i, laguer(), MAXM, and oofem::FCOMPLEX::r.
Referenced by pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 327 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 328 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 441 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burn_phases(), countbox(), disrealnew(), dissolve(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), IsSolidPhase(), and movegyp().
private |
Definition at line 369 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 359 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 360 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 760 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 769 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 710 of file cemhydmat.h.
private |
Definition at line 732 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init().
private |
Definition at line 430 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), dissolve(), extafm(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), movec3a(), movec4a(), movecaco3(), and moveettr().
private |
Definition at line 439 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), and movecaco3().
private |
Definition at line 277 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by addagg(), chkfloc(), create(), initializeMicrostructure(), makefloc(), and measure().
private |
Definition at line 521 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by addagg(), chkfloc(), chksph(), genpartnew(), and measagg().
private |
Definition at line 342 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and movegyp().
private |
Definition at line 368 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 694 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 692 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burn3d(), burn_phases(), computeConcreteCapacityBentz(), disrealnew(), dissolve(), GiveDoHActual(), GiveDoHLastCyc(), initializeMicrostructure(), MoveToDoH(), outputImageFilePerc(), outputImageFileUnperc(), parthyd(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 695 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 692 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), GiveDoHActual(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 407 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by ran1().
private |
Definition at line 371 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 680 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), GetInitClinkerPhases(), and passone().
private |
Definition at line 419 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by create(), dissolve(), extgyps(), gsphere(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), measagg(), measure(), passone(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 370 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
int*** oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ArrPerc |
Definition at line 232 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burn_phases(), CemhydMatStatus(), GenerateConnNumbers(), IsConnected(), outputImageFilePerc(), readInputFileAndInitialize(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 423 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burnset(), create(), disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), and moveas().
private |
Definition at line 372 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::averageTemperature |
Average temperature through integration points.
Definition at line 210 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by giveAverageTemperature(), and initializeMicrostructure().
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::beta |
Definition at line 243 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 350 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 349 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 260 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CSHbox(), initializeMicrostructure(), and NumSol().
private |
Definition at line 352 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 351 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 684 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 333 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burn3d(), burn_phases(), burnset(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 281 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by connect(), and readInputFileAndInitialize().
private |
Definition at line 414 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burn3d(), burn_phases(), burnset(), dissolve(), extcsh(), extettr(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), IsConnected(), measuresurf(), movecsh(), parthyd(), passone(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 271 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by create(), initializeMicrostructure(), measagg(), and measure().
private |
Definition at line 680 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), GetInitClinkerPhases(), and passone().
private |
Definition at line 415 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burn3d(), burn_phases(), burnset(), dissolve(), extafm(), extc3ah6(), extettr(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), IsConnected(), measuresurf(), moveanh(), movecacl2(), movecas2(), movecsh(), moveettr(), movegyp(), movehem(), parthyd(), passone(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 319 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), movec3a(), and movec4a().
private |
Definition at line 320 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), moveanh(), movec3a(), movec4a(), movegyp(), and movehem().
private |
Definition at line 427 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burnset(), disrealnew(), dissolve(), extc3ah6(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), movec3a(), and movec4a().
private |
Definition at line 331 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by readInputFileAndInitialize().
private |
Definition at line 314 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), and readInputFileAndInitialize().
private |
Definition at line 315 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), movec3a(), and movec4a().
private |
Definition at line 680 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), GetInitClinkerPhases(), and passone().
private |
Definition at line 413 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burn3d(), burn_phases(), burnset(), countbox(), countboxc(), dissolve(), extcsh(), extettr(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), IsConnected(), IsSolidPhase(), measuresurf(), movecsh(), parthyd(), passone(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 680 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), GetInitClinkerPhases(), and passone().
private |
Definition at line 416 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burn3d(), burn_phases(), burnset(), dissolve(), extafm(), extettr(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), IsConnected(), measuresurf(), moveanh(), movecacl2(), movecas2(), movecsh(), moveettr(), movegyp(), movehem(), parthyd(), passone(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 680 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), GetInitClinkerPhases(), and passone().
private |
Definition at line 712 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 434 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), and movecacl2().
private |
Definition at line 438 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by addrand(), create(), dissolve(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), measagg(), measure(), measuresurf(), movecaco3(), movech(), movecsh(), and readhydrparam().
int oofem::CemhydMatStatus::Calculate_elastic_homogenization |
Flag to proceed percolation filtering and elastic homogenization.
Definition at line 249 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), printOutputAt(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 424 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burnset(), disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), and movecas2().
private |
Definition at line 269 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by connect(), gsphere(), initializeMicrostructure(), and makefloc().
private |
Definition at line 517 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by addagg(), CemhydMatStatus(), chkfloc(), chksph(), connect(), drawfloc(), genpartnew(), and outmic().
private |
Definition at line 270 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by create(), gsphere(), initializeMicrostructure(), measagg(), and measure().
private |
Definition at line 692 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burn3d(), burnset(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 694 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 519 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by addagg(), CemhydMatStatus(), chksph(), distrib3d(), drawfloc(), genpartnew(), measagg(), measure(), and outmic().
private |
Definition at line 425 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), dissolve(), extch(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), moveas(), movech(), and movecsh().
private |
Definition at line 694 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 313 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), and readInputFileAndInitialize().
private |
Definition at line 710 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by movech(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 728 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 316 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and movech().
private |
Definition at line 317 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and movech().
private |
Definition at line 680 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 680 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 694 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 736 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 733 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init().
private |
Definition at line 524 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by genpartnew(), gsphere(), and makefloc().
private |
Definition at line 532 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), genpartnew(), gsphere(), and makefloc().
private |
Definition at line 388 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 734 of file cemhydmat.h.
private |
Definition at line 746 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 693 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by GiveDensity(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 693 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 746 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), and pHpred().
int*** oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ConnNumbers |
Definition at line 233 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), GenerateConnNumbers(), readInputFileAndInitialize(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 674 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationPaste(), burn3d(), burn_phases(), burnset(), CemhydMatStatus(), CSHbox(), disrealnew(), dissolve(), extafm(), extc3ah6(), extch(), extcsh(), extettr(), extfh3(), extfreidel(), extgyps(), extpozz(), extslagcsh(), extstrat(), gsphere(), hydrate(), initializeMicrostructure(), makeinert(), moveanh(), moveas(), movec3a(), movec4a(), movecacl2(), movecaco3(), movecas2(), movech(), movecsh(), moveettr(), movefh3(), movegyp(), movehem(), passone(), pHpred(), sysinit(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 682 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 472 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by addagg(), connect(), create(), genpartnew(), makefloc(), outmic(), rand3d(), and readInputFileAndInitialize().
private |
Definition at line 681 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 692 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 292 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 693 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by computeConcreteCapacityBentz(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 692 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by computeConcreteCapacityBentz(), disrealnew(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 290 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 693 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by computeConcreteCapacityBentz(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 291 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 693 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by computeConcreteCapacityBentz(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 692 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), GiveCp(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 289 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 693 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by computeConcreteCapacityBentz(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 709 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), dissolve(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 711 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 426 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationPaste(), burn_phases(), burnset(), CSHbox(), disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), extcsh(), extpozz(), extslagcsh(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), movecsh(), movegyp(), NumSol(), passone(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 710 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 672 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), CreateHDCSH(), dissolve(), initializeMicrostructure(), NumSol(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 669 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), dissolve(), extcsh(), movecsh(), passone(), readhydrparam(), readInputFileAndInitialize(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 748 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 736 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 743 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by extcsh(), movecsh(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 330 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), and readInputFileAndInitialize().
private |
Definition at line 296 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and readInputFileAndInitialize().
private |
Definition at line 297 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and makeinert().
private |
Definition at line 683 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and makeinert().
private |
Definition at line 757 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burn_phases(), and WriteUnsortedList().
private |
Definition at line 553 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), distrib3d(), movepix(), sysinit(), and sysscan().
private |
Definition at line 683 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burn3d(), burn_phases(), disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), extcsh(), loccsh(), movecsh(), parthyd(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 762 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and disrealnew_init().
private |
Definition at line 311 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), and readInputFileAndInitialize().
private |
Definition at line 310 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), and readInputFileAndInitialize().
private |
Definition at line 312 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), and readInputFileAndInitialize().
private |
Definition at line 308 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), and readInputFileAndInitialize().
private |
Definition at line 309 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), and readInputFileAndInitialize().
private |
Definition at line 451 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), hydrate(), initializeMicrostructure(), moveanh(), movec3a(), and movec4a().
private |
Definition at line 450 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), extstrat(), hydrate(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), moveas(), and movech().
private |
Definition at line 445 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), hydrate(), initializeMicrostructure(), moveanh(), movec3a(), movecacl2(), movecas2(), moveettr(), movegyp(), and movehem().
private |
Definition at line 446 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), hydrate(), initializeMicrostructure(), moveanh(), movec4a(), movecacl2(), movecas2(), movegyp(), and movehem().
private |
Definition at line 454 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), extfreidel(), hydrate(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), movec3a(), movec4a(), and movecacl2().
private |
Definition at line 449 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), hydrate(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), and movecaco3().
private |
Definition at line 453 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), extstrat(), hydrate(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), movec3a(), movec4a(), and movecas2().
private |
Definition at line 443 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), extch(), hydrate(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), moveas(), and movech().
private |
Definition at line 727 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 442 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationPaste(), burn_phases(), dissolve(), hydrate(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), loccsh(), and movecsh().
private |
Definition at line 448 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), hydrate(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), movec3a(), movec4a(), and moveettr().
private |
Definition at line 447 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), extfh3(), hydrate(), initializeMicrostructure(), and movefh3().
private |
Definition at line 444 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), hydrate(), initializeMicrostructure(), moveanh(), movec3a(), movec4a(), movegyp(), and movehem().
private |
Definition at line 452 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), hydrate(), initializeMicrostructure(), movec3a(), movec4a(), and movehem().
private |
Definition at line 702 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 300 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by init(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 674 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), dissolve(), initializeMicrostructure(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 301 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 302 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 713 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 306 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 714 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 307 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 304 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 305 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 303 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 523 of file cemhydmat.h.
private |
Definition at line 702 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 736 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::E_act |
Definition at line 243 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), oofem::CemhydMat::giveCharacteristicValue(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 694 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 696 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 769 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 455 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationPaste(), burn_phases(), disrealnew(), dissolve(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), makeinert(), NumSol(), and resaturate().
private |
Definition at line 404 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and ran1().
private |
Definition at line 391 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and zroots().
private |
Definition at line 389 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and laguer().
private |
Definition at line 428 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burnset(), disrealnew(), dissolve(), extettr(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), moveanh(), movec3a(), movec4a(), movecaco3(), moveettr(), movegyp(), movehem(), passone(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 429 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burnset(), disrealnew(), dissolve(), extettr(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), moveanh(), movec4a(), movegyp(), movehem(), and passone().
private |
Definition at line 318 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and moveettr().
private |
Definition at line 671 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), dissolve(), extcsh(), extslagcsh(), movecsh(), readhydrparam(), readInputFileAndInitialize(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 431 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), dissolve(), extfh3(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), moveettr(), and movefh3().
private |
Definition at line 736 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burn3d(), CemhydMatStatus(), disrealnew_init(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 734 of file cemhydmat.h.
private |
Definition at line 278 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by create(), initializeMicrostructure(), measagg(), and measure().
private |
Definition at line 695 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 688 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 435 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), extfreidel(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), movec3a(), movec4a(), and movecacl2().
private |
Definition at line 386 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 384 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 385 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 383 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Stores GP of the CemhydMatStatus.
Definition at line 253 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), dissolve(), giveAverageTemperature(), GiveDoHActual(), GivePower(), laguer(), MoveCycles(), printOutputAt(), and updateYourself().
private |
Definition at line 772 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationConcrete(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 772 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationConcrete(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 387 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 715 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and disrealnew_init().
private |
Definition at line 703 of file cemhydmat.h.
private |
Definition at line 272 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by create(), gsphere(), initializeMicrostructure(), measagg(), and measure().
private |
Definition at line 681 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), and passone().
private |
Definition at line 417 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), moveanh(), movegyp(), movehem(), passone(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 437 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), extgyps(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), moveanh(), movehem(), and passone().
private |
Definition at line 456 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationPaste(), burn_phases(), CSHbox(), disrealnew(), dissolve(), initializeMicrostructure(), IsSolidPhase(), and NumSol().
private |
Definition at line 735 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), disrealnew_init(), hydrate(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 687 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), dissolve(), GivePower(), initializeMicrostructure(), and MoveCycles().
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::heat_new |
Definition at line 243 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), GivePower(), initializeMicrostructure(), and MoveCycles().
private |
Definition at line 692 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 706 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), dissolve(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), passone(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 736 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 732 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init().
private |
Definition at line 700 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), and passone().
private |
Definition at line 418 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), extgyps(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), passone(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 273 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by create(), gsphere(), initializeMicrostructure(), measagg(), and measure().
private |
Definition at line 680 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), GetInitClinkerPhases(), and passone().
private |
Definition at line 399 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and ran1().
int oofem::CemhydMatStatus::icyc |
Cycle of celular automata.
Definition at line 245 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), GetInitClinkerPhases(), oofem::CemhydMat::giveCharacteristicValue(), GiveCycNum(), GiveDoHActual(), GivePower(), initializeMicrostructure(), MoveCycles(), outputImageFilePerc(), outputImageFileUnperc(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 400 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and ran1().
private |
Definition at line 683 of file cemhydmat.h.
FILE* oofem::CemhydMatStatus::in |
Definition at line 183 of file cemhydmat.h.
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::ind_time |
Definition at line 243 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 421 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by addrand(), dissolve(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), measuresurf(), movech(), and movecsh().
private |
Definition at line 440 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), initializeMicrostructure(), movech(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 275 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by create(), initializeMicrostructure(), measagg(), and measure().
private |
Definition at line 736 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), disrealnew_init(), outputImageFilePerc(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 736 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), disrealnew_init(), outputImageFileUnperc(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::init_material_time |
Inital material time for growing problems.
Definition at line 214 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 764 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew().
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::IPVolume |
Volume associated to master IP of one CemhydMat.
Definition at line 212 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 401 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and ran1().
private |
Definition at line 402 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and ran1().
private |
Definition at line 522 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), distrib3d(), genpartnew(), GetInputParams(), readhydrparam(), and readInputFileAndInitialize().
private |
Definition at line 772 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationConcrete(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 772 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationConcrete(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 409 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), initializeMicrostructure(), ran1(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 408 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by addagg(), addrand(), countbox(), countboxc(), initializeMicrostructure(), measagg(), outmic(), parthyd(), phcount(), ran1(), rand3d(), readhydrparam(), rhcalc(), and stat3d().
private |
Definition at line 357 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 768 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and disrealnew_init().
private |
Definition at line 688 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and disrealnew_init().
private |
Definition at line 768 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and disrealnew_init().
private |
Definition at line 353 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 354 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 355 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 382 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 380 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 379 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 378 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 381 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 757 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burn_phases(), and WriteUnsortedList().
double* oofem::CemhydMatStatus::last_values |
Array for storing temporary values (elastic properties etc.)
Definition at line 247 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), disrealnew(), oofem::CemhydMat::giveIPValue(), initializeMicrostructure(), printOutputAt(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::LastCallTime |
Definition at line 238 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by oofem::CemhydMat::computeInternalSourceVector(), GivePower(), initializeMicrostructure(), and MoveCycles().
private |
Definition at line 771 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), GivePower(), and MoveCycles().
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::LastCycHeat |
Definition at line 239 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), GivePower(), and MoveCycles().
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::LastHydrTime |
Definition at line 238 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), GivePower(), and MoveCycles().
private |
Definition at line 255 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by GiveDoHActual(), GivePower(), initializeMicrostructure(), and MoveCycles().
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::LastTotHeat |
Definition at line 239 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), GivePower(), GiveTotCemHeat(), GiveTotHeat(), and MoveCycles().
private |
Definition at line 551 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), countem(), distrib3d(), movepix(), phcount(), rand3d(), readInputFileAndInitialize(), rhcalc(), stat3d(), surfpix(), sysinit(), sysscan(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 692 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), dissolve(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 693 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by computeConcreteCapacityBentz(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 768 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew().
private |
Definition at line 768 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew().
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::Mass_cement_concrete |
Definition at line 243 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by computeConcreteCapacityBentz(), GivePower(), GiveTotHeat(), MoveCycles(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 694 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 768 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew().
private |
Definition at line 693 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by computeConcreteCapacityBentz(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 692 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 694 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 693 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by computeConcreteCapacityBentz(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 693 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by computeConcreteCapacityBentz(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 693 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by computeConcreteCapacityBentz(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 692 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 344 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 263 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and sinter3d().
private |
Definition at line 390 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and laguer().
private |
Definition at line 392 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and zroots().
private |
Definition at line 285 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and maketemp().
private |
Definition at line 262 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by gsphere(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 462 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by addrand(), alloc_char_3D(), alloc_double_3D(), alloc_int_3D(), alloc_long_3D(), alloc_shortint_3D(), burn3d(), burnset(), CemhydMatStatus(), chckedge(), countbox(), countboxc(), CSHbox(), dealloc_char_3D(), dealloc_double_3D(), dealloc_int_3D(), dealloc_long_3D(), dealloc_shortint_3D(), disrealnew(), dissolve(), distrib3d(), edgecnt(), extafm(), extc3ah6(), extch(), extcsh(), extettr(), extfh3(), extfreidel(), extgyps(), extpozz(), extslagcsh(), extstrat(), loccsh(), makeinert(), measuresurf(), moveanh(), moveas(), movec3a(), movec4a(), movecacl2(), movecaco3(), movecas2(), movech(), movecsh(), moveettr(), movefh3(), movegyp(), movehem(), parthyd(), passone(), readhydrparam(), readInputFileAndInitialize(), resaturate(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
int*** oofem::CemhydMatStatus::mic_CSH |
Definition at line 231 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burn_phases(), CemhydMatStatus(), CSHbox(), NumSol(), readInputFileAndInitialize(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 736 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 733 of file cemhydmat.h.
private |
Definition at line 500 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by addrand(), CemhydMatStatus(), distrib3d(), parthyd(), readhydrparam(), readInputFileAndInitialize(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 501 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burn_phases(), burnset(), CemhydMatStatus(), dissolve(), distrib3d(), genpartnew(), IsConnected(), parthyd(), readhydrparam(), readInputFileAndInitialize(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 346 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 348 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 345 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 347 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 706 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 699 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), initializeMicrostructure(), movecsh(), passone(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 746 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 700 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), and passone().
private |
Definition at line 736 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 527 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by genpartnew(), and gsphere().
private |
Definition at line 527 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by genpartnew(), and gsphere().
private |
Definition at line 526 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by genpartnew(), and gsphere().
private |
Definition at line 526 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by genpartnew(), and gsphere().
private |
Definition at line 557 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by movepix(), procair(), sinter3d(), sysinit(), and sysscan().
private |
Definition at line 678 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), and movech().
private |
Definition at line 729 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init().
private |
Definition at line 678 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), GetInitClinkerPhases(), and passone().
private |
Definition at line 675 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and movecsh().
private |
Definition at line 675 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), extcsh(), and movecsh().
private |
Definition at line 683 of file cemhydmat.h.
private |
Definition at line 405 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by ran1().
private |
Definition at line 258 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by chckedge(), dissolve(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 678 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), and passone().
private |
Definition at line 678 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), movech(), and passone().
private |
Definition at line 681 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), hydrate(), and loccsh().
private |
Definition at line 681 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), hydrate(), and loccsh().
private |
Definition at line 521 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by genpartnew(), gsphere(), and makefloc().
private |
Definition at line 280 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by genpartnew(), gsphere(), makefloc(), and readInputFileAndInitialize().
private |
Definition at line 678 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), movech(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 522 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), distrib3d(), genpartnew(), readhydrparam(), and readInputFileAndInitialize().
private |
Definition at line 678 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 557 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by movepix(), phcount(), procsol(), sinter3d(), sysinit(), and sysscan().
private |
Definition at line 555 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by countem(), movepix(), procair(), procsol(), sinter3d(), and sysinit().
private |
Definition at line 403 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and ran1().
private |
Definition at line 761 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 710 of file cemhydmat.h.
private |
Definition at line 282 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by create(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 457 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), initializeMicrostructure(), and passone().
private |
Definition at line 715 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 683 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 717 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), and init().
private |
Definition at line 718 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by init().
private |
Definition at line 719 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), and init().
private |
Definition at line 720 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), and init().
private |
Definition at line 721 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), and init().
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::PartHeat |
The last incremental heat returned from a GP.
Definition at line 241 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), oofem::CemhydMat::computeInternalSourceVector(), GivePower(), MoveCycles(), and printOutputAt().
private |
Definition at line 325 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 736 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burn_phases(), CemhydMatStatus(), disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 736 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 689 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 689 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 739 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 743 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve(), init(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 636 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationPaste(), burn_phases(), CemhydMatStatus(), initializeMicrostructure(), measagg(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
double* oofem::CemhydMatStatus::PhaseFrac |
Definition at line 234 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationPaste(), CemhydMatStatus(), initializeMicrostructure(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 736 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 732 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init().
private |
Definition at line 741 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), dissolve(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 742 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 736 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), disrealnew_init(), pHpred(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 734 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init().
private |
Definition at line 732 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and parthyd().
private |
Definition at line 763 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 765 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 765 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 766 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 765 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 772 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationConcrete(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 772 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationConcrete(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 772 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationConcrete(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 772 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationConcrete(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 682 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 684 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), and resaturate().
private |
Definition at line 684 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), and resaturate().
private |
Definition at line 684 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), and resaturate().
private |
Definition at line 681 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 681 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 678 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), and passone().
private |
Definition at line 412 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by addrand(), chckedge(), chkfloc(), chksph(), disrealnew(), dissolve(), extafm(), extc3ah6(), extch(), extcsh(), extettr(), extfh3(), extfreidel(), extgyps(), extpozz(), extslagcsh(), extstrat(), genpartnew(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), loccsh(), makeinert(), measure(), measuresurf(), moveanh(), moveas(), movec3a(), movec4a(), movecacl2(), movecaco3(), movecas2(), movech(), movecsh(), moveettr(), movefh3(), movegyp(), movehem(), NumSol(), passone(), pHpred(), and resaturate().
private |
Definition at line 420 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burnset(), countboxc(), dissolve(), extpozz(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), movech(), passone(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 432 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), dissolve(), extpozz(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), movech(), movecsh(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 274 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by create(), initializeMicrostructure(), measagg(), and measure().
private |
Definition at line 324 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 703 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), and movech().
private |
Definition at line 732 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init().
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::PrevCycHeat |
Definition at line 239 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), GivePower(), and MoveCycles().
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::PrevHydrTime |
Definition at line 238 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), GiveDoHActual(), and GivePower().
private |
Definition at line 747 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init().
private |
Definition at line 528 of file cemhydmat.h.
private |
Definition at line 528 of file cemhydmat.h.
private |
Definition at line 528 of file cemhydmat.h.
private |
Definition at line 765 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 765 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 766 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 765 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 736 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 732 of file cemhydmat.h.
private |
Definition at line 743 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 406 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by ran1().
private |
Definition at line 739 of file cemhydmat.h.
private |
Definition at line 739 of file cemhydmat.h.
private |
Definition at line 688 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 700 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 690 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and measuresurf().
private |
Definition at line 690 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and measuresurf().
private |
Definition at line 683 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), dissolve(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 522 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by addrand(), disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), distrib3d(), extafm(), extc3ah6(), extch(), extcsh(), extettr(), extfh3(), extfreidel(), extgyps(), extpozz(), extslagcsh(), extstrat(), genpartnew(), gsphere(), loccsh(), makefloc(), moveanh(), moveas(), movec3a(), movec4a(), movecacl2(), movecaco3(), movecas2(), movech(), movecsh(), moveettr(), movefh3(), movegyp(), movehem(), moveone(), movepix(), rand3d(), readhydrparam(), and readInputFileAndInitialize().
private |
Definition at line 684 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and disrealnew_init().
private |
Definition at line 684 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 684 of file cemhydmat.h.
private |
Definition at line 684 of file cemhydmat.h.
private |
Definition at line 684 of file cemhydmat.h.
private |
Definition at line 725 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by init().
private |
Definition at line 334 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burn3d(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 341 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burn_phases(), burnset(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 422 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burnset(), disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), extslagcsh(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), and passone().
private |
Definition at line 724 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by init().
private |
Definition at line 722 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by init().
private |
Definition at line 433 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), dissolve(), extslagcsh(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), movecsh(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 728 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 678 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 723 of file cemhydmat.h.
private |
Definition at line 722 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by init().
private |
Definition at line 276 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by create(), initializeMicrostructure(), measagg(), and measure().
private |
Definition at line 727 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and passone().
private |
Definition at line 726 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), and init().
private |
Definition at line 322 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), moveanh(), movegyp(), and movehem().
private |
Definition at line 323 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), moveanh(), movegyp(), and movehem().
private |
Definition at line 261 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and NumSol().
private |
Definition at line 709 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), dissolve(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), movec3a(), movec4a(), passone(), pHpred(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 706 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burn3d(), burnset(), CemhydMatStatus(), dissolve(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), pHpred(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 356 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 436 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), extstrat(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), moveas(), movec3a(), movec4a(), movecas2(), and movech().
private |
Definition at line 689 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 730 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 731 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 554 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by distrib3d(), and stat3d().
private |
Definition at line 689 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), and measuresurf().
int oofem::CemhydMatStatus::SYSIZE |
Definition at line 228 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by addrand(), AdjCoord(), alloc_char_3D(), alloc_double_3D(), alloc_int_3D(), alloc_long_3D(), alloc_shortint_3D(), burn3d(), burn_phases(), burnset(), CemhydMatStatus(), chckedge(), countbox(), countboxc(), CSHbox(), dealloc_char_3D(), dealloc_double_3D(), dealloc_int_3D(), dealloc_long_3D(), dealloc_shortint_3D(), dissolve(), distrib3d(), edgecnt(), extafm(), extc3ah6(), extch(), extcsh(), extettr(), extfh3(), extfreidel(), extgyps(), extpozz(), extslagcsh(), extstrat(), GenerateConnNumbers(), genpartnew(), hydrate(), loccsh(), makeinert(), measuresurf(), moveanh(), moveas(), movec3a(), movec4a(), movecacl2(), movecas2(), movegyp(), movehem(), moveone(), outputImageFilePerc(), outputImageFileUnperc(), parthyd(), passone(), rand3d(), readhydrparam(), readInputFileAndInitialize(), resaturate(), stat3d(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 266 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationPaste(), dissolve(), hydrate(), and readInputFileAndInitialize().
private |
Definition at line 298 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by chckedge(), dissolve(), edgecnt(), hydrate(), moveanh(), moveas(), movec3a(), movec4a(), movecacl2(), movecas2(), movegyp(), movehem(), moveone(), and readInputFileAndInitialize().
int oofem::CemhydMatStatus::SYSSIZE |
private |
Definition at line 691 of file cemhydmat.h.
private |
Definition at line 735 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), hydrate(), loccsh(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 697 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 527 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by create(), genpartnew(), and gsphere().
private |
Definition at line 527 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by create(), genpartnew(), and gsphere().
private |
Definition at line 526 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by create(), genpartnew(), and gsphere().
private |
Definition at line 526 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by create(), genpartnew(), and gsphere().
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::temp_0 |
Definition at line 243 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew().
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::temp_cur |
Definition at line 243 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), oofem::CemhydMat::giveCharacteristicValue(), pHpred(), and printOutputAt().
private |
Definition at line 688 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 689 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 769 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 767 of file cemhydmat.h.
private |
Definition at line 767 of file cemhydmat.h.
private |
Definition at line 767 of file cemhydmat.h.
private |
Definition at line 767 of file cemhydmat.h.
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::time_cur |
Definition at line 243 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by burn_phases(), disrealnew(), dissolve(), GiveCycTime(), GiveDoHActual(), GivePower(), initializeMicrostructure(), MoveCycles(), outputImageFilePerc(), outputImageFileUnperc(), pHpred(), and readhydrparam().
double oofem::CemhydMatStatus::time_step |
Definition at line 243 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and disrealnew_init().
private |
Definition at line 688 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew_init(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 739 of file cemhydmat.h.
private |
Definition at line 739 of file cemhydmat.h.
private |
Definition at line 691 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 772 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationConcrete(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 772 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationConcrete(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 772 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationConcrete(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 772 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationConcrete(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 772 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationConcrete(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 772 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationConcrete(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 772 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationConcrete(), computeConcreteCapacityBentz(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 343 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 526 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by create(), genpartnew(), and gsphere().
private |
Definition at line 554 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by distrib3d(), and stat3d().
private |
Definition at line 688 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), and GiveWcr().
private |
Definition at line 682 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 682 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), and dissolve().
private |
Definition at line 706 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), init(), initializeMicrostructure(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 699 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), disrealnew(), disrealnew_init(), dissolve(), initializeMicrostructure(), passone(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 294 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 293 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by disrealnew(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 465 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by addagg(), CemhydMatStatus(), connect(), create(), distrib3d(), genpartnew(), init(), makefloc(), outmic(), rand3d(), readhydrparam(), readInputFileAndInitialize(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 394 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by chckedge(), dissolve(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 556 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), countem(), initializeMicrostructure(), maketemp(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 395 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by chckedge(), dissolve(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 772 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationConcrete(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 772 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationConcrete(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 772 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationConcrete(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 772 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by AnalyticHomogenizationConcrete(), and readhydrparam().
private |
Definition at line 556 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), countem(), initializeMicrostructure(), maketemp(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().
private |
Definition at line 362 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 366 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 365 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 396 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by chckedge(), dissolve(), and initializeMicrostructure().
private |
Definition at line 364 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 363 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by initializeMicrostructure(), and pHpred().
private |
Definition at line 556 of file cemhydmat.h.
Referenced by CemhydMatStatus(), countem(), initializeMicrostructure(), maketemp(), and ~CemhydMatStatus().