OOFEM.org - Object Oriented Finite Element Solver
Class for using the stokes flow class as an rve/constitutive model. More...
#include <stokesflowvelocityhomogenization.h>
Public Member Functions | |
StokesFlowVelocityHomogenization (int i, EngngModel *_master=NULL) | |
virtual | ~StokesFlowVelocityHomogenization () |
double | giveAreaOfRVE () |
Compute area of domain (includes holes) More... | |
virtual const char * | giveClassName () const |
Returns class name of the receiver. More... | |
virtual const char * | giveInputRecordName () const |
void | computeTangent (FloatMatrix &answer, TimeStep *tStep) |
void | computeSeepage (FloatArray &v, TimeStep *tStep) |
Computes the mean velocity and pressure gradient. More... | |
void | applyPressureGradient (const FloatArray &grad) |
![]() | |
StokesFlow (int i, EngngModel *_master=NULL) | |
virtual | ~StokesFlow () |
virtual void | solveYourselfAt (TimeStep *tStep) |
Solves problem for given time step. More... | |
virtual void | updateYourself (TimeStep *tStep) |
Updates everything for the problem. More... | |
virtual double | giveUnknownComponent (ValueModeType mode, TimeStep *tStep, Domain *domain, Dof *dof) |
Returns requested unknown. More... | |
virtual double | giveReynoldsNumber () |
virtual int | forceEquationNumbering (int id) |
Forces equation renumbering on given domain. More... | |
virtual IRResultType | initializeFrom (InputRecord *ir) |
Initializes receiver according to object description in input reader. More... | |
virtual int | checkConsistency () |
Allows programmer to test some receiver's internal data, before computation begins. More... | |
virtual void | doStepOutput (TimeStep *tStep) |
Prints the ouput of the solution step (using virtual this->printOutputAtservice) to the stream detemined using this->giveOutputStream() method and calls exportModuleManager to do output. More... | |
void | updateInternalState (TimeStep *tStep) |
virtual void | updateComponent (TimeStep *tStep, NumericalCmpn cmpn, Domain *d) |
Updates components mapped to numerical method if necessary during solution process. More... | |
virtual NumericalMethod * | giveNumericalMethod (MetaStep *mStep) |
Returns reference to receiver's numerical method. More... | |
virtual TimeStep * | giveNextStep () |
Returns next time step (next to current step) of receiver. More... | |
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FluidModel (int i, EngngModel *master) | |
virtual int | forceEquationNumbering () |
Forces equation renumbering on all domains associated to engng model. More... | |
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EngngModel (int i, EngngModel *_master=NULL) | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~EngngModel () |
Destructor. More... | |
EngngModel (const EngngModel &)=delete | |
EngngModel & | operator= (const EngngModel &)=delete |
Domain * | giveDomain (int n) |
Service for accessing particular problem domain. More... | |
void | setDomain (int i, Domain *ptr, bool iDeallocateOld=true) |
Sets i-th domain of receiver. More... | |
int | giveNumberOfDomains () |
Returns number of domains in problem. More... | |
const std::string & | giveDescription () const |
const time_t & | giveStartTime () |
bool | giveSuppressOutput () const |
virtual ErrorEstimator * | giveDomainErrorEstimator (int n) |
Service for accessing ErrorEstimator corresponding to particular domain. More... | |
virtual MaterialInterface * | giveMaterialInterface (int n) |
Returns material interface representation for given domain. More... | |
void | setNumberOfEquations (int id, int neq) |
FILE * | giveOutputStream () |
Returns file descriptor of output file. More... | |
std::string | giveOutputBaseFileName () |
Returns base output file name to which extensions, like .out .vtu .osf should be added. More... | |
std::string | giveReferenceFileName () |
Returns reference file name. More... | |
void | letOutputBaseFileNameBe (const std::string &src) |
Sets the base output file name. More... | |
ContextOutputMode | giveContextOutputMode () |
Returns domain context output mode. More... | |
int | giveContextOutputStep () |
Returns domain context output step. More... | |
void | setContextOutputMode (ContextOutputMode contextMode) |
Sets context output mode of receiver. More... | |
void | setUDContextOutputMode (int cStep) |
Sets user defined context output mode (it sets contextOutputMode to contextOutputMode), setting contextOutputStep to given value. More... | |
void | setProblemMode (problemMode pmode) |
Sets domain mode to given mode. More... | |
void | setParallelMode (bool newParallelFlag) |
Sets the problem to run in parallel (or not). More... | |
problemMode | giveProblemMode () |
Returns domain mode. More... | |
void | setProblemScale (problemScale pscale) |
Sets scale in multiscale simulation. More... | |
problemScale | giveProblemScale () |
Returns scale in multiscale simulation. More... | |
virtual void | setRenumberFlag () |
Sets the renumber flag to true. More... | |
virtual void | resetRenumberFlag () |
Sets the renumber flag to false. More... | |
double | giveSolutionStepTime () |
Returns the user time of the current simulation step in seconds. More... | |
void | giveAnalysisTime (int &rhrs, int &rmin, int &rsec, int &uhrs, int &umin, int &usec) |
Returns the real and user time for the analysis. More... | |
void | terminateAnalysis () |
Performs analysis termination after finishing analysis. More... | |
virtual void | solveYourself () |
Starts solution process. More... | |
virtual void | terminate (TimeStep *tStep) |
Terminates the solution of time step. More... | |
void | saveStepContext (TimeStep *tStep, ContextMode mode) |
Saves context of given solution step, if required (determined using this->giveContextOutputMode() method). More... | |
virtual void | initializeYourself (TimeStep *tStep) |
Provides the opportunity to initialize state variables stored in element integration points according to initial conditions using function initializeYourself() on element level. More... | |
virtual int | initializeAdaptive (int tStepNumber) |
Initializes the newly generated discretization state according to previous solution. More... | |
virtual int | giveNumberOfDomainEquations (int di, const UnknownNumberingScheme &num) |
Returns number of equations for given domain in active (current time step) time step. More... | |
virtual FieldPtr | giveField (FieldType key, TimeStep *) |
Returns the smart pointer to requested field, Null otherwise. More... | |
EngngModel * | giveMasterEngngModel () |
Returns the master engnmodel. More... | |
virtual double | giveLoadLevel () |
Returns the current load level. More... | |
virtual double | giveEigenValue (int eigNum) |
Only relevant for eigen value analysis. Otherwise returns zero. More... | |
virtual void | setActiveVector (int i) |
Only relevant for eigen value analysis. Otherwise does noting. More... | |
int | updateSharedDofManagers (FloatArray &answer, const UnknownNumberingScheme &s, int ExchangeTag) |
Exchanges necessary remote DofManagers data. More... | |
int | exchangeRemoteElementData (int ExchangeTag) |
Exchanges necessary remote element data with remote partitions. More... | |
virtual int | giveCurrentNumberOfIterations () |
Returns number of iterations that was required to reach equilibrium - used for adaptive step length in staggered problem. More... | |
MPI_Comm | giveParallelComm () |
Returns the communication object of reciever. More... | |
int | packRemoteElementData (ProcessCommunicator &processComm) |
Packs data of local element to be received by their remote counterpart on remote partitions. More... | |
int | unpackRemoteElementData (ProcessCommunicator &processComm) |
Unpacks data for remote elements (which are mirrors of remote partition's local elements). More... | |
int | packDofManagers (ArrayWithNumbering *src, ProcessCommunicator &processComm) |
Packing function for vector values of DofManagers. More... | |
int | unpackDofManagers (ArrayWithNumbering *dest, ProcessCommunicator &processComm) |
Unpacking function for vector values of DofManagers . More... | |
ProblemCommunicator * | giveProblemCommunicator (EngngModelCommType t) |
void | initializeCommMaps (bool forceInit=false) |
virtual int | instanciateYourself (DataReader &dr, InputRecord *ir, const char *outFileName, const char *desc) |
Initializes whole problem according to its description stored in inputStream. More... | |
void | Instanciate_init () |
Initialization of the receiver state (opening the default output stream, empty domain creation, initialization of parallel context, etc) before Initialization form DataReader. More... | |
int | instanciateDomains (DataReader &dr) |
Instanciate problem domains by calling their instanciateYourself() service. More... | |
int | instanciateMetaSteps (DataReader &dr) |
Instanciate problem meta steps by calling their instanciateYourself() service. More... | |
virtual int | instanciateDefaultMetaStep (InputRecord *ir) |
Instanciate default metastep, if nmsteps is zero. More... | |
virtual void | updateAttributes (MetaStep *mStep) |
Update receiver attributes according to step metaStep attributes. More... | |
void | initMetaStepAttributes (MetaStep *mStep) |
Update e-model attributes attributes according to step metaStep attributes. More... | |
virtual contextIOResultType | saveContext (DataStream &stream, ContextMode mode) |
Stores the state of model to output stream. More... | |
virtual contextIOResultType | restoreContext (DataStream &stream, ContextMode mode) |
Restores the state of model from output stream. More... | |
virtual void | updateDomainLinks () |
Updates domain links after the domains of receiver have changed. More... | |
MetaStep * | giveCurrentMetaStep () |
Returns current meta step. More... | |
virtual TimeStep * | giveCurrentStep (bool force=false) |
Returns current time step. More... | |
virtual TimeStep * | givePreviousStep (bool force=false) |
Returns previous time step. More... | |
TimeStep * | generateNextStep () |
Generate new time step (and associate metastep). More... | |
virtual void | preInitializeNextStep () |
Does a pre-initialization of the next time step (implement if necessarry) More... | |
virtual TimeStep * | giveSolutionStepWhenIcApply (bool force=false) |
Returns the solution step when Initial Conditions (IC) apply. More... | |
virtual int | giveNumberOfFirstStep (bool force=false) |
Returns number of first time step used by receiver. More... | |
int | giveNumberOfMetaSteps () |
Return number of meta steps. More... | |
MetaStep * | giveMetaStep (int i) |
Returns the i-th meta step. More... | |
int | giveNumberOfSteps (bool force=false) |
Returns total number of steps. More... | |
virtual double | giveEndOfTimeOfInterest () |
Returns end of time interest (time corresponding to end of time integration). More... | |
int | giveNumberOfTimeStepWhenIcApply () |
Returns the time step number, when initial conditions should apply. More... | |
ExportModuleManager * | giveExportModuleManager () |
Returns receiver's export module manager. More... | |
EngngModelTimer * | giveTimer () |
Returns reference to receiver timer (EngngModelTimer). More... | |
virtual int | giveNewEquationNumber (int domain, DofIDItem) |
Increases number of equations of receiver's domain and returns newly created equation number. More... | |
virtual int | giveNewPrescribedEquationNumber (int domain, DofIDItem) |
Increases number of prescribed equations of receiver's domain and returns newly created equation number. More... | |
std::string | giveContextFileName (int tStepNumber, int stepVersion) const |
Returns the filename for the context file for the given step and version. More... | |
std::string | giveDomainFileName (int domainNum, int domainSerNum) const |
Returns the filename for the given domain (used by adaptivity and restore) More... | |
virtual void | initStepIncrements () |
Initializes solution of new time step. More... | |
virtual int | requiresUnknownsDictionaryUpdate () |
Indicates if EngngModel requires Dofs dictionaries to be updated. More... | |
virtual bool | requiresEquationRenumbering (TimeStep *tStep) |
Returns true if equation renumbering is required for given solution step. More... | |
virtual void | updateDofUnknownsDictionary (DofManager *, TimeStep *) |
Updates necessary values in Dofs unknown dictionaries. More... | |
virtual int | giveUnknownDictHashIndx (ValueModeType mode, TimeStep *tStep) |
This method is responsible for computing unique dictionary id (ie hash value) from given valueModeType and time step. More... | |
virtual ParallelContext * | giveParallelContext (int n) |
Returns the parallel context corresponding to given domain (n) and unknown type Default implementation returns i-th context from parallelContextList. More... | |
virtual void | initParallelContexts () |
Creates parallel contexts. More... | |
virtual void | assemble (SparseMtrx &answer, TimeStep *tStep, const MatrixAssembler &ma, const UnknownNumberingScheme &s, Domain *domain) |
Assembles characteristic matrix of required type into given sparse matrix. More... | |
virtual void | assemble (SparseMtrx &answer, TimeStep *tStep, const MatrixAssembler &ma, const UnknownNumberingScheme &r_s, const UnknownNumberingScheme &c_s, Domain *domain) |
Assembles characteristic matrix of required type into given sparse matrix. More... | |
void | assembleVector (FloatArray &answer, TimeStep *tStep, const VectorAssembler &va, ValueModeType mode, const UnknownNumberingScheme &s, Domain *domain, FloatArray *eNorms=NULL) |
Assembles characteristic vector of required type from dofManagers, element, and active boundary conditions, into given vector. More... | |
void | assembleVectorFromDofManagers (FloatArray &answer, TimeStep *tStep, const VectorAssembler &va, ValueModeType mode, const UnknownNumberingScheme &s, Domain *domain, FloatArray *eNorms=NULL) |
Assembles characteristic vector of required type from dofManagers into given vector. More... | |
void | assembleVectorFromElements (FloatArray &answer, TimeStep *tStep, const VectorAssembler &va, ValueModeType mode, const UnknownNumberingScheme &s, Domain *domain, FloatArray *eNorms=NULL) |
Assembles characteristic vector of required type from elements into given vector. More... | |
void | assembleVectorFromBC (FloatArray &answer, TimeStep *tStep, const VectorAssembler &va, ValueModeType mode, const UnknownNumberingScheme &s, Domain *domain, FloatArray *eNorms=NULL) |
Assembles characteristic vector of required type from boundary conditions. More... | |
void | assembleExtrapolatedForces (FloatArray &answer, TimeStep *tStep, CharType type, Domain *domain) |
Assembles the extrapolated internal forces vector, useful for obtaining a good initial guess in nonlinear analysis with Dirichlet boundary conditions. More... | |
void | assemblePrescribedExtrapolatedForces (FloatArray &answer, TimeStep *tStep, CharType type, Domain *domain) |
void | assembleVectorFromContacts (FloatArray &answer, TimeStep *tStep, CharType type, ValueModeType mode, const UnknownNumberingScheme &s, Domain *domain, FloatArray *eNorms=NULL) |
virtual int | checkProblemConsistency () |
Allows programmer to test problem its internal data, before computation begins. More... | |
virtual void | init () |
Initializes the receiver state. More... | |
virtual void | postInitialize () |
Performs post-initialization for all the problem contents (which is called after initializeFrom). More... | |
virtual void | printOutputAt (FILE *file, TimeStep *tStep) |
Prints output of receiver to output domain stream, for given time step. More... | |
virtual void | printOutputAt (FILE *file, TimeStep *tStep, const IntArray &nodeSets, const IntArray &elementSets) |
void | outputNodes (FILE *file, Domain &domain, TimeStep *tStep, int setNum) |
Outputs all nodes in the given set. More... | |
void | outputElements (FILE *file, Domain &domain, TimeStep *tStep, int setNum) |
Outputs all elements in the given set. More... | |
void | printYourself () |
Prints state of receiver. Useful for debugging. More... | |
virtual void | printDofOutputAt (FILE *stream, Dof *iDof, TimeStep *tStep) |
DOF printing routine. More... | |
virtual int | useNonlocalStiffnessOption () |
Returns nonzero if nonlocal stiffness option activated. More... | |
bool | isParallel () const |
Returns true if receiver in parallel mode. More... | |
int | giveRank () const |
Returns domain rank in a group of collaborating processes (0..groupSize-1) More... | |
int | giveNumberOfProcesses () const |
Returns the number of collaborating processes. More... | |
virtual fMode | giveFormulation () |
Indicates type of non linear computation (total or updated formulation). More... | |
EngngModelContext * | giveContext () |
Context requesting service. More... | |
virtual int | giveNumberOfSlaveProblems () |
Returns number of slave problems. More... | |
virtual EngngModel * | giveSlaveProblem (int i) |
Returns i-th slave problem. More... | |
virtual bool | giveEquationScalingFlag () |
Returns the Equation scaling flag, which is used to indicate that governing equation(s) are scaled, or non-dimensionalized. More... | |
virtual double | giveVariableScale (VarScaleType varId) |
Returns the scale factor for given variable type. More... | |
virtual int | estimateMaxPackSize (IntArray &commMap, DataStream &buff, int packUnpackType) |
Determines the space necessary for send/receive buffer. More... | |
virtual void | balanceLoad (TimeStep *tStep) |
Recovers the load balance between processors, if needed. More... | |
virtual LoadBalancer * | giveLoadBalancer () |
Returns reference to receiver's load balancer. More... | |
virtual LoadBalancerMonitor * | giveLoadBalancerMonitor () |
Returns reference to receiver's load balancer monitor. More... | |
void | initParallel () |
Request domain rank and problem size. More... | |
EngngModel * | giveEngngModel () |
Returns reference to itself -> required by communicator.h. More... | |
virtual bool | isElementActivated (int elemNum) |
virtual bool | isElementActivated (Element *e) |
virtual void | drawYourself (oofegGraphicContext &gc) |
virtual void | drawElements (oofegGraphicContext &gc) |
virtual void | drawNodes (oofegGraphicContext &gc) |
virtual void | showSparseMtrxStructure (int type, oofegGraphicContext &gc, TimeStep *tStep) |
Shows the sparse structure of required matrix, type == 1 stiffness. More... | |
std::string | errorInfo (const char *func) const |
Returns string for prepending output (used by error reporting macros). More... | |
Private Member Functions | |
void | integrateNMatrix (FloatMatrix &N, Element &elem, TimeStep *tStep) |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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enum | EngngModel_UpdateMode { EngngModel_Unknown_Mode, EngngModel_SUMM_Mode, EngngModel_SET_Mode } |
enum | EngngModelCommType { PC_default, PC_nonlocal } |
enum | InitialGuess { IG_None = 0, IG_Tangent = 1 } |
Means to choose methods for finding a good initial guess. More... | |
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enum | { InternalForcesExchangeTag, MassExchangeTag, LoadExchangeTag, ReactionExchangeTag, RemoteElementExchangeTag } |
Message tags. More... | |
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virtual void | packMigratingData (TimeStep *tStep) |
Packs receiver data when rebalancing load. More... | |
virtual void | unpackMigratingData (TimeStep *tStep) |
Unpacks receiver data when rebalancing load. More... | |
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double | deltaT |
Time increment read from input record. More... | |
std::unique_ptr< PrimaryField > | velocityPressureField |
Primary unknowns. More... | |
SparseMtrxType | sparseMtrxType |
Sparse matrix type. More... | |
std::unique_ptr< SparseNonLinearSystemNM > | nMethod |
Numerical method. More... | |
LinSystSolverType | solverType |
Linear solver type. More... | |
FloatArray | eNorm |
Element norm for nonlinear analysis (squared) More... | |
std::unique_ptr< MeshQualityErrorEstimator > | meshqualityee |
Used for determining if a new mesh must be created. More... | |
double | maxdef |
Maximum deformation allowed. More... | |
std::unique_ptr< SparseMtrx > | stiffnessMatrix |
FloatArray | solutionVector |
FloatArray | internalForces |
TopologyState | ts |
Topology state, most notably used for determining if there is a need to remesh. More... | |
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int | ndomains |
Number of receiver domains. More... | |
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Domain > > | domainList |
List of problem domains. More... | |
int | numberOfSteps |
Total number of time steps. More... | |
int | numberOfEquations |
Total number of equation in current time step. More... | |
int | numberOfPrescribedEquations |
Total number or prescribed equations in current time step. More... | |
IntArray | domainNeqs |
Number of equations per domain. More... | |
IntArray | domainPrescribedNeqs |
Number of prescribed equations per domain. More... | |
bool | renumberFlag |
Renumbering flag (renumbers equations after each step, necessary if Dirichlet BCs change). More... | |
bool | profileOpt |
Profile optimized numbering flag (using Sloan's algorithm). More... | |
int | equationNumberingCompleted |
Equation numbering completed flag. More... | |
int | nMetaSteps |
Number of meta steps. More... | |
std::vector< MetaStep > | metaStepList |
List of problem metasteps. More... | |
std::unique_ptr< TimeStep > | stepWhenIcApply |
Solution step when IC (initial conditions) apply. More... | |
std::unique_ptr< TimeStep > | currentStep |
Current time step. More... | |
std::unique_ptr< TimeStep > | previousStep |
Previous time step. More... | |
int | number |
Receivers id. More... | |
std::string | dataOutputFileName |
Path to output stream. More... | |
std::string | coreOutputFileName |
String with core output file name. More... | |
FILE * | outputStream |
Output stream. More... | |
std::string | referenceFileName |
String with reference file name. More... | |
ContextOutputMode | contextOutputMode |
Domain context output mode. More... | |
int | contextOutputStep |
ExportModuleManager * | exportModuleManager |
Export module manager. More... | |
InitModuleManager * | initModuleManager |
Initialization module manager. More... | |
problemMode | pMode |
Domain mode. More... | |
problemScale | pScale |
Multiscale mode. More... | |
time_t | startTime |
Solution start time. More... | |
EngngModel * | master |
Master e-model; if defined receiver is in maintained (slave) mode. More... | |
EngngModelContext * | context |
Context. More... | |
EngngModelTimer | timer |
E-model timer. More... | |
int | parallelFlag |
Flag indicating that the receiver runs in parallel. More... | |
enum fMode | nonLinFormulation |
Type of non linear formulation (total or updated formulation). More... | |
ErrorEstimator * | defaultErrEstimator |
Error estimator. Useful for adaptivity, or simply printing errors output. More... | |
int | rank |
Domain rank in a group of collaborating processes (0..groupSize-1). More... | |
int | numProcs |
Total number of collaborating processes. More... | |
int | nonlocalExt |
Flag indicating if nonlocal extension active, which will cause data to be sent between shared elements before computing the internal forces. More... | |
char | processor_name [PROCESSOR_NAME_LENGTH] |
Processor name. More... | |
MPI_Comm | comm |
Communication object for this engineering model. More... | |
CommunicatorBuff * | commBuff |
Common Communicator buffer. More... | |
ProblemCommunicator * | communicator |
Communicator. More... | |
ProblemCommunicator * | nonlocCommunicator |
NonLocal Communicator. Necessary when nonlocal constitutive models are used. More... | |
std::vector< ParallelContext > | parallelContextList |
List where parallel contexts are stored. More... | |
bool | suppressOutput |
Flag for suppressing output to file. More... | |
std::string | simulationDescription |
LoadBalancer * | lb |
Load Balancer. More... | |
LoadBalancerMonitor * | lbm |
bool | loadBalancingFlag |
If set to true, load balancing is active. More... | |
bool | force_load_rebalance_in_first_step |
Debug flag forcing load balancing after first step. More... | |
Class for using the stokes flow class as an rve/constitutive model.
Definition at line 54 of file stokesflowvelocityhomogenization.h.
oofem::StokesFlowVelocityHomogenization::StokesFlowVelocityHomogenization | ( | int | i, |
EngngModel * | _master = NULL |
) |
Definition at line 47 of file stokesflowvelocityhomogenization.C.
virtual |
Definition at line 51 of file stokesflowvelocityhomogenization.C.
void oofem::StokesFlowVelocityHomogenization::applyPressureGradient | ( | const FloatArray & | grad | ) |
Definition at line 157 of file stokesflowvelocityhomogenization.C.
References oofem::EngngModel::giveDomain(), oofem::FloatArray::negated(), and oofem::DeadWeight::setDeadWeighComponents().
Referenced by oofem::RVEStokesFlow::giveFluxVector(), and giveInputRecordName().
void oofem::StokesFlowVelocityHomogenization::computeSeepage | ( | FloatArray & | v, |
TimeStep * | tStep | ||
) |
Computes the mean velocity and pressure gradient.
Definition at line 74 of file stokesflowvelocityhomogenization.C.
References oofem::FloatArray::add(), oofem::FloatArray::beProductOf(), oofem::FloatArray::clear(), giveAreaOfRVE(), oofem::EngngModel::giveDomain(), integrateNMatrix(), N, and oofem::FloatArray::times().
Referenced by oofem::RVEStokesFlow::giveFluxVector(), and giveInputRecordName().
void oofem::StokesFlowVelocityHomogenization::computeTangent | ( | FloatMatrix & | answer, |
TimeStep * | tStep | ||
) |
Definition at line 93 of file stokesflowvelocityhomogenization.C.
References oofem::EngngModel::assemble(), oofem::FloatMatrix::beTProductOf(), oofem::FloatMatrix::beTranspositionOf(), oofem::classFactory, oofem::ClassFactory::createSparseLinSolver(), oofem::ClassFactory::createSparseMtrx(), oofem::IntArray::enumerate(), giveAreaOfRVE(), oofem::EngngModel::giveDomain(), oofem::Domain::giveElements(), oofem::Domain::giveNumber(), oofem::EngngModel::giveNumberOfDomainEquations(), oofem::Domain::giveNumberOfSpatialDimensions(), integrateNMatrix(), N, oofem::FloatMatrix::resize(), oofem::StokesFlow::solverType, oofem::FloatMatrix::times(), and oofem::FloatMatrix::zero().
Referenced by oofem::RVEStokesFlow::giveCharacteristicMatrix(), and giveInputRecordName().
double oofem::StokesFlowVelocityHomogenization::giveAreaOfRVE | ( | ) |
Compute area of domain (includes holes)
Definition at line 56 of file stokesflowvelocityhomogenization.C.
References oofem::FloatArray::beMaxOf(), oofem::FloatArray::beMinOf(), oofem::DofManager::giveCoordinates(), oofem::Domain::giveDofManager(), oofem::EngngModel::giveDomain(), oofem::max(), oofem::min(), oofem::FloatArray::product(), and oofem::FloatArray::subtract().
Referenced by computeSeepage(), and computeTangent().
inlinevirtual |
Returns class name of the receiver.
Reimplemented from oofem::StokesFlow.
Definition at line 63 of file stokesflowvelocityhomogenization.h.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from oofem::StokesFlow.
Definition at line 64 of file stokesflowvelocityhomogenization.h.
References _IFT_StokesFlowVelocityHomogenization_Name, applyPressureGradient(), computeSeepage(), computeTangent(), integrateNMatrix(), and N.
private |
Definition at line 139 of file stokesflowvelocityhomogenization.C.
References oofem::FloatArray::add(), oofem::FloatMatrix::beNMatrixOf(), oofem::FEInterpolation::evalN(), oofem::Element::giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr(), oofem::EngngModel::giveDomain(), oofem::Element::giveInterpolation(), and oofem::FEInterpolation::giveTransformationJacobian().
Referenced by computeSeepage(), computeTangent(), and giveInputRecordName().