OOFEM  2.4
OOFEM.org - Object Oriented Finite Element Solver
oofem::HybridEI Class Reference

EnrichmentItem with hybrid geometry description in the following sense: We have a BasicGeometry to describe the underlying geometry, and we use this BasicGeometry to compute nodal level set fields. More...

#include <hybridei.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for oofem::HybridEI:
+ Collaboration diagram for oofem::HybridEI:

Public Member Functions

 HybridEI (int n, XfemManager *xm, Domain *aDomain)
virtual ~HybridEI ()
virtual const char * giveClassName () const
virtual const char * giveInputRecordName () const
virtual void evalLevelSetNormal (double &oLevelSet, const FloatArray &iGlobalCoord, const FloatArray &iN, const IntArray &iNodeInd) const
 Evaluate the normal direction level set in the point iGlobalCoord. More...
virtual void evalLevelSetTangential (double &oLevelSet, const FloatArray &iGlobalCoord, const FloatArray &iN, const IntArray &iNodeInd) const
 Evaluate the tangential direction level set in the point iGlobalCoord. More...
virtual void evalGradLevelSetNormal (FloatArray &oGradLevelSet, const FloatArray &iGlobalCoord, const FloatMatrix &idNdX, const IntArray &iNodeInd) const
 Evaluate the gradient of the normal direction level set in the point iGlobalCoord. More...
void interpLevelSet (double &oLevelSet, const FloatArray &iN, const IntArray &iNodeInd) const
void interpLevelSetTangential (double &oLevelSet, const FloatArray &iN, const IntArray &iNodeInd) const
void interpGradLevelSet (FloatArray &oGradLevelSet, const FloatMatrix &idNdX, const IntArray &iNodeInd) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from oofem::GeometryBasedEI
 GeometryBasedEI (int n, XfemManager *xm, Domain *aDomain)
virtual ~GeometryBasedEI ()
virtual int instanciateYourself (DataReader &dr)
virtual void updateDofIdPool ()
virtual void appendInputRecords (DynamicDataReader &oDR)
virtual void updateGeometry ()
virtual void updateNodeEnrMarker (XfemManager &ixFemMan)
void updateLevelSets (XfemManager &ixFemMan)
virtual void evaluateEnrFuncInNode (std::vector< double > &oEnrFunc, const Node &iNode) const
virtual void evaluateEnrFuncAt (std::vector< double > &oEnrFunc, const FloatArray &iGlobalCoord, const FloatArray &iLocalCoord, int iNodeInd, const Element &iEl) const
virtual void evaluateEnrFuncAt (std::vector< double > &oEnrFunc, const FloatArray &iGlobalCoord, const FloatArray &iLocalCoord, int iNodeInd, const Element &iEl, const FloatArray &iN, const IntArray &iElNodes) const
virtual void evaluateEnrFuncDerivAt (std::vector< FloatArray > &oEnrFuncDeriv, const FloatArray &iGlobalCoord, const FloatArray &iLocalCoord, int iNodeInd, const Element &iEl) const
virtual void evaluateEnrFuncDerivAt (std::vector< FloatArray > &oEnrFuncDeriv, const FloatArray &iGlobalCoord, const FloatArray &iLocalCoord, int iNodeInd, const Element &iEl, const FloatArray &iN, const FloatMatrix &idNdX, const IntArray &iElNodes) const
void evaluateEnrFuncJumps (std::vector< double > &oEnrFuncJumps, int iNodeInd, GaussPoint &iGP, bool iGPLivesOnCurrentCrack) const
virtual void computeIntersectionPoints (std::vector< FloatArray > &oIntersectionPoints, std::vector< int > &oIntersectedEdgeInd, Element *element, std::vector< double > &oMinDistArcPos) const
virtual void computeIntersectionPoints (std::vector< FloatArray > &oIntersectionPoints, std::vector< int > &oIntersectedEdgeInd, Element *element, const Triangle &iTri, std::vector< double > &oMinDistArcPos) const
virtual void writeVtkDebug () const
void giveSubPolygon (std::vector< FloatArray > &oPoints, const double &iXiStart, const double &iXiEnd) const
virtual void propagateFronts (bool &oFrontsHavePropagated)
virtual bool giveElementTipCoord (FloatArray &oCoord, double &oArcPos, Element &iEl, const FloatArray &iElCenter) const
virtual void giveBoundingSphere (FloatArray &oCenter, double &oRadius)
BasicGeometrygiveGeometry ()
void setGeometry (std::unique_ptr< BasicGeometry > &&ipBasicGeometry)
- Public Member Functions inherited from oofem::EnrichmentItem
 EnrichmentItem (int n, XfemManager *xm, Domain *aDomain)
 Constructor / destructor. More...
virtual ~EnrichmentItem ()
virtual IRResultType initializeFrom (InputRecord *ir)
 Initializes receiver according to object description stored in input record. More...
virtual void giveInputRecord (DynamicInputRecord &input)
 Note the special treatment here, the "normal" syntax would be giveInputRecord(DynamicInputRecord &input). More...
const IntArraygiveEnrichesDofsWithIdArray () const
int giveNumberOfEnrDofs () const
bool isElementEnriched (const Element *element) const
bool isDofManEnriched (const DofManager &iDMan) const
int giveNumDofManEnrichments (const DofManager &iDMan) const
virtual bool canModifyMaterial () const
virtual bool isMaterialModified (GaussPoint &iGP, Element &iEl, CrossSection *&opCS) const
virtual void updateGeometry (FailureCriteriaStatus *fc, TimeStep *tStep)
virtual void updateGeometry (TimeStep *tStep)
virtual bool hasPropagatingFronts () const
virtual bool hasInitiationCriteria ()
int giveStartOfDofIdPool () const
int giveEndOfDofIdPool () const
virtual int giveDofPoolSize () const
virtual void computeEnrichedDofManDofIdArray (IntArray &oDofIdArray, DofManager &iDMan)
 Compute Id's of enriched dofs for a given DofManager. More...
virtual void giveEIDofIdArray (IntArray &answer) const
virtual void givePotentialEIDofIdArray (IntArray &answer) const
bool evalLevelSetNormalInNode (double &oLevelSet, int iNodeInd, const FloatArray &iGlobalCoord) const
bool evalLevelSetTangInNode (double &oLevelSet, int iNodeInd, const FloatArray &iGlobalCoord) const
bool evalNodeEnrMarkerInNode (double &oNodeEnrMarker, int iNodeInd) const
virtual void createEnrichedDofs ()
PropagationLawgivePropagationLaw ()
void setPropagationLaw (PropagationLaw *ipPropagationLaw)
bool hasPropagationLaw ()
virtual void callGnuplotExportModule (GnuplotExportModule &iExpMod, TimeStep *tStep)
const std::unordered_map< int, NodeEnrichmentType > & giveEnrNodeMap () const
EnrichmentFrontgiveEnrichmentFrontStart ()
void setEnrichmentFrontStart (EnrichmentFront *ipEnrichmentFrontStart, bool iDeleteOld=true)
EnrichmentFrontgiveEnrichmentFrontEnd ()
void setEnrichmentFrontEnd (EnrichmentFront *ipEnrichmentFrontEnd, bool iDeleteOld=true)
bool tipIsTouchingEI (const TipInfo &iTipInfo)
void setEnrichmentFunction (EnrichmentFunction *ipEnrichmentFunc)
- Public Member Functions inherited from oofem::FEMComponent
 FEMComponent (int n, Domain *d)
 Regular constructor, creates component with given number and belonging to given domain. More...
virtual ~FEMComponent ()
 Virtual destructor. More...
DomaingiveDomain () const
virtual void setDomain (Domain *d)
 Sets associated Domain. More...
int giveNumber () const
void setNumber (int num)
 Sets number of receiver. More...
virtual void updateLocalNumbering (EntityRenumberingFunctor &f)
 Local renumbering support. More...
virtual contextIOResultType saveContext (DataStream &stream, ContextMode mode, void *obj=NULL)
 Stores receiver state to output stream. More...
virtual contextIOResultType restoreContext (DataStream &stream, ContextMode mode, void *obj=NULL)
 Restores the receiver state previously written in stream. More...
virtual int checkConsistency ()
 Allows programmer to test some internal data, before computation begins. More...
virtual void printOutputAt (FILE *file, TimeStep *tStep)
 Prints output of receiver to stream, for given time step. More...
virtual void printYourself ()
 Prints receiver state on stdout. Useful for debugging. More...
virtual InterfacegiveInterface (InterfaceType t)
 Interface requesting service. More...
std::string errorInfo (const char *func) const
 Returns string for prepending output (used by error reporting macros). More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from oofem::EnrichmentItem
static double calcXiZeroLevel (const double &iQ1, const double &iQ2)
static void calcPolarCoord (double &oR, double &oTheta, const FloatArray &iOrigin, const FloatArray &iPos, const FloatArray &iN, const FloatArray &iT, const EfInput &iEfInput, bool iFlipTangent)
- Protected Attributes inherited from oofem::GeometryBasedEI
std::unique_ptr< BasicGeometrympBasicGeometry
- Protected Attributes inherited from oofem::EnrichmentItem
int mEnrFrontIndex
 mEnrFrontIndex: nonzero if an enrichment front is present, zero otherwise. More...
int mPropLawIndex
 mPropLawIndex: nonzero if a propagation law is present, zero otherwise. More...
bool mInheritBoundaryConditions
 If newly created enriched dofs should inherit boundary conditions from the node they are introduced in. More...
bool mInheritOrderedBoundaryConditions
int startOfDofIdPool
int endOfDofIdPool
IntArray mpEnrichesDofsWithIdArray
 Geometry associated with EnrichmentItem. More...
std::unordered_map< int, double > mLevelSetNormalDirMap
std::unordered_map< int, double > mLevelSetTangDirMap
std::unordered_map< int, NodeEnrichmentTypemNodeEnrMarkerMap
IntArray mEIDofIdArray
bool mLevelSetsNeedUpdate
const double mLevelSetTol2
- Protected Attributes inherited from oofem::FEMComponent
int number
 Component number. More...
 Link to domain object, useful for communicating with other FEM components. More...
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from oofem::EnrichmentItem
static const double mLevelSetTol = 1.0e-12
static const double mLevelSetRelTol = 1.0e-3

Detailed Description

EnrichmentItem with hybrid geometry description in the following sense: We have a BasicGeometry to describe the underlying geometry, and we use this BasicGeometry to compute nodal level set fields.

The enrichment is based on interpolation of these nodal fields.

Erik Svenning
Sep 9, 2014

Definition at line 54 of file hybridei.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

oofem::HybridEI::HybridEI ( int  n,
XfemManager xm,
Domain aDomain 
oofem::HybridEI::~HybridEI ( )

Definition at line 52 of file hybridei.C.

Member Function Documentation

void oofem::HybridEI::evalGradLevelSetNormal ( FloatArray oGradLevelSet,
const FloatArray iGlobalCoord,
const FloatMatrix idNdX,
const IntArray iNodeInd 
) const

Evaluate the gradient of the normal direction level set in the point iGlobalCoord.

To improve performance, basis function values corresponding to that point should also be provided.

Implements oofem::EnrichmentItem.

Definition at line 65 of file hybridei.C.

References interpGradLevelSet().

void oofem::HybridEI::evalLevelSetNormal ( double &  oLevelSet,
const FloatArray iGlobalCoord,
const FloatArray iN,
const IntArray iNodeInd 
) const

Evaluate the normal direction level set in the point iGlobalCoord.

To improve performance, basis function values corresponding to that point should also be provided.

Implements oofem::EnrichmentItem.

Definition at line 55 of file hybridei.C.

References interpLevelSet().

void oofem::HybridEI::evalLevelSetTangential ( double &  oLevelSet,
const FloatArray iGlobalCoord,
const FloatArray iN,
const IntArray iNodeInd 
) const

Evaluate the tangential direction level set in the point iGlobalCoord.

To improve performance, basis function values corresponding to that point should also be provided.

Implements oofem::EnrichmentItem.

Definition at line 60 of file hybridei.C.

References interpLevelSetTangential().

virtual const char* oofem::HybridEI::giveClassName ( ) const
Class name of the receiver.

Reimplemented from oofem::GeometryBasedEI.

Reimplemented in oofem::Inclusion, oofem::ShellCrack, and oofem::Crack.

Definition at line 60 of file hybridei.h.

virtual const char* oofem::HybridEI::giveInputRecordName ( ) const
Input record name of the receiver.

Reimplemented from oofem::GeometryBasedEI.

Reimplemented in oofem::Inclusion, oofem::ShellCrack, and oofem::Crack.

Definition at line 61 of file hybridei.h.

References _IFT_HybridEI_Name.

void oofem::HybridEI::interpLevelSetTangential ( double &  oLevelSet,
const FloatArray iN,
const IntArray iNodeInd 
) const

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This page is part of the OOFEM documentation. Copyright (c) 2011 Borek Patzak
Project e-mail: info@oofem.org
Generated at Tue Jan 2 2018 20:07:36 for OOFEM by doxygen 1.8.11 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2011