36 #include <iml/gmres.h> 62 solverType = IML_ST_CG;
63 precondType = IML_VoidPrec;
143 double t = this->
144 result = CG(*
Lhs, x, b, *
M, mi, t);
147 int mi = this->
maxite, restart = 100;
148 double t = this->
150 result = GMRES(*
Lhs, x, b, *
M, H, restart, mi, t);
int maxite
Max number of iterations.
Implemantation of ILU (Incomplete LU) Preconditioner.
virtual NM_Status solve(SparseMtrx &A, FloatArray &b, FloatArray &x)
Solves the given linear system iteratively by method described by IMLSolverType.
#define NM_Success
Numerical method exited with success.
SparseMtrx::SparseMtrxVersionType lhsVersion
Last mapped matrix version.
double tol
Tolerance of residual.
Base class for all matrices stored in sparse format.
Preconditioner * M
IMLPrecondType precondType
IML Preconditioner type.
#define _IFT_IMLSolver_stype
This base class is an abstraction for all numerical methods solving sparse linear system of equations...
unsigned long NM_Status
Mask defining NumMetod Status; which can be asked after finishing computation by Numerical Method...
virtual void init(const SparseMtrx &a)
Initializes the receiver (constructs the preconditioning matrix M) of given matrix.
bool precondInit
Precond. init flag.
#define OOFEM_LOG_INFO(...)
SparseMtrx * Lhs
Last mapped Lhs matrix.
#define _IFT_IMLSolver_lsprecond
Solver type.
IMLSolverType solverType
IML Solver type.
Incomplete Cholesky IC(0) (no fill - up) preconditioner for symmetric, positive definite matrices...
#define _IFT_IMLSolver_lstol
Initializes the variable VERBOSE, in order to get a few intermediate messages on screen: beginning an...
Class representing vector of real numbers.
Implementation of matrix containing floating point numbers.
virtual IRResultType initializeFrom(InputRecord *ir)
virtual ~IMLSolver()
Type defining the return values of InputRecord reading operations.
virtual const char * giveClassName() const
Returns the preconditioner name.
Implements the solution of linear system of equation in the form using iterative solvers from IML++ ...
Implementation of diagonal preconditioner.
REGISTER_SparseLinSolver(IMLSolver, ST_IML)
Class implementing single timer, providing wall clock and user time capabilities. ...
Preconditioner type.
Implemantation of ILU (Incomplete LU) Preconditioner for compressed row sparse matrices.
#define _IFT_IMLSolver_lsiter
Abstract base class representing the "problem" under consideration.
int giveSize() const
Returns the size of receiver.
the oofem namespace is to define a context or scope in which all oofem names are defined.
double getUtime()
Returns total user time elapsed in seconds.
#define OOFEM_WARNING(...)
virtual IRResultType initializeFrom(InputRecord *ir)
Initializes receiver from given record. Empty implementation.
Class implementing void preconditioner.
SparseMtrxVersionType giveVersion()
Return receiver version.