35 #ifndef adaptnlinearstatic_h 36 #define adaptnlinearstatic_h 38 #include "../sm/EngineeringModels/nlinearstatic.h" 45 #define _IFT_AdaptiveNonLinearStatic_Name "adaptnlinearstatic" 46 #define _IFT_AdaptiveNonLinearStatic_meshpackage "meshpackage" 47 #define _IFT_AdaptiveNonLinearStatic_equilmc "equilmc" 48 #define _IFT_AdaptiveNonLinearStatic_controlmode "controlmode" 49 #define _IFT_AdaptiveNonLinearStatic_ddm "ddm" 50 #define _IFT_AdaptiveNonLinearStatic_refloadmode "refloadmode" 51 #define _IFT_AdaptiveNonLinearStatic_preMappingLoadBalancingFlag "premaplbflag" 136 virtual const char *
const {
return "AdaptiveNonLinearStatic"; }
139 #ifdef __PARALLEL_MODE 151 #endif // adaptnlinearstatic_h virtual void updateYourself(TimeStep *tStep)
Updates internal state after finishing time step.
FloatArray d2_totalDisplacement
#define _IFT_AdaptiveNonLinearStatic_Name
virtual contextIOResultType saveContext(DataStream &stream, ContextMode mode)
Stores the state of model to output stream.
The purpose of DataStream abstract class is to allow to store/restore context to different streams...
Type representing the mode of UnknownType or CharType, or similar types.
virtual LoadBalancerMonitor * giveLoadBalancerMonitor()
Returns reference to receiver's load balancer monitor.
AdaptiveNonLinearStatic(int i, EngngModel *_master=NULL)
FloatArray d2_incrementOfDisplacement
virtual double giveTimeStepLoadLevel(int istep)
Returns the load level corresponding to given solution step number.
virtual const char * giveClassName() const
Returns class name of the receiver.
virtual double giveUnknownComponent(ValueModeType mode, TimeStep *tStep, Domain *d, Dof *dof)
Returns requested unknown.
void assembleInitialLoadVector(FloatArray &loadVector, FloatArray &loadVectorOfPrescribed, AdaptiveNonLinearStatic *sourceProblem, int domainIndx, TimeStep *tStep)
virtual void solveYourselfAt(TimeStep *tStep)
Solves problem for given time step.
int equilibrateMappedConfigurationFlag
Flag indication whether to restore equilibrium after adaptive remapping.
FloatArray timeStepLoadLevels
Array storing the load levels reached in corresponding time steps.
virtual ~AdaptiveNonLinearStatic()
Abstract base class representing general load balancer.
Class representing vector of real numbers.
virtual int initializeAdaptiveFrom(EngngModel *sourceProblem)
Initializes the receiver state according to state of given source problem.
virtual IRResultType initializeFrom(InputRecord *ir)
Initializes receiver according to object description in input reader.
virtual int adaptiveRemap(Domain *dNew)
Remaps the solution state to newly given domain.
Type defining the return values of InputRecord reading operations.
virtual LoadBalancer * giveLoadBalancer()
Returns reference to receiver's load balancer.
MeshPackageType meshPackage
long ContextMode
Context mode (mask), defining the type of information written/read to/from context.
This class implements nonlinear static engineering problem.
Enumerative type used to classify supported mesh packages.
Abstract base class representing the "problem" under consideration.
virtual int initializeAdaptive(int tStepNumber)
Initializes the newly generated discretization state according to previous solution.
the oofem namespace is to define a context or scope in which all oofem names are defined.
virtual const char * giveInputRecordName() const
bool preMappingLoadBalancingFlag
Flag to trigger load balancing before adaptive remapping.
Abstract class Dof represents Degree Of Freedom in finite element mesh.
virtual contextIOResultType restoreContext(DataStream &stream, ContextMode mode)
Restores the state of model from output stream.
virtual void updateDomainLinks()
Updates domain links after the domains of receiver have changed.
Class representing solution step.
This class implements Adaptive Non-LinearStatic Engineering problem.
Abstract base class representing general load balancer monitor.