As follows from previous sections, a new plasticity based class has to
provide only some model-specific services. The list of services, that
should be implemented includes (for full reference, please consult
documentation of MPlasticMaterial class):
- method for computing the value of yield function
(computeYieldValueAt service)
- method for computing stress gradients of yield and load
functions (method computeStressGradientVector)
- method for computing hardening variable gradients of yield and load
functions (method computeKGradientVector)
- methods for computing gradient of hardening variables with
respect to stress and plastic multipliers vectors
(computeReducedHardeningVarsSigmaGradient and
computeReducedHardeningVarsLamGradient methods)
- method for evaluating the increments of hardening variables due
to reached state (computeStrainHardeningVarsIncrement)
- methods for computing second order derivatives of load and yield
functions (computeReducedSSGradientMatrix and
computeReducedSKGradientMatrix methods). Necessary only if consistent stiffness is required.
Borek Patzak