OOFEM.org - Object Oriented Finite Element Solver
This is the complete list of members for oofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d, including all inherited members.
activityTimeFunction | oofem::Element | protected |
adaptiveFinish(TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::Element | virtual |
adaptiveMap(Domain *oldd, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::Element | virtual |
adaptiveUpdate(TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::StructuralElement | virtual |
addDofManager(DofManager *dMan) | oofem::Element | |
addNonlocalStiffnessContributions(SparseMtrx &dest, const UnknownNumberingScheme &s, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::StructuralElement | virtual |
area | oofem::TrPlaneStress2d | protected |
BCMode enum value | oofem::HuertaErrorEstimatorInterface | |
bodyLoadArray | oofem::Element | protected |
boundaryLoadArray | oofem::Element | protected |
cellGeometryWrapper | oofem::Structural2DElement | protected |
checkConsistency() | oofem::NLStructuralElement | protectedvirtual |
computeArea() | oofem::Element | virtual |
computeBHmatrixAt(GaussPoint *gp, FloatMatrix &answer) | oofem::PlaneStressElement | protectedvirtual |
computeBmatrixAt(GaussPoint *gp, FloatMatrix &answer, int=1, int=ALL_STRAINS) | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot | protectedvirtual |
computeBodyLoadVectorAt(FloatArray &answer, Load *forLoad, TimeStep *tStep, ValueModeType mode) | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d | protectedvirtual |
computeBoundaryEdgeLoadVector(FloatArray &answer, BoundaryLoad *load, int boundary, CharType type, ValueModeType mode, TimeStep *tStep, bool global=true) | oofem::StructuralElement | virtual |
computeBoundarySurfaceLoadVector(FloatArray &answer, BoundaryLoad *load, int boundary, CharType type, ValueModeType mode, TimeStep *tStep, bool global=true) | oofem::StructuralElement | virtual |
computeBoundaryVectorOf(const IntArray &bNodes, const IntArray &dofIDMask, ValueModeType u, TimeStep *tStep, FloatArray &answer, bool padding=false) | oofem::Element | |
computeCauchyStressVector(FloatArray &answer, GaussPoint *gp, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::NLStructuralElement | |
computeConsistentMassMatrix(FloatMatrix &answer, TimeStep *tStep, double &mass, const double *ipDensity=NULL) | oofem::StructuralElement | virtual |
computeConstitutiveMatrixAt(FloatMatrix &answer, MatResponseMode rMode, GaussPoint *gp, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot | protectedvirtual |
computeCurrentVolume(TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::NLStructuralElement | |
computeDeformationGradientVector(FloatArray &answer, GaussPoint *gp, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::NLStructuralElement | virtual |
computeDofTransformationMatrix(FloatMatrix &answer, const IntArray &nodes, bool includeInternal) | oofem::Element | virtual |
computeEdgeNMatrix(FloatMatrix &answer, int boundaryID, const FloatArray &lcoords) | oofem::StructuralElement | virtual |
computeEdgeVolumeAround(GaussPoint *gp, int iEdge) | oofem::Structural2DElement | protectedvirtual |
computeField(ValueModeType mode, TimeStep *tStep, const FloatArray &lcoords, FloatArray &answer) | oofem::StructuralElement | virtual |
computeFirstPKStressVector(FloatArray &answer, GaussPoint *gp, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::NLStructuralElement | |
computeGaussPoints() | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot | protectedvirtual |
computeGlobalCoordinates(FloatArray &answer, const FloatArray &lcoords) | oofem::Element | virtual |
computeGtoLRotationMatrix() | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d | |
computeGtoLRotationMatrix(FloatMatrix &answer) | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d | virtual |
computeInitialStressMatrix(FloatMatrix &answer, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::NLStructuralElement | virtual |
computeLength() | oofem::Element | virtual |
computeLoadGToLRotationMtrx(FloatMatrix &answer) | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d | protectedvirtual |
computeLoadLEToLRotationMatrix(FloatMatrix &answer, int iEdge, GaussPoint *gp) | oofem::Structural2DElement | protectedvirtual |
computeLoadLSToLRotationMatrix(FloatMatrix &answer, int iSurf, GaussPoint *gp) | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d | protectedvirtual |
computeLoadVector(FloatArray &answer, BodyLoad *load, CharType type, ValueModeType mode, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::StructuralElement | virtual |
computeLocalCoordinates(FloatArray &answer, const FloatArray &gcoords) | oofem::Element | virtual |
computeLumpedMassMatrix(FloatMatrix &answer, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::StructuralElement | virtual |
computeMassMatrix(FloatMatrix &answer, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::StructuralElement | virtual |
computeMeanSize() | oofem::Element | |
computeMidPlaneNormal(FloatArray &answer, const GaussPoint *gp) | oofem::Element | virtual |
computeNmatrixAt(const FloatArray &iLocCoord, FloatMatrix &answer) | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot | protectedvirtual |
computeNumberOfDofs() | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d | inlinevirtual |
computeNumberOfGlobalDofs() | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d | inlinevirtual |
computeNumberOfPrimaryMasterDofs() | oofem::Element | |
computePointLoadVectorAt(FloatArray &answer, Load *load, TimeStep *tStep, ValueModeType mode, bool global=true) | oofem::StructuralElement | protectedvirtual |
computeResultingIPEigenstrainAt(FloatArray &answer, TimeStep *tStep, GaussPoint *gp, ValueModeType mode) | oofem::StructuralElement | virtual |
computeResultingIPTemperatureAt(FloatArray &answer, TimeStep *tStep, GaussPoint *gp, ValueModeType mode) | oofem::StructuralElement | virtual |
computeStiffnessMatrix(FloatMatrix &answer, MatResponseMode rMode, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::NLStructuralElement | virtual |
computeStiffnessMatrix_withIRulesAsSubcells(FloatMatrix &answer, MatResponseMode rMode, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::NLStructuralElement | |
computeStrainVector(FloatArray &answer, GaussPoint *gp, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::StructuralElement | virtual |
computeStressVector(FloatArray &answer, const FloatArray &strain, GaussPoint *gp, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot | protectedvirtual |
computeSurfaceNMatrix(FloatMatrix &answer, int boundaryID, const FloatArray &lcoords) | oofem::StructuralElement | virtual |
computeSurfaceNMatrixAt(FloatMatrix &answer, int iSurf, GaussPoint *gp) | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d | protectedvirtual |
computeSurfaceVolumeAround(GaussPoint *gp, int iSurf) | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d | protectedvirtual |
computeTangentFromEdgeLoad(FloatMatrix &answer, EdgeLoad *load, int boundary, MatResponseMode rmode, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::Element | virtual |
computeTangentFromSurfaceLoad(FloatMatrix &answer, SurfaceLoad *load, int boundary, MatResponseMode rmode, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::Element | virtual |
computeVectorOf(ValueModeType u, TimeStep *tStep, FloatArray &answer) | oofem::Element | |
computeVectorOf(const IntArray &dofIDMask, ValueModeType u, TimeStep *tStep, FloatArray &answer, bool padding=false) | oofem::Element | |
computeVectorOf(PrimaryField &field, const IntArray &dofIDMask, ValueModeType u, TimeStep *tStep, FloatArray &answer, bool padding=false) | oofem::Element | |
computeVectorOfPrescribed(ValueModeType u, TimeStep *tStep, FloatArray &answer) | oofem::Element | |
computeVectorOfPrescribed(const IntArray &dofIDMask, ValueModeType type, TimeStep *tStep, FloatArray &answer) | oofem::Element | |
computeVolume() | oofem::Element | virtual |
computeVolumeAreaOrLength() | oofem::Element | virtual |
computeVolumeAround(GaussPoint *gp) | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d | protectedvirtual |
condense(FloatMatrix *stiff, FloatMatrix *mass, FloatArray *load, IntArray *what) | oofem::StructuralElement | protected |
CountMode enum value | oofem::HuertaErrorEstimatorInterface | |
createMaterialStatus() | oofem::StructuralElement | virtual |
crossSection | oofem::Element | protected |
dofManArray | oofem::Element | protected |
domain | oofem::FEMComponent | protected |
drawAnnotation(oofegGraphicContext &gc, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::Element | virtual |
drawDeformedGeometry(oofegGraphicContext &gc, TimeStep *tStep, UnknownType) | oofem::TrPlaneStress2d | virtual |
drawRawGeometry(oofegGraphicContext &gc, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::TrPlaneStress2d | virtual |
drawScalar(oofegGraphicContext &gc, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::TrPlaneStress2d | virtual |
drawSpecial(oofegGraphicContext &gc, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::TrPlaneStress2d | virtual |
drawYourself(oofegGraphicContext &gc, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::Element | virtual |
Element(int n, Domain *aDomain) | oofem::Element | |
Element(const Element &src)=delete | oofem::Element | |
elemLocalCS | oofem::Element | protected |
ElemMode enum value | oofem::HuertaErrorEstimatorInterface | |
errorInfo(const char *func) const | oofem::FEMComponent | |
estimatePackSize(DataStream &buff) | oofem::Element | |
FEMComponent(int n, Domain *d) | oofem::FEMComponent | inline |
GetSurfaceIntegrationRule(int iSurf) | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d | protectedvirtual |
giveArea() | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot | protectedvirtual |
giveBodyLoadArray() | oofem::Element | |
giveBodyLoadList() const | oofem::Element | inline |
giveBoundaryEdgeIntegrationRule(int order, int boundary) | oofem::Element | virtual |
giveBoundaryEdgeNodes(IntArray &bNodes, int boundary) | oofem::Element | virtual |
giveBoundaryLoadArray() | oofem::Element | |
giveBoundaryLoadList() const | oofem::Element | inline |
giveBoundaryLocationArray(IntArray &locationArray, const IntArray &bNodes, const UnknownNumberingScheme &s, IntArray *dofIds=NULL) | oofem::Element | virtual |
giveBoundaryLocationArray(IntArray &locationArray, const IntArray &bNodes, const IntArray &dofIDMask, const UnknownNumberingScheme &s, IntArray *dofIds=NULL) | oofem::Element | virtual |
giveBoundarySurfaceIntegrationRule(int order, int boundary) | oofem::Element | virtual |
giveBoundarySurfaceNodes(IntArray &bNodes, int boundary) | oofem::Element | virtual |
giveCellGeometryWrapper() | oofem::Structural2DElement | virtual |
giveCharacteristicLength(const FloatArray &normalToCrackPlane) | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot | virtual |
giveCharacteristicLengthForAxisymmElements(const FloatArray &normalToCrackPlane) | oofem::Element | |
giveCharacteristicLengthForPlaneElements(const FloatArray &normalToCrackPlane) | oofem::Element | |
giveCharacteristicMatrix(FloatMatrix &answer, CharType, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::StructuralElement | virtual |
giveCharacteristicSize(GaussPoint *gp, FloatArray &normalToCrackPlane, ElementCharSizeMethod method) | oofem::TrPlaneStress2d | virtual |
giveCharacteristicTensor(FloatMatrix &answer, CharTensor type, GaussPoint *gp, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d | protected |
giveCharacteristicValue(CharType type, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::Element | virtual |
giveCharacteristicVector(FloatArray &answer, CharType type, ValueModeType mode, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::StructuralElement | virtual |
giveClassName() const | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d | inlinevirtual |
giveCrossSection() | oofem::Element | |
giveDefaultIntegrationRule() const | oofem::Element | inlinevirtual |
giveDefaultIntegrationRulePtr() | oofem::Element | inlinevirtual |
GiveDerivativeUX(const FloatArray &lCoords) | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot | |
GiveDerivativeUY(const FloatArray &lCoords) | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot | |
GiveDerivativeVX(const FloatArray &lCoords) | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot | |
GiveDerivativeVY(const FloatArray &lCoords) | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot | |
giveDofManager(int i) const | oofem::Element | |
giveDofManagerNumber(int i) const | oofem::Element | inline |
giveDofManArray() const | oofem::Element | inline |
giveDofManDofIDMask(int inode, IntArray &) const | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d | virtual |
giveDomain() const | oofem::FEMComponent | inline |
giveEdgeDofMapping(IntArray &answer, int iEdge) const | oofem::Structural2DElement | protectedvirtual |
giveElementDofIDMask(IntArray &answer) const | oofem::Element | inlinevirtual |
giveGeometryMode() | oofem::NLStructuralElement | inline |
giveGeometryType() const | oofem::Element | virtual |
giveGlobalIPValue(FloatArray &answer, GaussPoint *gp, InternalStateType type, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::Element | |
giveGlobalNumber() const | oofem::Element | inline |
giveInputRecord(DynamicInputRecord &input) | oofem::NLStructuralElement | virtual |
giveInputRecordName() const | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d | inlinevirtual |
giveIntegrationDomain() const | oofem::Element | virtual |
giveIntegrationRule(int i) | oofem::Element | inlinevirtual |
giveIntegrationRuleLocalCodeNumbers(IntArray &answer, IntegrationRule &ie) | oofem::Element | inlinevirtual |
giveIntegrationRulesArray() | oofem::Element | inline |
giveInterface(InterfaceType) | oofem::TrPlaneStress2d | virtual |
giveInternalDofManager(int i) const | oofem::Element | inlinevirtual |
giveInternalDofManDofIDMask(int inode, IntArray &answer) const | oofem::Element | inlinevirtual |
giveInternalForcesVector(FloatArray &answer, TimeStep *tStep, int useUpdatedGpRecord=0) | oofem::NLStructuralElement | virtual |
giveInternalForcesVector_withIRulesAsSubcells(FloatArray &answer, TimeStep *tStep, int useUpdatedGpRecord=0) | oofem::NLStructuralElement | virtual |
giveInternalStateAtNode(FloatArray &answer, InternalStateType type, InternalStateMode mode, int node, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::StructuralElement | virtual |
giveInternalStateAtSide(FloatArray &answer, InternalStateType type, InternalStateMode mode, int side, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::Element | inlinevirtual |
giveInterpolation() const | oofem::TrPlaneStress2d | virtual |
oofem::PlaneStressElement::giveInterpolation(DofIDItem id) const | oofem::Element | inlinevirtual |
giveIPValue(FloatArray &answer, GaussPoint *gp, InternalStateType type, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d | protectedvirtual |
giveKnotSpanParallelMode(int) const | oofem::Element | inlinevirtual |
giveLabel() const | oofem::Element | inline |
giveLengthInDir(const FloatArray &normalToCrackPlane) | oofem::Element | virtual |
giveLocalCoordinates(FloatArray &answer, FloatArray &global) | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d | protected |
giveLocalCoordinateSystem(FloatMatrix &answer) | oofem::Element | virtual |
giveLocalIntVarMaxMin(oofegGraphicContext &gc, TimeStep *tStep, double &emin, double &emax) | oofem::Element | inlinevirtual |
giveLocationArray(IntArray &locationArray, const UnknownNumberingScheme &s, IntArray *dofIds=NULL) const | oofem::Element | |
giveLocationArray(IntArray &locationArray, const IntArray &dofIDMask, const UnknownNumberingScheme &s, IntArray *dofIds=NULL) const | oofem::Element | |
giveMassMtrxIntegrationgMask(IntArray &answer) | oofem::StructuralElement | inlinevirtual |
giveMaterial() | oofem::Element | virtual |
giveMaterialMode() | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot | inlinevirtual |
giveMaterialNumber() const | oofem::Element | inline |
giveMaterialOrientationAt(FloatArray &x, FloatArray &y, const FloatArray &lcoords) | oofem::Structural2DElement | protected |
giveNode(int i) const | oofem::Element | inline |
giveNodeCoordinates(FloatArray &x, FloatArray &y) | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d | protectedvirtual |
giveNonlocalLocationArray(IntArray &locationArray, const UnknownNumberingScheme &us) | oofem::StructuralElement | virtual |
giveNumber() const | oofem::FEMComponent | inline |
giveNumberOfBoundarySides() | oofem::Element | virtual |
giveNumberOfDofManagers() const | oofem::Element | inlinevirtual |
giveNumberOfDofs() | oofem::Element | inlinevirtual |
giveNumberOfIntegrationRules() | oofem::Element | inline |
giveNumberOfInternalDofManagers() const | oofem::Element | inlinevirtual |
giveNumberOfIPForMassMtrxIntegration() | oofem::TrPlaneStress2d | inlineprotectedvirtual |
giveNumberOfNodes() const | oofem::Structural2DElement | virtual |
giveParallelMode() const | oofem::Element | inline |
giveParentElSize() const | oofem::TrPlaneStress2d | inlinevirtual |
givePartitionList() const | oofem::Element | inline |
GivePitch() | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot | |
giveRegionNumber() | oofem::Element | |
giveRelativeSelfComputationalCost() | oofem::Element | inlinevirtual |
giveRotationMatrix(FloatMatrix &answer) | oofem::Element | virtual |
giveSide(int i) const | oofem::Element | virtual |
giveSpatialDimension() | oofem::Element | virtual |
giveStructuralCrossSection() | oofem::StructuralElement | |
giveSurfaceDofMapping(IntArray &answer, int iSurf) const | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d | protectedvirtual |
globalNumber | oofem::Element | protected |
GtoLRotationMatrix | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d | protected |
HuertaErrorEstimatorI_computeNmatrixAt(GaussPoint *gp, FloatMatrix &answer) | oofem::TrPlaneStress2d | virtual |
HuertaErrorEstimatorI_setupRefinedElementProblem(RefinedElement *refinedElement, int level, int nodeId, IntArray &localNodeIdArray, IntArray &globalNodeIdArray, HuertaErrorEstimatorInterface::SetupMode sMode, TimeStep *tStep, int &localNodeId, int &localElemId, int &localBcId, IntArray &controlNode, IntArray &controlDof, HuertaErrorEstimator::AnalysisMode aMode) | oofem::TrPlaneStress2d | virtual |
HuertaErrorEstimatorInterface() | oofem::HuertaErrorEstimatorInterface | inline |
initForNewStep() | oofem::Element | virtual |
initialDisplacements | oofem::StructuralElement | protected |
initializeFrom(InputRecord *ir) | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot | virtual |
initializeYourself(TimeStep *timeStepWhenICApply) | oofem::Element | inlinevirtual |
integrationRulesArray | oofem::Element | protected |
oofem::Interface() | oofem::Interface | inline |
oofem::NodalAveragingRecoveryModelInterface::Interface() | oofem::Interface | inline |
oofem::SPRNodalRecoveryModelInterface::Interface() | oofem::Interface | inline |
oofem::SpatialLocalizerInterface::Interface() | oofem::Interface | inline |
oofem::ZZErrorEstimatorInterface::Interface() | oofem::Interface | inline |
oofem::HuertaErrorEstimatorInterface::Interface() | oofem::Interface | inline |
interp | oofem::TrPlaneStress2d | protectedstatic |
ipEvaluator(T *src, void(T::*f)(GaussPoint *gp)) | oofem::Element | |
ipEvaluator(T *src, void(T::*f)(GaussPoint *, S &), S &_val) | oofem::Element | |
isActivated(TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::Element | virtual |
isCast(TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::Element | virtual |
mapStateVariables(Domain &iOldDom, const TimeStep &iTStep) | oofem::Element | virtual |
material | oofem::Element | protected |
matRotation | oofem::Structural2DElement | protected |
nlGeometry | oofem::NLStructuralElement | protected |
NLStructuralElement(int n, Domain *d) | oofem::NLStructuralElement | |
NodalAveragingRecoveryMI_computeNodalValue(FloatArray &answer, int node, InternalStateType type, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::TrPlaneStress2d | virtual |
NodalAveragingRecoveryModelInterface() | oofem::NodalAveragingRecoveryModelInterface | inline |
NodeMode enum value | oofem::HuertaErrorEstimatorInterface | |
number | oofem::FEMComponent | protected |
numberOfDofMans | oofem::Element | protected |
numberOfGaussPoints | oofem::Element | protected |
numberOfRotGaussPoints | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot | protected |
operator=(const Element &src)=delete | oofem::Element | |
packUnknowns(DataStream &buff, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::Element | |
parallel_mode | oofem::Element | protected |
partitions | oofem::Element | protected |
PlaneStressElement(int n, Domain *d) | oofem::PlaneStressElement | |
postInitialize() | oofem::Structural2DElement | virtual |
predictRelativeComputationalCost() | oofem::Element | virtual |
predictRelativeRedistributionCost() | oofem::Element | inlinevirtual |
printOutputAt(FILE *file, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d | virtual |
printYourself() | oofem::FEMComponent | inlinevirtual |
restoreContext(DataStream &stream, ContextMode mode, void *obj=NULL) | oofem::Element | virtual |
saveContext(DataStream &stream, ContextMode mode, void *obj=NULL) | oofem::Element | virtual |
setBodyLoads(const IntArray &bodyLoads) | oofem::Element | |
setCrossSection(int csIndx) | oofem::Element | inlinevirtual |
setDofManagers(const IntArray &dmans) | oofem::Element | |
setDomain(Domain *d) | oofem::FEMComponent | inlinevirtual |
setGlobalNumber(int num) | oofem::Element | inline |
setIntegrationRules(std::vector< std::unique_ptr< IntegrationRule > > irlist) | oofem::Element | |
setMaterial(int matIndx) | oofem::Element | inline |
setNumber(int num) | oofem::FEMComponent | inline |
setParallelMode(elementParallelMode _mode) | oofem::Element | inline |
setPartitionList(IntArray &pl) | oofem::Element | inline |
setupIRForMassMtrxIntegration(IntegrationRule &iRule) | oofem::StructuralElement | protectedvirtual |
SetupMode enum name | oofem::HuertaErrorEstimatorInterface | |
setupRefinedElementProblem1D(Element *element, RefinedElement *refinedElement, int level, int nodeId, IntArray &localNodeIdArray, IntArray &globalNodeIdArray, HuertaErrorEstimatorInterface::SetupMode mode, TimeStep *tStep, int nodes, FloatArray **corner, FloatArray &midNode, int &localNodeId, int &localElemId, int &localBcId, IntArray &controlNode, IntArray &controlDof, HuertaErrorEstimator::AnalysisMode aMode, const char *edgetype) | oofem::HuertaErrorEstimatorInterface | protected |
setupRefinedElementProblem2D(Element *element, RefinedElement *refinedElement, int level, int nodeId, IntArray &localNodeIdArray, IntArray &globalNodeIdArray, HuertaErrorEstimatorInterface::SetupMode mode, TimeStep *tStep, int nodes, FloatArray **corner, FloatArray *midSide, FloatArray &midNode, int &localNodeId, int &localElemId, int &localBcId, IntArray &controlNode, IntArray &controlDof, HuertaErrorEstimator::AnalysisMode aMode, const char *quadtype) | oofem::HuertaErrorEstimatorInterface | protected |
setupRefinedElementProblem3D(Element *element, RefinedElement *refinedElement, int level, int nodeId, IntArray &localNodeIdArray, IntArray &globalNodeIdArray, HuertaErrorEstimatorInterface::SetupMode mode, TimeStep *tStep, int nodes, FloatArray **corner, FloatArray *midSide, FloatArray *midFace, FloatArray &midNode, int &localNodeId, int &localElemId, int &localBcId, int hexaSideNode[1][3], int hexaFaceNode[1][3], IntArray &controlNode, IntArray &controlDof, HuertaErrorEstimator::AnalysisMode aMode, const char *hexatype) | oofem::HuertaErrorEstimatorInterface | protected |
showExtendedSparseMtrxStructure(CharType mtrx, oofegGraphicContext &gc, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::StructuralElement | virtual |
showSparseMtrxStructure(CharType mtrx, oofegGraphicContext &gc, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::StructuralElement | virtual |
SpatialLocalizerI_BBoxContainsPoint(const FloatArray &coords) | oofem::SpatialLocalizerInterface | |
SpatialLocalizerI_containsPoint(const FloatArray &coords) | oofem::SpatialLocalizerInterface | virtual |
SpatialLocalizerI_giveBBox(FloatArray &bb0, FloatArray &bb1) | oofem::SpatialLocalizerInterface | virtual |
SpatialLocalizerI_giveClosestPoint(FloatArray &lcoords, FloatArray &closest, const FloatArray &gcoords) | oofem::SpatialLocalizerInterface | virtual |
SpatialLocalizerInterface(Element *element) | oofem::SpatialLocalizerInterface | inline |
SPRNodalRecoveryMI_giveDofMansDeterminedByPatch(IntArray &answer, int pap) | oofem::TrPlaneStress2d | virtual |
SPRNodalRecoveryMI_giveNumberOfIP() | oofem::TrPlaneStress2d | virtual |
SPRNodalRecoveryMI_givePatchType() | oofem::TrPlaneStress2d | virtual |
SPRNodalRecoveryMI_giveSPRAssemblyPoints(IntArray &pap) | oofem::TrPlaneStress2d | virtual |
SPRNodalRecoveryModelInterface() | oofem::SPRNodalRecoveryModelInterface | inline |
Structural2DElement(int n, Domain *d) | oofem::Structural2DElement | |
StructuralElement(int n, Domain *d) | oofem::StructuralElement | |
testElementExtension(ElementExtension ext) | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d | inlinevirtual |
TR_SHELL01 class | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d | friend |
TrPlaneStress2d(int n, Domain *d) | oofem::TrPlaneStress2d | |
TrPlaneStrRot(int, Domain *) | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot | |
TrPlaneStrRot3d(int n, Domain *d) | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d | |
unpackAndUpdateUnknowns(DataStream &buff, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::Element | |
updateBeforeNonlocalAverage(TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::StructuralElement | virtual |
updateInternalState(TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::StructuralElement | virtual |
updateLocalNumbering(EntityRenumberingFunctor &f) | oofem::Element | virtual |
updateYourself(TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::StructuralElement | virtual |
ZZErrorEstimatorI_computeElementContributions(double &eNorm, double &sNorm, ZZErrorEstimator::NormType norm, InternalStateType type, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::ZZErrorEstimatorInterface | virtual |
ZZErrorEstimatorI_computeLocalStress(FloatArray &answer, FloatArray &sig) | oofem::ZZErrorEstimatorInterface | inlinevirtual |
ZZErrorEstimatorI_giveIntegrationRule() | oofem::ZZErrorEstimatorInterface | inlinevirtual |
ZZErrorEstimatorInterface(Element *element) | oofem::ZZErrorEstimatorInterface | inline |
ZZNodalRecoveryMI_computeNNMatrix(FloatArray &answer, InternalStateType type) | oofem::ZZNodalRecoveryModelInterface | virtual |
ZZNodalRecoveryMI_computeNValProduct(FloatMatrix &answer, InternalStateType type, TimeStep *tStep) | oofem::ZZNodalRecoveryModelInterface | virtual |
ZZNodalRecoveryModelInterface(Element *element) | oofem::ZZNodalRecoveryModelInterface | inline |
~Element() | oofem::Element | virtual |
~FEMComponent() | oofem::FEMComponent | inlinevirtual |
~Interface() | oofem::Interface | inlinevirtual |
~NLStructuralElement() | oofem::NLStructuralElement | inlinevirtual |
~PlaneStressElement() | oofem::PlaneStressElement | inlinevirtual |
~Structural2DElement() | oofem::Structural2DElement | virtual |
~StructuralElement() | oofem::StructuralElement | virtual |
~TrPlaneStress2d() | oofem::TrPlaneStress2d | inlinevirtual |
~TrPlaneStrRot() | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot | inlinevirtual |
~TrPlaneStrRot3d() | oofem::TrPlaneStrRot3d | inlinevirtual |