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Main Page

Important announcement:

:!: Due to the unauthorized edits caused by compromised user accounts, the user accounts have been deleted. If you need a new user account, please write to info (at)

Welcome to the OOFEM wiki! The purpose of this resource is to promote collaboration between OOFEM users. Specifically, this page is not intended to replace the OOFEM forums, which are the proper place for detailed questions & discussions. This page should provide a basic knowledge base that can be used by both existing and new users and to demonstrate the capabilities of OOFEM.

The contributions to oofem wiki are highly appreciated. If you want to contribute, just click on login button and follow the registration link. It's just a few clicks away!


Follow Installation instructions describing how to install OOFEM on your system. There is also a README file included in distribution, which describes the installation procedure.

How to get started with OOFEM

  • The OOFEM documentation includes input data manual, element and material library manuals, as well as other useful sources of information. OOFEM installation comes with many examples (located in tests directory), that can help you in making first steps.
  • The link to postprocessing HOWTO describes the way how to visualize your results.
  • Useful oofem options and tips.
  • Use OOFEM forum to post your questions, get support, and much more.

OOFEM publications & users

Here, the publications containing result achieved using OOFEM by its users are listed. If you use OOFEM, and especially if you use it to accomplish real work, I would like very much to hear from you. Please add information about your publications and results in this section. This section will serve many purposes, but in particular, in forming a community of users who can interact with each other.

Please consider telling you use OOFEM on the site: Register and stack it. It makes the developers happy!

Contributing to OOFEM

Ask not what OOFEM can do for you, ask what you can do for OOFEM!

There are a number of ways that you can contribute to help make OOFEM a better system. Perhaps the most important way to contribute is to write high-quality code to extend or improve the functionality, and to make your code freely available for others to use.

If you've already written a useful class or module for OOFEM that you would like to make available for others to use, please send it to the project e-mail info(at) Messages sent to this list will be seen by the maintainers, and will be considered for inclusion in future releases of OOFEM. Active developers may obtain commit access to the git repository.

If you are not a programmer and cannot provide funding or contribute code, you can still help make OOFEM better and more reliable by reporting any bugs you find in the latest version and/or by offering suggestions for ways to improve OOFEM. The OOFEM developers appreciate to hear from you!

When you use OOFEM, and especially if you use it to accomplish real work, I would like very much to hear from you. An official letter from your company with short description of OOFEM application can help us significantly when asking for further support.

Last but not least, updates and contribution to the web pages and OOFEM WIKI are highly appreciated.


  • T3d (Daniel Rypl's 3d mesh generator) → free for educational use and research
  • Targe2 (Petr Krysl's 2d mesh generator) (also found here (oofem-forum) and here (sofea-page; precompiled))→ gnu GPL
  • IML++ (template library for numerical iterative methods)
  • SPOOLES sparse direct solver.
  • PETSc - Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation.
  • SLEPc - Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations.
  • MayaVi - a free, easy to use scientific data visualizer.
  • ParaView - Parallel Visualization Application
  • Open MPI - High-performance Message Passing Library
  • ParMETIS - Parallel Graph Partitioning and Fill-reducing Matrix Ordering
  • Gmsh - A 3d finite element mesh generator with built-in pre- and post-processing facilities → gnu GPL
  • EduBeam - Edubeam is a graphical pre/postprocessor for static analysis of 2D frames/trusses, written in Python
  • unv2oofem - A converter from unv-mesh file to OOFEM input file
start.1363467731.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/03/16 22:02 by venca