These instructions are valid since revision 326.
for trunk version, get the development version from svn repository. This requires to have svn client installed. If you don't have any, you can try
TortoiseSVN client. For release version, download it from oofem website and unpack it.
Create a new, empty project (Win32 console application).
In the oofem top directory, create src/config directory. Download
oofemcfg.h and
oofemdef.h files into this directory.
Add all source files, located in src/oofemlib, src/oofemlib/xfem, src/config, src/sm, src/tm, src/fm, and src/dss sub-directories, into the project.
Add also src/main/main.C and src/main/usrdefsub.C files.
In the project settings [Menu:Project→Properties, select Configuration Properties→C/C++→Advanced→Compile As), add “/TP” compiler option. This will force “.C” files to be recognized as c++ files. Make sure, that you set this option for all targets.
Under Project Configuration Properties→C/C++→General, add all subdirectories under scr directory to the “Additional Include Directories” item.
Under the Project Configuration Properties→C/C++→Preprocessor→Preprocessor Definitions, add set of symbols “__MODULENAME_MODULE”, where the MODULENAME is the name of module(s) you want to include. For example, add “__OOFEMLIB_MODULE; __SM_MODULE; __TM_MODULE; __FM_MODULE; __DSS_MODULE” if you want to include oofemlib, sm, tm, fm, and dss modules (recommended). Also define “__OOFEM”, “__ENABLE_COMPONENT_LABELS” and “DEBUG” (if you want a debug version of OOFEM) macros.
For version 1.9, open sm/src/compodamagemat.C, locate “CompoDamageMat :: ~CompoDamageMat();” (the semicolon at the end is important!) and if found, delete this line.
Now you should be ready to build oofem solver executable.