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unv2oofem:unv2oofem [2017/02/01 17:36] – [Extension for sets] smilauerunv2oofem:unv2oofem [2021/12/14 09:10] (current) – [Extension for hanging nodes] smilauer
Line 26: Line 26:
 |Quad: 8 nodes, quadratic | 45| QPlanestress2D, Q4Axisymm | |Quad: 8 nodes, quadratic | 45| QPlanestress2D, Q4Axisymm |
 |Tetrahedron: 4 nodes, linear|111| LTRSpace, Tetrah1ht, PY1 3D SUPG | |Tetrahedron: 4 nodes, linear|111| LTRSpace, Tetrah1ht, PY1 3D SUPG |
-|Brick: 8 node, linear|115| LSpace, LSpaceBB, Brick1HT,  Brick1HMT  |+|Brick: 8 node, linear|115| LSpace, LSpaceBB, Brick1HT, Brick1MT,Brick1HMT  |
 |Brick: 20 nodes, quadratic|116| QSpace, QBrick1ht, QBrick1hmt | |Brick: 20 nodes, quadratic|116| QSpace, QBrick1ht, QBrick1hmt |
 |Tetrahedron: 10 nodes, quadratic|118| |Tetrahedron: 10 nodes, quadratic|118|
Line 45: Line 45:
 ==== Creating control file ==== ==== Creating control file ====
-We need to define information about materials, tractions and boundary conditions. {{|The control file}} looks like +We need to define information about materials, tractions and boundary conditions. {{|The control file exam.ctrl}} looks like 
 <code text> <code text>
 exam.out exam.out
Line 84: Line 84:
 </code> </code>
 +==== Extension for sets ====
 +Boundary conditions and material assignments can be handled via sets. Salome needs to define groups on which those sets will operate.
 +{{|The control file exam-sets.ctrl}} looks like 
 +<code text>
 +This example shows how to convert unv file to OOFEM input file. It will use sets.
 +linearstatic nsteps 1 nmodules 1
 +vtkxml tstep_all domain_all primvars 1 1 vars 2 4 1 stype 1
 +domain 2dplanestress
 +OutputManager tstep_all dofman_all element_all
 +ncrosssect 2 nmat 2 nbc 2 nic 0 nltf 1 nset 4
 +SimpleCS 1 thick 1.0 width 1.0 material 1 set 1
 +SimpleCS 2 thick 1.0 width 1.0 material 2 set 2
 +isole 1 d 0.0 e 15.0 n 0.25 tAlpha 0.0
 +isole 2 d 0.0 e 20.0 n 0.25 tAlpha 0.0
 +BoundaryCondition 1 loadTimeFunction 1 dofs 2 1 2 values 2 0.0 0.0 set 3
 +ConstantEdgeLoad 2 loadTimeFunction 1 dofs 2 1 2 components 2 10.0 0.0 loadType 3 set 4
 +ConstantFunction 1 f(t) 1.0
 +set 1 elements
 +set 2 elements
 +set 3 nodes
 +set 4 elementedges
 +#Comment may be inserted anywhere
 +#Data for extractor, if necessary
 +#%BEGIN_CHECK% tolerance 1.e-8
 +## check reactions
 +#REACTION tStep 1 number 1 dof 1
 +#NODE tStep 1 number 5 dof 1 unknown d
 +group load_edge
 +elemprop set 4
 +group support_nodes
 +nodeprop set 3
 +group material_1
 +elemprop set 1
 +etype[44] PlaneStress2d
 +group material_2
 +elemprop set 2
 +etype[44] PlaneStress2d
 +==== Extension for hanging nodes ====
 +Hanging nodes are nodes located on finite elements. They do not add degrees of freedom but use element interpolation functions instead. For example, reinforcement can be attached to concrete elements using hanging nodes. Any group of nodes in Salome represent hanging nodes when its name starts with "OOFEM-Hanging". OOFEM will automatically find finite elements overlapping with those hanging nodes. This is facilitated through SpatialLocalizerInterface in particular implementation in OOFEM's elements.
 +One way in Salome is creating two independent meshes for concrete and reinforcement. A compound mesh can join both meshes - just be careful not to tick "Merge coincident nodes and elements". Continue with export to unv and process with Reinforcement is normally represented by OOFEM's truss elements. Reinforcement nodes need to be grouped in "OOFEM-Hanging*" group at the end of ctrl file, e.g.
 +<code text>
 +group OOFEM-Hanging-nodes
 +nodeprop dofType 3 2 2 2
 ==== Run the unv2oofem ==== ==== Run the unv2oofem ====
 The unv2oofem convertor creates the OOFEM input file executing a python command: The unv2oofem convertor creates the OOFEM input file executing a python command:
Line 90: Line 147:
 All the files can be {{|downloaded as a ZIP file}}. All the files can be {{|downloaded as a ZIP file}}.
-==== Extension for sets ==== 
-Boundary conditions and material assignments can be handled via sets. Salome needs to define groups on which those sets will operate. 
unv2oofem/unv2oofem.1485966977.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/01 17:36 by smilauer