2 \page page1 Additional information
3 \section Introduction Introduction
4 The idea of OOFEM is to provide a highly modular, easily extensible, high level, and robust environment for anyone wishing to write new FE code.
5 OOFEM has a core library which currently 3 modules that extend the implementations (structural, fluid and heat/mass transfer problems).
7 Here is a list of OOFEMlib highlights:
8 - object oriented architecture
9 - modular and extensible FEM kernel
10 - fully extensible - The kernel is extensible in any "direction". The possibility of
11 adding new element type, new material model with any type and number of internal
12 history parameters, new boundary condition, new numerical algorithm or new
13 analysis module is matter of course.
15 - PETSc bindings for parallel solvers
16 - support for exotic elements, boundary conditions, etc.
17 - independent problem formulation, numerical solution and data storage -
18 The kernel provides the independent abstractions for analysis, general numerical
19 method and data storage (sparse matrices). The component mapping concept
20 allows to formulate problem and numerical method independently and allows to use
21 any suitable numerical method for problem solution without changes. This concept is
22 further enhanced by abstract sparse matrix interface, allowing to formulate
23 numerical method independently on sparse matrix implementation.
24 - full restart support - The kernel supports full restart from any previously saved state.
25 - export functions (VTK format and more)
26 - support for parallel processing (message passing) - General classes for
27 efficient inter domain communication are provided built over the abstract general
28 layer for message passing libraries, which is available on many parallel platforms
29 (massively parallel computers, shared memory systems and workstation clusters).
30 - adaptive analysis support - multiple domain concept, fast spatial localization algorithms
31 based on tree techniques are available.
32 - includes enhanced support for structural analysis, flow problems and heat/mass transfer.
34 \section Distribution Distribution
35 The OOFEM www-page (<A HREF="http://www.oofem.org"> http://oofem.org </A>) is the source of up-to-date information and documentation.