Running the code

The program can be executed by typing
oofem [option [parameter]] ...
on the command line prompt with the following command line options:

-v Prints oofem version.
-f string path to oofem input file name, if not present, program interactively reads this parameter.When invoking the solver in parallel mode, only base name of input file should be specified, the partition name is appended automatically. On the other hand, the partition name is not appended to output file name, as specified in output file record (see section 2.1).
-r int Restarts the analysis from given solution step. The corresponding context file (*.osf) must exist.
-rn Turns on the equation renumbering. Default is off.
-ar int Restarts the adaptive computation from given solution step. Requires the corresponding context file (*.osf) and domain input file (*.din) to exists. The domain input file describes the new mesh, its syntax is identical to syntax of input file, but it does not contains the output file record, job description record and analysis record.
-l int Sets treshold for log messages (Errors=0, Warnings=1, Relevant=2, Info=3, Debug=4).
-qo string Redirect the standard output stream (stdout) to given file.
-qe string Redirect standard error stream (stderr) to given file.
-c Forces the creation of context file for each solution step.

The parallel version uses the MPI (Message Passing Interface) standard for message-passing communication. Thus, to execute OOFEM program for parallel (indicated by the -p flag), users must know the procedure for executing/scheduling MPI jobs on the particular system(s). For instance, when using the MPICH implementation of MPI and many others, the following command initiates a program that uses eight processors:
mpirun -np 8 oofem -p program_options

Borek Patzak