#%BEGIN_CHECK% [tolerance #] #(DOFMAN|NODE) {tStep #} number # dof # unknown [dtfpva] {value #} #ELEMENT {tStep #} number # [irule #] gp # keyword # component # {value #} #BEAM_ELEMENT {tStep #} number # keyword # component # {value #} #REACTION {tStep #} number # dof # {value #} #LOADLEVEL {tStep #} {value #} #%END_CHECK%The #%BEGIN_CHECK % and #%END_CHECK % records are compulsory. The records in ``[ ]'' are optional. The notation (a
The order of records is optional, but extracted values are printed in columns according to their order in input file. The stand-alone # after keyword indicates the int or float value to be substituted, depending on the context. The value of unknown parameter is a single char, determining the physical mode (and type) of extracted value. For example, in structural analysis 'd' stands for displacement, 'v' for velocity, and 'a' for acceleration. Value parameter defines the value to which the extracted one is compared. The meaning of individual records is following:
#(DOFMAN|NODE) {tStep #} number # dof # unknown [dtfpva] {value #}This records allow extraction of arbitrary unknown associated with a Degree of freedom (DOF) in a particular node or dof manager. The number value represent node number, the dof value is the DOF number. The DOF numbering is determined by domain type or by user defined DOF ordering in specific DofManager (see OOFEM Input format specification). The unknown value is represented by single character, which determine the mode of the extracted value. In checker mode, the tStep parameter determines the solution time (float value) and value parameter defines the expected value for given DOF at given time.
#ELEMENT {tStep #} number # [irule #] gp # keyword # component # {value #}Record representing the value associated to an integration point of an element. The number value determines the element number, the gp determines the integration point number of the element. The irule allows to determine the integration rule, if not specified, the ``1'' is substituted by default, which uses the first intergartion rule on element. Generally, there are many values associated with each integration point (for example, strain and stress vectors for structural analysis). Their order depends on problem being solved and constitutive model used. Each value is characterized by its keyword and index, that determines its position in an array associated to this keyword. The keyword parameter is a string, that determines the actual keyword and component parameter determines the position of extracted value in an array of values associated to given keyword.
#BEAM_ELEMENT {tStep #} number # keyword # component # {value #}Records representing the unknown associated to a certain beam element (beam elements formulated without integration points, with exact analytical integration, the unknowns are provided as end forces and and-displacements. Currently Beam2d and Beam3d elements).
#REACTION {tStep #} number # dof # {value #}Represent reaction force associated to certain DOF subjected to Dirichlet boundary condition. The DOF of interest is determined by number of its DofManger using number value and its number, using dof value.
#LOADLEVEL {tStep #} {value #}Represent reached load level in particular solution step.
Borek Patzak 2018-01-02