Adaptive Analysis of  Four-Point Shear Specimen Tested by Arrea and Ingraffea

specimen geometry and loading

[M. Arrea and A.R. Ingraffea: "Mixed-mode crack propagation in mortar and concrete", Department of Structural Engineering Report 81-13, Cornell University, Ithaca, 1981.]

Constitutive Model Nonlocal Isotropic damage
Constitutive Properties E  30.e3,  n 0.18,  e0 0.00011666666667, ef 0.0059953333333, R 5.0, Rankine equiv. strain measure
Error Indicator Damage level
Remeshing criteria Default mesh size (100) for regions with no damage. Inside damaged regions linear interpolation of mesh density, here taken as constant (4).
Mesh Generator t3D (author Daniel Rypl)

Follow this link to see sequence of meshes
The detailed time summary of analysis can be found here.

Fully damaged specimen


Deformed mesh

Detail of deformed mesh


Load - displacement diagram for adaptive analysis (force F/corresponding displacement under force F)


Damage evolution shown on adaptive discretization.


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(c) 2006 Borek Patzak, e-mail:
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