OOFEM 1.6 released
Released adaptive framework. This includes new classes representing general error estimator, remeshing criteria and mesh generator interface. The adaptive linear and nonlinear static analyses are now available (see oofemInput manual for details). True adaptivity with primary and internal variables transfer is supported. The Zienkiewicz-Zhu error estimator and error indicator are provided for linear and nonlinear problems. Actually supported only by selected elements and material models. Adaptivity requires external mesh generator.
Implemented dynamic relaxation to serial/parallel nonlinear explicit dynamic, allowing to solve static tests (with proportional loading). This uses “optimum” load history that minimizes the inertia and damping forces.
Added new FM module (Fluid dynamic)
Added CBS algorithm for incompressible transient flow analysis including the constitutive model for Newtonian fluid, and linear 2d element with equal order velocity and pressure interpolation.
Introduced new keywords in domain components record! This includes ndofman, nelem, nmat, ncrosssect, nbc, nltf to identify number of domain components. See oofemInputManual for details.
Released implementation of MDM model (Anisotropic damage model).
Added exchange of reaction contributions for shared dofs. Works for pnldeidynamic, nlinear and linear statics.
Fixed contex fopen call (added “b” flag) to correctly open binary context file on non posix platforms
Added new IMLPrecondTypes : IML_ILU_CompRowPrec, IML_ILU_CompColPrec. Deleted old one IML_ILUPrec.
Removed plaintextdatareader.* (also from cvs) → replaced by oofemtxtdatareader.*
Removed plaintextinputrecord.* (also form cvs) → replaced by oofemtxtinputrecord.*
Implementation of generalized inputreader and datareader services; input reader is now abstract class declaring only basic services. Fields in particular record are identified by both InputFieldType value and corresponding string value, both are passed as arguments. Particular implementation of inputrecord can use the one or another to determine the requested value, and at the same time, the passed string is used to report possible error(s) in human readable form. String values are used in parsing oofem input files, while InputFieldType values can be used to retrieve values from binary files, databases, etc.
Updated to new petsc-2.3.0.
Updated to mpich-1.2.6
Element Class: all dof managers: nodes, sides, and internal dofs are now stored in single dofManArray, new attribute numberOfDofMans introduced, which replace old numberOfNodes and NumberOfSides. The new method returning numberOfNodes is introduced. The method returning particular node (giveNode, but made virtual) is preserved to allow loop only over nodes. This allows to introduce additional dof managers and dofs at element level (internal nodes, etc.) that are not condensed.
oofeg: the plot of beam quantities (forces/moments/strains) decoupled from stress/strain plot, oofeg accepts the (-l) option allowing to set verbose level, added visualization to libeam3d2 elements (using markers).
UnknownType replaced by EquationType {ET_MomentumEq, ET_ConservationEq}
Added test length of maxa columns in skyline (if set to initial value, there is no stiffness for this equation)
Fixed error in generalized eigen value solver based on subspace iteration
Added new generalized eigen value solver based on inverse iteration algorithm
Added short docs for linear stability
Fixed test for end-of-file while reading raw line in oofemtxtdatareader.C
Added captions in output file allowing to better distinguish dofman, element, and other sections
Added donotfixload flag in nlinearstatic that will not fix load level after metastep termination
Automatic time step control in CBS
CBS equation can now be scaled (dimensionless support)
Removed win32 support